Werewolf Harry Potter Werewolf - Everyone has a role!! - Village Wins

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Yeah, that is a tad excessive.
Could have been much more ! Lol I showed what I can do . All on topic too

I quiet here but still third most active . Remember it weekend since Friday for me and don’t post a lot when not at work

Now let’s find the evil snake and kill him

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Good morning friends of Hogwarts and Evil Ones. Wands refreshed and ready? (That comes out suss doesn't it😂)

Nagini must be tracked down.
MP...friend or foe? It seems Albus only detected a 'friend of Hogwarts' yesterday, but we know that the Ministry have accomplished wizards who can fool the pensieve. Jury is out.

The quiet ones....hiding for the good of Hogwarts, or nefarious motives?

Who is that dastardly little traitor Draco?
Do we look for a friend of Voldy? Who might that be?
We await the daily death notices and hope that victory is not far away for ROH's.
black and white insanity GIF

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Did the deadline happen last ngiht or was this MC Bad Genius 'd ?

Remus Lupin was certain he knew the reason for the kerfuffle at the lynching ceremony! So he transformed and followed the clues.

harry potter films GIF

His thoughts were confirmed, he found the Deatheaters preparing for their attack on the castle and was able to clearly identify one of them, the same one that escaped their clutches just minutes earlier.

por_please_ya is Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter Laughing GIF
Good morning friends of Hogwarts and Evil Ones. Wands refreshed and ready? (That comes out suss doesn't it😂)

Nagini must be tracked down.
MP...friend or foe? It seems Albus only detected a 'friend of Hogwarts' yesterday, but we know that the Ministry have accomplished wizards who can fool the pensieve. Jury is out.

The quiet ones....hiding for the good of Hogwarts, or nefarious motives?

Who is that dastardly little traitor Draco?
Do we look for a friend of Voldy? Who might that be?
We await the daily death notices and hope that victory is not far away for ROH's.

A must, exactly, considering Tommy-boy can't be killed unless Nagini is still in play.
Did the deadline happen last ngiht or was this MC Bad Genius 'd ?

And this
Hogwarts GIF

The Residents of Hogwarts gathered in the great hall, they wanted revenge for a night of carnage that had occurred the night before! The residents were sure that they had identified the evil that had infiltrated their sacred grounds and had taken their friends and family from them.

por_please_ya was lead to the front of the room, it was time to pay for these crimes and the residents were certain they had their target.

As the Order of the Phoenix stepped forward to hand out their punishments, they provided porps with one last chance to convince the residents, "show us why you are innocent" they bellowed.

Porps stood tall, looked out into the crowd and smiled...

With a wink, Porps disapparated into thin air leaving the residents stunned! How could this have happened!!

The fury in the room did not subside, but out of nowhere, they heard a voice from outside... "I've got one" the voice screamed as the doors kicked open and Cadsky was led to the front of the room, the Residents of Hogwarts needed revenge and after porps had disappeared, Cadsky was the next best thing.

In a last bid attempt to save himself, Fenrir Greyback converted into his werewolf form to fight back, but he was no match for the wizards and witches of Hogwarts.

This time, there was no waiting around for questions, the Order of the Phoenix took out their wands and dished out their punishments to the one they knew was the cause of some of this war.

The residents had struck back!

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Cadsky (Fenrir Greyback) - Lynched by Village.

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Werewolf Harry Potter Werewolf - Everyone has a role!! - Village Wins

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