Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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I've got a few stories that probably aren't 'haunted house' stories, but are close enough to not deserve their own threads. I've always been a bit of a sceptic on the whole psychic/ghost front, and I've never really had anything happen to be to change that train of thought, but a few things have spooked me/made me rethink.

1. When my grandfather died in '05, our family had the unfortunate task of selecting a photo to display on his casket at the funeral, we came across one taken a few months before, but it had what appeared to be an apparition of a dog hovering above his left shoulder. The dog, my mother says, looks exactly like a family dog they had as a child. The more spiritual members of the family lost their shit a bit over this, and as the sceptic, it took me a while to come up with the theory that it was an intricate series of shadows on the wall behind. But I'll admit, it looks exactly like a dog. I'll see if I can find the picture, upload it and share it (but I don't think it will be until tomorrow at least - sorry to leave GD hanging!)

2. The night of my grandfather's death (same one - '05), I had a few very vivid, and pretty strange, dreams. The first was of the ghost of my grandfather floating up through the floor, and I interviewed him like a newspaper journalist about his life and death etc. I don't remember much of the dream (obviously, 5+ years ago), but I remember asking "What's death like?" and getting the response, "It's like being born, except backwards." The dream somehow ended with my grandfather walking into the sunset as the sun set (talk about your corny cliches). Not long after I was woken to be told he had passed away. Again, when I told my family about those dreams, a few lost their marbles, as it was a "sign" etc. I don't really think it was, it was on my mind as I went to sleep, so it makes sense that that's what I'd dream of, but the "like being born, but backwards" thing is something I've carried a bit from there, because it gives the whole dying thing a sense of comfort, sort of.

Doesn't hold a candle to some of the others in this thread, but I figured I may as well share my semi-supernatural stories, seeing as I can't sleep, due to Grizzly's stories!
be awesome if you get the picture up bro, kudos :)

I hope you dont take this the wrong way but what do you think the chances are if the time your grandfather passed that he actually entered your dream just after his death, that would be very interesting...
A story from our family house in Somerton Park, Adelaide, a really old house that was in great knick, been repainted and was a really nice house though old.

The lounge room at the front of the house used to freak every single one of our family out. Though we never discussed it with each other until years after we had moved houses. The atmosphere in that room was heavy, scary and downright unnerving. It was odd, even when playing in the front yard of the house it always felt like you were being watched from the lounge room window. Growing up in that house was interesting to say the least.

I was woken many times in the night by thuds, thumps, doors on the hallway cabinents creaking open. But two experiences stand out for me, one time in the middle of the night I heard an extremely odd noise coming from the laundry toilet (we had a toilet room joining the laundry). The light in the toilet was on, door wide open. Every few seconds, a loud noise which could only be described as "BRRRRRRRRRRRR" kept repeating and repeating, it almost sounded like projectile vomitting. I thought it could have been my father who was still feeling the ill effects of a heart attack. So I approached the toilet to find it empty, with nothing to show for it besides tiny blood red specs on the walls similar to blood spatters. (Those spots remained there until we moved). Was so odd, I didn't know whether to go to my mum and dads room or go back to bed. I ended up flying back to bed with a thousand unanswered questions.

The next experience was at the front of the house adjacent to the lounge room, there was a small alcove sort of area which you could use for various things like potted plants. Regardless, at about 3pm during the day I was walking to the front door to answer the door which was being knocked on, passing the alcove I felt a feeling of dread and 'being watched' come over me, i turned around and didn't see anything odd but the feeling remained. Then a harsh cool breeze came over me and I answered door, and no one was there. I checked the front yard and also nothing. (There is no way someone could leave so quickly, as we had large iron gates which slam shut and were also a pain to get open).

The front of that house seriously scares the shit out of me.

Just to add some spice to the story, when we sold the house and moved out. We heard some time later that the new owners of the house actually brought in a priest to exorcise the house! Seems it wasn't just us who felt that way!
be awesome if you get the picture up bro, kudos :)

I hope you dont take this the wrong way but what do you think the chances are if the time your grandfather passed that he actually entered your dream just after his death, that would be very interesting...
Hard to call, because of the whole 'no gauge on time whilst sleeping' thing, but I don't think it would've been after he passed. Perhaps within the hour before?

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I've just recalled some other ones too. My father died when I was 10, and my older sisters were anything from 13-17. Regardless, my eldest sister is probably the one we would call a 'believer', and she was getting married in a few days time. There was a big build up etc etc. Anyway, we were all sitting in the family room with a coffee table with a large centrepiece candle holder with dangling glass diamond shape things. We were all sitting there chatting away, and wondering how Dad would feel about the marriage. Then suddenly, in a perfect clockwise fashion, all of the hanging diamonds swayed as if someone was running their fingers across them all one by one. We all freaked out, as all doors were closed and there was no airconditioning as it was winter. She thought it was a sign that Dad was with us for this special time in my elder sisters life.

Oddly enough, alot of really weird stuff happened that week leading up to the wedding. Another one of my sisters was in her house looking for a massager, she couldnt find it for the life of her. Shes throwing bits and pieces everywhere, opening cupboards trying to find the damn thing. Then suddenly, from behind she hears a thud. Turns around, and on her (lol, i know) ab-rocker pro, was the massager. The ab-rocker was swinging back and forth as if it was being used. She freaked out and said "STOP IT DAD!" and everything stopped.

Also, I had the task of giving away my eldest sister to the groom being the eldest and only son of my father. As we were all standing up the front having the stuff read out by the priest etc, my sisters all started complaining that someone was tugging at their dresses. I didn't feel anything or see anything odd, but they were getting really disconcerted, every one of them was complaining of tugging on their dresses by an unseen force.

I'm a huge skeptic, but some of the stuff thats happened just makes me think that my Dad is never far away.
Blissid thats some creepy stuff, yet cool.

Hard to call, because of the whole 'no gauge on time whilst sleeping' thing, but I don't think it would've been after he passed. Perhaps within the hour before?

maybe, maybe he was saying his final goodbyes :)

but i always believe loved ones are watching over us, like when im in bed sometimes i see the light bulb go white in a pitch black room, i dont know why tho but it lights a up a little bit, i like to think its my uncle tho.

edit: freakin out here hearin noise and im getting shivers. and no im not high/
John Forrest National park.

Went there as a kid.

Scary as hell.

Years ago some of my mates lived near that park. We sometimes used to go to these couple of big rocks on the hill near the tunnel to get drunk/high which one of my friends called Spinee Rock.
One night me and 3 other guys were there smoking weed and talking shit when out of nowhere one mate saw this dude sitting on the rock next to us. No one saw or heard anything before he sat there.
He had his back turned and when we asked him who he was he would'nt answer. A mate asked him if he wanted a cone and he stood up and started yelling something (sounded like Italian) and pointing towards the ridge nearby. I got this awful chill when he spoke. He was wearing a singlet and pants and was barefoot. I could'nt make out his face but he had short curly hair and seemed to be young.
He then jumped off the rock and started walking towards the tunnel. I remember we were all silent listening to the sound of his footsteps walking over dry twigs and leaves. He then turned around and then yelled at us again and then walked back up the hill away from us. We could make out his shadow then he walked behind this tree and then vanished but we could still hear his footsteps as he kept on walking away. A few minutes later we then heard this loud yell from the ridge the other side of the tunnel.
At the time we wer'nt sure if it was a real person or a ghost but the whole experirence seemed chilling. Surprisingly we did'nt hang around to long.
I know we were all high but all four of us saw and heard the same thing and it was bizzare that he seemed to appear out of the blue. We've told the story to other people in the past who thought we were full of shit but we all know what we saw.
Years ago some of my mates lived near that park. We sometimes used to go to these couple of big rocks on the hill near the tunnel to get drunk/high which one of my friends called Spinee Rock.
One night me and 3 other guys were there smoking weed and talking shit when out of nowhere one mate saw this dude sitting on the rock next to us. No one saw or heard anything before he sat there.
He had his back turned and when we asked him who he was he would'nt answer. A mate asked him if he wanted a cone and he stood up and started yelling something (sounded like Italian) and pointing towards the ridge nearby. I got this awful chill when he spoke. He was wearing a singlet and pants and was barefoot. I could'nt make out his face but he had short curly hair and seemed to be young.
He then jumped off the rock and started walking towards the tunnel. I remember we were all silent listening to the sound of his footsteps walking over dry twigs and leaves. He then turned around and then yelled at us again and then walked back up the hill away from us. We could make out his shadow then he walked behind this tree and then vanished but we could still hear his footsteps as he kept on walking away. A few minutes later we then heard this loud yell from the ridge the other side of the tunnel.
At the time we wer'nt sure if it was a real person or a ghost but the whole experirence seemed chilling. Surprisingly we did'nt hang around to long.
I know we were all high but all four of us saw and heard the same thing and it was bizzare that he seemed to appear out of the blue. We've told the story to other people in the past who thought we were full of shit but we all know what we saw.

sounds pretty freaky.
I lived in a fairly standard 30 year old house from when i was 9, to just recently.

Now one night i woke up to see a green glow and a ghostly apparition pacing back and forth and the end of my bed. I was about 10 at the time and i was scared shitless so i buried my head in my pillow and tried to get back to sleep.

The next morning i woke up and found a note i had received class yesterday (i was new in class so people were being nice to me) that read 'dont worry, im nice'. Now what really freaked me out is that this note was in my bag when i got home the previous day, and somehow overnight it managed to migrate smack bang onto the middle of my desk.

The funny thing is, for the next 8 years i never noticed any more strange goings on, but whenever anyone else or my parents would stay in that room they would tell me its haunted because the door would keep opening and they would hear strange things.

For example, we have just moved house and my mother was cleaning the carpet in my room (i was not present) when the window curtains pulled shut, no wind no nothing.

She has refused to enter that room since.
So I told you about the significant supernatural event last night. That was the one that seemed to set things in motion, both new events and my mother telling me about stuff that happened over the years.

But first, I'll fast forward 7 years from the incident I posted about earlier. My (finally) divorced parents had long since sold the family home. My brother was living overseas, I was studying at Uni and working in a bottleshop to keep my social life afloat. And my beloved grandmother was close to death in a nursing home just around the corner from where we all used to live.

We all came together one night with my grandmother on her death bed. My brother had flown in from the UK. I got a call just as I was closing the shop, "better come over, your gran won't last the night". So I jumped in a cab (probably nursing a few travellers) and headed off from Caulfield to Canterbury.

The driver was a bloke in his early thirties. Quite friendly and we soon got chatting. I told him about my gran dying and, in the process, the conversation somehow got onto where I used to live. He was quite interested because he said he worked as a part-time gardener at a school in Canterbury.

"That's funny," I said, "my old family home was opposite a school and it was eventually sold to the school."

A small astonished smile appeared on his face and he quietly said, "the haunted house".

It was an amazing moment. The odds of it happening, on that night in particular, must have been astronomical. That was freaky enough and then he told me about the house and the troubled couple of years the school had when they bought it.

"So they found out about that did they?" I replied.

"Sure did. Almost right away. That home was creepy. They bought it for the preps because they wanted a more informal, relaxing type of environment. How wrong they where."

I was freakin' transfixed and urged him to continue, "go on, what happened?"

"Well, they tried to make the attics into teacher's offices and the like. The workmen would hear things being flung around upstairs, including timber and tools. There was never anyone upstairs when it happened, but would often greet them in the morning. One of the blokes swore he saw a woman watching him work in the front room. Stuff like that. Weird noises, a feeling of cold etc. Everyone was talking about it.

"When finally finished the renovations to accommodate the kids and erected the board out the front, the builders were looking at the house, and this is where it gets it really creepy," I distinctly remembering him pausing here, "I think one of the senior teachers was with these couple of builders. Anyway, one of the builders turns to the teacher and says something like be careful in there.

"With that, the light in the front attic turns on and they can clearly see a shadowy figure behind the drawn blind. They all looked on astonished as the figure moves away, everyone knew the house was empty, and one of the builders just says 'good luck' turns and goes."

I was shell shocked. I'd actually seen the figure he was talking about, in that very room too.

"Anyway," the guy continued, "they opened up the prep school and it was a disaster. The kids were terrified, one teacher refused to work in there after hearing furniture being dragged around, random stuff like that happened all the time. But mostly it was just a really bad feeling. I used to do the gardening there and I couldn't stand it.

"By mid year they'd moved all the kids back into the main campus across the road and put the house back onto the market."

And with that he pulled into the nursing home, where I sat next to my gran and watched her die. It was around 5am I think. Later that morning I told my brother about the cab ride and the story. He was aghast. We went around and looked at the old house that morning and, sure enough, there was clear evidence a new family had moved in. And that window, where the builders had seen the figure, as I had years before, looked out onto the street but a large air conditioning obscured much of the surface area.

It was a very strange and sad night where a haunting, a death and our family history all collided. I still get the shivers to write about it today. Just now the fridge turned over and I just about jumped out of my chair.

For part 3 I'm going to go back and tell you about a bunch of random weird events, including the shadowy figure, that occurred after the initial haunting and the cab ride I just wrote about. Stay tuned it will be fun.

The usual disclaimer about spelling and lucidity applies as I have no desire to go back and read what I've read.

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Love these stories, 5 stars grizz :thumbsu: I haven't experienced anything like this but I want to as crazy as it sounds.

Although recently something interesting happened. Our dog got ran over about a year or so ago and died. A few weeks ago my mum was telling me how our old dog popped into her head and she was pretty sad about it. Anyway a few days later she had to have a photo for work.

After reviewing the picture he'd taken he noticed a little white cloud that looked like a dogs face (possibly just my mum, just trolld my mum lulz) at my mums feet which he swears he'd never seen before. My mum asked for him to email the picture to her. So she tells me and I'm sceptical as I am with these types of things but I eventually take a look and the white cloud looks exactly like my old dog's face. I sort of shrugged it off but I've been thinking about it.
A story from our family house in Somerton Park, Adelaide, a really old house that was in great knick, been repainted and was a really nice house though old.

The lounge room at the front of the house used to freak every single one of our family out. Though we never discussed it with each other until years after we had moved houses. The atmosphere in that room was heavy, scary and downright unnerving. It was odd, even when playing in the front yard of the house it always felt like you were being watched from the lounge room window. Growing up in that house was interesting to say the least.

I was woken many times in the night by thuds, thumps, doors on the hallway cabinents creaking open. But two experiences stand out for me, one time in the middle of the night I heard an extremely odd noise coming from the laundry toilet (we had a toilet room joining the laundry). The light in the toilet was on, door wide open. Every few seconds, a loud noise which could only be described as "BRRRRRRRRRRRR" kept repeating and repeating, it almost sounded like projectile vomitting. I thought it could have been my father who was still feeling the ill effects of a heart attack. So I approached the toilet to find it empty, with nothing to show for it besides tiny blood red specs on the walls similar to blood spatters. (Those spots remained there until we moved). Was so odd, I didn't know whether to go to my mum and dads room or go back to bed. I ended up flying back to bed with a thousand unanswered questions.

The next experience was at the front of the house adjacent to the lounge room, there was a small alcove sort of area which you could use for various things like potted plants. Regardless, at about 3pm during the day I was walking to the front door to answer the door which was being knocked on, passing the alcove I felt a feeling of dread and 'being watched' come over me, i turned around and didn't see anything odd but the feeling remained. Then a harsh cool breeze came over me and I answered door, and no one was there. I checked the front yard and also nothing. (There is no way someone could leave so quickly, as we had large iron gates which slam shut and were also a pain to get open).

The front of that house seriously scares the shit out of me.

Just to add some spice to the story, when we sold the house and moved out. We heard some time later that the new owners of the house actually brought in a priest to exorcise the house! Seems it wasn't just us who felt that way!

LOL you idiot, was clearly this ;

Should have C4'd the attic Grizz.

Why are there no good stories about attics? Don't build that shit, man.

It's not all attics, man. But yes, this particular attic wasn't great. I've got stories about another room for tonight.
Me and my Father were of to yarrawonga where one of his best mates owns a very nice holiday house down there so we were going there for the night for some drinks and a laugh.

So it was a long drive and we got talking about the place now my Father doesnt really talk rubbish and when i asked about this place he said its haunted i just laughed and said ok and we left it at that i dont think he wanted to get into it because it was our accomadation for the night.

We dropped our stuff off and it just didnt feel right it was a beautiful home just very dark and strange but i just tried to forget about it.

Now were were walking back with some friends that lived near by after a full day of drinks and were close to the place we were staying i found it a bit weird that the guy who owns the place we were drinking with all day already organised a motel to stay at so we got out the front of this place and my father turns to his mate and says can we stay at yours this is strange from a bloke that shows no emotion what so ever.

His mate was very happy to let us stay at his home because as he put it he didnt want us to have to go through that.

Over breakfast i ended up speaking to the owner and my father about the house and what was the go with it all.

Some of the stories were shocking heavy frames on walls being knocked off lights flickering on and off in the middle of the night his wife waking up in the middle the night being felt like she was being strangled with the sheets front door a few times would be wide open in the morning this is after being locked they had people go through it to try to fix it one lady wouldnt walk in the house just some really evil shit in that house and you could feel it because it took 2 years to sell this was a nice place aswell.

Still to this day after hearing all the stories off different people and family members of the house i am very thankful i never slept in that house but also wonder what would of happend and how would it have effected me that shit can really mess people up.

Nothing on Grizz's story but thought i would share that with you all
Remember waking up in the middle of the night a few years ago, to a bright light in my face, to discover that my computer had turned on by itself (never happened before), and as I got out of bed I found my desk chair was right up beside my bed (would have required me getting in bed, then leaning forward to bring it over), throw in the fact that my dog was skitzing it ouside my bedroom window definitely made it a freaky occurance at the time. But because nothing has happened since, I'll put it down to a series of coincidences.

I'm not a firm believer of ghosts, but believe in the possibility. Until I actually see something with my own two eyes, I'm always going to have that level of skepticism.
Remember waking up in the middle of the night a few years ago, to a bright light in my face, to discover that my computer had turned on by itself (never happened before), and as I got out of bed I found my desk chair was right up beside my bed (would have required me getting in bed, then leaning forward to bring it over), throw in the fact that my dog was skitzing it ouside my bedroom window definitely made it a freaky occurance at the time. But because nothing has happened since, I'll put it down to a series of coincidences.

I'm not a firm believer of ghosts, but believe in the possibility. Until I actually see something with my own two eyes, I'm always going to have that level of skepticism.

Freaky as! I have woken up numerous times during the night when my GPS has turned on by itself. I don't believe there is anything suspect about this, seeing as though it's happened quite a few times, but it freaked me out the first time this happened.

One story that springs to my mind is an incident that occured many years ago when I was about 10, when I woke up during the night, as if awoken by something. I rolled over and looked to the bedside table to see the red light emanating from the time on my clock radio reflecting off something, as if someone was standing right next to my bed... less than 10 cms away from the side of my bed! From what I can remember the reflected light took the shape of small gates, as if they were "the pearly gates" or the "gates of hell". :eek:

I remember I froze and hid under the covers freaking out bad, and after some time I drummed up enough courage to reach alonside this reflection and quickly turn on my lamp - also on the beside table. I sat up and looked around for a good half hour totally freaking. But the worst part was when I convinced myself it was all in my head and turned off the light again the red light was no longer being reflected off anything. Still makes my hair stand on end retelling this after all these years. :thumbsdown:

I've also awoken a couple of times with what looked like a face moving towards me in the dark until it was only a few cms from my own face, but which soon disappear when my eyes adjust and I regain my senses. I'm sure there is some clinical name for this, and it's purely psychological. Still quite scary!
Freaky as! I have woken up numerous times during the night when my GPS has turned on by itself. I don't believe there is anything suspect about this, seeing as though it's happened quite a few times, but it freaked me out the first time this happened.

One story that springs to my mind is an incident that occured many years ago when I was about 10, when I woke up during the night, as if awoken by something. I rolled over and looked to the bedside table to see the red light emanating from the time on my clock radio reflecting off something, as if someone was standing right next to my bed... less than 10 cms away from the side of my bed! From what I can remember the reflected light took the shape of small gates, as if they were "the pearly gates" or the "gates of hell". :eek:

I remember I froze and hid under the covers freaking out bad, and after some time I drummed up enough courage to reach alonside this reflection and quickly turn on my lamp - also on the beside table. I sat up and looked around for a good half hour totally freaking. But the worst part was when I convinced myself it was all in my head and turned off the light again the red light was no longer being reflected off anything. Still makes my hair stand on end retelling this after all these years. :thumbsdown:

I've also awoken a couple of times with what looked like a face moving towards me in the dark until it was only a few cms from my own face, but which soon disappear when my eyes adjust and I regain my senses. I'm sure there is some clinical name for this, and it's purely psychological. Still quite scary!
I've had that last bit too. In the few seconds between being asleep and fully conscious, it was best described as a dream fadeout. Just so happens I was dreaming about gigantic spiders. Wasn't the greatest.
Mum was telling me the other day, she got to work and a woman was crying, because of some dream she had. There was just this bright light and in the dream she said "i know your there Dad, i just cant see you" to which her dad said "Do not worry, i'll be watching over you" (Was something along those lines anyway). Both her parents were alive at the time, living in England. Her Dad died the next day.

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Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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