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Ok I need to start posting more here.

I had a really good session this afternoon.

3 x 10 x 15 on 15 off

I surprisingly hit my distance every single rep bar 1 which was 60m but garmin doesn’t specify lol but very happy
Will Ashcroft makes a bloody good strength program, upper body day and it was extremely challenging but fun. Decided to sign up cause it’s only $15 a month.

I also did a under 150bpm run this morning 😅😅😅
you put the foot down in the last km, nice
I was planning to pace this run at 6:00-7:00/km running with people makes me want to run faster 😅

I felt really good throughout there’s just one part of the loop where there’s a few inclines grrrr
Puffing Billy Race in the Dandenongs this morning, tough, hilly course, but a lot of fun, could hear the train whistle behind the whole time, I was ahead at all the crossings, but it was in sight at the last one and caught me right near the end!
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Looks like a lot of fun though. No doubt you'll smash it next time.

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Puffing Billy Race in the Dandenongs this morning, tough, hilly course, but a lot of fun, could hear the train whistle behind the whole time, I was ahead at all the crossings, but it was in sight at the last one and caught me right near the end!
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That’s good work mate with 230m of vert, congrats and commiserations for not quite beating the 🚂
Great fun, shaking a fist at the train driver as it was overtaking, bloke running next to me giving him the finger (and laughing!) Train is a bloody cheat though, the train track has far less ups and downs than the route we ran on! 🤣
Haha. I did it too. Didn't beat the train this year either as I am not too fit at the moment. It is fun. The train whistle echoes through the hills so it sounds like it is just behind you even when it isn't. Then you have to bolt for the crossings before they close when the train passes.
You shouldn't really measure how you went by whether you beat the train, though. Some years the driver gets a bit excited and goes much faster than others. A few years ago (ok, more than a few) the train finished in 51 minutes. Not many people beat that. Some years it's closer to 60.
Haha. I did it too. Didn't beat the train this year either as I am not too fit at the moment. It is fun. The train whistle echoes through the hills so it sounds like it is just behind you even when it isn't. Then you have to bolt for the crossings before they close when the train passes.
You shouldn't really measure how you went by whether you beat the train, though. Some years the driver gets a bit excited and goes much faster than others. A few years ago (ok, more than a few) the train finished in 51 minutes. Not many people beat that. Some years it's closer to 60.
Yeah, it's a lot of fun, hard to pace as you say, not knowing how fast the train is going to go that year! I did it a two years in a row about a decade ago, the second time I beat the train with a slower time than I ran the year before when the train beat me!
Getting rid of 5km training and doing HIIT sprinting this off-season since it's closer to playing footy anyway and probably fits my strength training I'm doing better anyway.

Just started going to the oval and warming up with an 800m jog, sprinting 200m then walking 200m x6 and then a 800m cooldown. So it's 4km that I do in about 25m with 1.2km of sprinting.

Getting used to this at first but I'm already a little unsure about how I'm going to keep myself engaged by ratcheting this up. I could focus on doing it in less time but I don't find the idea that engaging. Should I be adding more sprints like doing 200m x 8? Not quite sure what the next step will be and I'd like to decide on that so I can look forward to changing it up. Anyone have any ideas?
Getting rid of 5km training and doing HIIT sprinting this off-season since it's closer to playing footy anyway and probably fits my strength training I'm doing better anyway.

Just started going to the oval and warming up with an 800m jog, sprinting 200m then walking 200m x6 and then a 800m cooldown. So it's 4km that I do in about 25m with 1.2km of sprinting.

Getting used to this at first but I'm already a little unsure about how I'm going to keep myself engaged by ratcheting this up. I could focus on doing it in less time but I don't find the idea that engaging. Should I be adding more sprints like doing 200m x 8? Not quite sure what the next step will be and I'd like to decide on that so I can look forward to changing it up. Anyone have any ideas?
You could vary it a bit with 100m and 400m variations, starting by keeping the distance the same, so 12x100m sprint/walk and 3x400m sprint/walk (400m would be hard to be all out sprint though!) and then try adding reps to those three workouts, might be more engaging with a bit of distance variety? Could even work in a few 800m/1km reps if that worked too.
You could vary it a bit with 100m and 400m variations, starting by keeping the distance the same, so 12x100m sprint/walk and 3x400m sprint/walk (400m would be hard to be all out sprint though!) and then try adding reps to those three workouts, might be more engaging with a bit of distance variety? Could even work in a few 800m/1km reps if that worked too.
That's a great idea. Can do it straight away to and vary it like my gym workouts. Cheers mate.
Getting rid of 5km training and doing HIIT sprinting this off-season since it's closer to playing footy anyway and probably fits my strength training I'm doing better anyway.

Just started going to the oval and warming up with an 800m jog, sprinting 200m then walking 200m x6 and then a 800m cooldown. So it's 4km that I do in about 25m with 1.2km of sprinting.

Getting used to this at first but I'm already a little unsure about how I'm going to keep myself engaged by ratcheting this up. I could focus on doing it in less time but I don't find the idea that engaging. Should I be adding more sprints like doing 200m x 8? Not quite sure what the next step will be and I'd like to decide on that so I can look forward to changing it up. Anyone have any ideas?
Not sprinting but try a Mona fartlek mate. I found them super helpful and by the time you get to your 15s intervals you're sprinting anyways
Not sprinting but try a Mona fartlek mate. I found them super helpful and by the time you get to your 15s intervals you're sprinting anyways
Where is the vomit react lol
Getting rid of 5km training and doing HIIT sprinting this off-season since it's closer to playing footy anyway and probably fits my strength training I'm doing better anyway.

Just started going to the oval and warming up with an 800m jog, sprinting 200m then walking 200m x6 and then a 800m cooldown. So it's 4km that I do in about 25m with 1.2km of sprinting.

Getting used to this at first but I'm already a little unsure about how I'm going to keep myself engaged by ratcheting this up. I could focus on doing it in less time but I don't find the idea that engaging. Should I be adding more sprints like doing 200m x 8? Not quite sure what the next step will be and I'd like to decide on that so I can look forward to changing it up. Anyone have any ideas?
Start jogging between the sprints instead of walking and after a while start doing 400s too.

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