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We know one thing Bloodhound Elmore will do alot better with little mummies boy's like you supporting them you sound like an absolute soft c o c k

Well done rooboy you got it in one i am a mummies boy and an absolute soft c o c k..............so that was you in the broadford toilets that day!!!

I am wondering though how asking someone to have a vague idea of what they are talking about makes me a mummies boy i just thought it didnt make me dim witted, uneducated neanderthal like yourself and the other two little gimps that backed you up.

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bloodhound, i've been in bendigo for a couple of years now watching and playing in the hdfl, and after playing elmore just once you realise how arrogant and confident you c o c k heads are, go suck bluey's ********, you wan ker :thumbsu: :thumbsu:

Da finga hey??? is that because you got caught thumbing your arse in the shower??

All top teams play with a level of confidence and self belief they do that because they are top teams Mounts do it, Colbo did it, Lockington do it as well No we didnt win the flag but we did finish the home and away on top of the ladder which i think entitles you to be confident dont you.
Or do you just want to mouth off some more

I dont want to suck bluey off............. I dont like red heads!!

Where do you play little fella?
I havnt been on since monday and I come on and have to read a whole lot of crap and Elmore beating, this thread is becoming like the Bendigo thread, 4 or 5 people talking s h i t that people dont want to read, keep this thread half decent and start talking about player movements and coaches etc.

Well said Nesko.
Do you know the Byrnes situation has he left locky and heading down my way or is that just rumour?

Not a shock to see clubs chasing Webby he was great for mounts in all the finals (despite his send off)
He would be a big loss for mounts.

Any word on Huntly/ North Bendigo/ Whitehills/?? They dont seem to get much of a look in amongst all the elmore bashing!
Well done rooboy you got it in one i am a mummies boy and an absolute soft c o c k..............so that was you in the broadford toilets that day!!!.

Pretty sure it was said during the season the RooBoy was involved with the Mountain Men, said he played in there 2's flag back in about 96 era from memory
Pretty sure it was said during the season the RooBoy was involved with the Mountain Men, said he played in there 2's flag back in about 96 era from memory

My sincerest apologies doona and to all the other broadford people on the thread. Makes sense tho everyone on this thread from broadford actually contributes something other than insults. and everyone on this thread from mounts apart from oldmanemu just mouths off.
I dont think they have toilets at the mounts ground do they??

I just had a look at the gv thread doona and they are saying you are talking to a guy wanting $400 a game after being a 2's player at his current club. Any truth or just rumour?
How are you finding the early part of your newest coaching stint?
Well said Nesko.
Do you know the Byrnes situation has he left locky and heading down my way or is that just rumour?

Not a shock to see clubs chasing Webby he was great for mounts in all the finals (despite his send off)
He would be a big loss for mounts.

Any word on Huntly/ North Bendigo/ Whitehills/?? They dont seem to get much of a look in amongst all the elmore bashing!

Dunno Hound, the rumours about Roo and Sammy Newth are highly doubtful (have any of you seen Newths handlebars? Chopper Reid eat ya heart out!). I couldn't tell you anything as I dont know anything myself, havnt been out to Locky for a while.

As for Elmore signing these ruckman or talking to them (1 from EDFL, 1 BFL) are there any hard facts on these signings, talking to the EFC president and he said he didnt know anything about the club talking to these blokes.
I just had a look at the gv thread doona and they are saying you are talking to a guy wanting $400 a game after being a 2's player at his current club. Any truth or just rumour?
How are you finding the early part of your newest coaching stint?

My spies are closing in on this gta3 character, I believe he has ties to the GV Lions. Lachy Watts would be more than welcome - his dad was a much respected premiership player at Broady in the 70's so he does have ties to the club.

The $400 was never mentioned, and the conversation was quite casual after cricket more along the lines of inquiring what his club (Seymour) were up to and if he can crack a regular senior game in 2007.

We have committed to the locals, providing by Xmas they've committed to us
what about Gerard 'gerbil' Liddell? his on and off relationship with a broady lass sure gets you a look in for a recruit there doona!!!!
My info suggests another HDFL club is chasing his oldest brother very hard. He was even in bendigo on the weekend for a bucks doo, and managed to meet a few players from this particular club.....

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what about Gerard 'gerbil' Liddell? his on and off relationship with a broady lass sure gets you a look in for a recruit there doona!!!!
My info suggests another HDFL club is chasing his oldest brother very hard. He was even in bendigo on the weekend for a bucks doo, and managed to meet a few players from this particular club.....

Would love little Gez in my side but I doubt he'd go back to minor league footy just yet. Reading between the lines Colbo are chasing Damo then?
Would love little Gez in my side but I doubt he'd go back to minor league footy just yet. Reading between the lines Colbo are chasing Damo then?
hey champ congrats on ur appointment as new broadford coach, hope you can take the club forward in 2007. just curious as to wether or not u will retain dunne, angwin, fletcher for next year. cheers
My spies are closing in on this gta3 character, I believe he has ties to the GV Lions. Lachy Watts would be more than welcome - his dad was a much respected premiership player at Broady in the 70's so he does have ties to the club.

The $400 was never mentioned, and the conversation was quite casual after cricket more along the lines of inquiring what his club (Seymour) were up to and if he can crack a regular senior game in 2007.

We have committed to the locals, providing by Xmas they've committed to us

Just goes to show you cant always believe what you read!!:p
Sounds like a good plan though doona no doubting that one of the best ways to rebuild a club is from the ground up and that means local players providing they are available and still playing.
So you have given them till xmas to commit then you will look outside the postcode?
Dunno Hound, the rumours about Roo and Sammy Newth are highly doubtful (have any of you seen Newths handlebars? Chopper Reid eat ya heart out!). I couldn't tell you anything as I dont know anything myself, havnt been out to Locky for a while.

As for Elmore signing these ruckman or talking to them (1 from EDFL, 1 BFL) are there any hard facts on these signings, talking to the EFC president and he said he didnt know anything about the club talking to these blokes.

Thats the reason i havn't commented on any of it really nesko because unil someone from the club (who is in the know) tells me then i reckon its all just speculation. Just like Big Ton said in his one and only post (not sure if that was bluey or not yet but i think he would be smarter than to use his name!)
The only definites at this stage are a couple of young local lads who will be having a crack at playing seniors the rest is just rumour apart from Cam Cail and maybe a couple of mates of a couple of the current players.
Thats the reason i havn't commented on any of it really nesko because unil someone from the club (who is in the know) tells me then i reckon its all just speculation. Just like Big Ton said in his one and only post (not sure if that was bluey or not yet but i think he would be smarter than to use his name!)
The only definites at this stage are a couple of young local lads who will be having a crack at playing seniors the rest is just rumour apart from Cam Cail and maybe a couple of mates of a couple of the current players.

I think there are a few people on here just trying to stir the pot, which is a good and bad thing but there are still a few names I havnt heard mentioned, which I wont mention any time soon untill I know 4 sure. So what do people think clubs will be hunting for?

Elmore- Ruckman, key backman
Mounts- Hey forward, midfielder (some1 to replace Grints)
LBU- Speedy mids, 1 or 2 KP defenders
Colbo- Key forward, defender
Well i am finally on after a few months of battling the big footy technical division.

Elmore, Bloodhound i am sure the footy public dont dislike Elmore but they are just trying to work out what the hell happens out there. Bi money, No flags does mean no sucess as thats what players and clubs play for. Maybe take mounts line and stay low and win when it means something. Flags in June mean nothing maybe its something to do wit the weekly build up. Rumour has it Tuesday (no one trains), Thursday (get locked up after dark, Friday (drink in the local) Saturday (play with little disipline), no wonder you are not as good as the mighty mountain men.
Well i am finally on after a few months of battling the big footy technical division.

Elmore, Bloodhound i am sure the footy public dont dislike Elmore but they are just trying to work out what the hell happens out there. Bi money, No flags does mean no sucess as thats what players and clubs play for. Maybe take mounts line and stay low and win when it means something. Flags in June mean nothing maybe its something to do wit the weekly build up. Rumour has it Tuesday (no one trains), Thursday (get locked up after dark, Friday (drink in the local) Saturday (play with little disipline), no wonder you are not as good as the mighty mountain men.

you blokes ******** me ... you all know ******** all about the club yet talk trash about it. Roumours as we know are not fact so unless you peanuts are from elmore or have some hard facts about all this crap...... then lets stick to talking footy everone can bad mouth clubs. its bull ******** UNLESS your apart of the club and know the running.....

I can tell you some footy stuff not much BUT there are a few blokes from eaglehawk locky is chasing to head out that way.. i think he has spoken to most of the younger blokes not sure who is keen ..
Jaden dole E/H spoke to White Hills Last night no out come as yet.
Leon DIRT MAN carter is staying at Elmore
Elmore have picked up a CHB from the Albury Tigers i think he is mate of Andy grants......not sure when this happened
thats it for me....
Well i am finally on after a few months of battling the big footy technical division.

Elmore, Bloodhound i am sure the footy public dont dislike Elmore but they are just trying to work out what the hell happens out there. Bi money, No flags does mean no sucess as thats what players and clubs play for. Maybe take mounts line and stay low and win when it means something. Flags in June mean nothing maybe its something to do wit the weekly build up. Rumour has it Tuesday (no one trains), Thursday (get locked up after dark, Friday (drink in the local) Saturday (play with little disipline), no wonder you are not as good as the mighty mountain men.

Elmore are a very successful off-field and just need to make it on and off the field. What I think alot of you are forgetting is that this group of Elmore boys havnt played together and to play that well in their first year together is great and I bet majority mounts boys would have played 3-4 year together.

I was at the Elmore trainings before the big day and majority were out on the trach and the ones that wernt were getting a rub from Muddy. If you no nothing about it stop talking S H IT.
Elmore are a very successful off-field and just need to make it on and off the field. What I think alot of you are forgetting is that this group of Elmore boys havnt played together and to play that well in their first year together is great and I bet majority mounts boys would have played 3-4 year together.

I was at the Elmore trainings before the big day and majority were out on the trach and the ones that wernt were getting a rub from Muddy. If you no nothing about it stop talking S H IT.

Sorry nessy was not sure you were the only one who could lodge an opinion. My word came from someone who is in the Elmore club, was disappionted with the lack of dicipline to train, what players did re drinking before games and lack of dicipline on match days.
Again its great to have off feild sucess but the game is about winning flags.
Sorry nessy was not sure you were the only one who could lodge an opinion. My word came from someone who is in the Elmore club, was disappionted with the lack of dicipline to train, what players did re drinking before games and lack of dicipline on match days.
Again its great to have off feild sucess but the game is about winning flags.

For a start you can call me Nesko or Mr Nesko. Well every1 can have an opinion but first make sure its right. I'll telling you now as a player from the HDFL that doesnt play for Elmore, I was at both tuesday and thursday nights trainin for the Bloods and majority of players were there. As for the lack of dicipline on game day, its a big game and they WANTED to win. Any1 who has played in a granny (myself included) can tell you, the big game can make you play totally different as the pressure really does get to you.

I cannot comment on the drinking but as was said on this thread a while back "If it works for you all year dont change for the granny", it obviously worked for the Elmore boys all year as the finished on top.... One thing I hate is arrogence which you Mounts boys know alot about. I'll pay it, you won back to back premierships but that still doesnt give you the right to go and bag out another club, you dont know how the club works or how much they pay there players so untill you do you should keep a lid on it and start to think about next year.

If you know anything about footy, which i'm sure you dont, you would know the key to on-field success is a good support base and the running of the club behind the scenes, which Mounts and Colbo has had for a number of years. Without this the club will not be a force and Elmore have just started to get this right.
maybe someone should start an elmore thread so all this trash can be said elsewhere cos its gettin pretty stale here
maybe someone should start an elmore thread so all this trash can be said elsewhere cos its gettin pretty stale here

I dont agree about an elmore only thread stringy but i do agree with most of what is being said is trash it would be good to hear about some other clubs from people who actually know something about those clubs.
What club are you invovled in stringy? Any news for us?
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