Toast Heritier Lumumba pens heartfelt letter to ex-teammates, wants club to own up to mistreatment

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Sorry Maggie, I wasn't trying to be unhelpful. My intent was merely to point out my observation that the reason the thread was moved had nothing to do with a poster whinging, but all to do with discussion in the thread had degenerated into a BLM discussion, and naff all about Harry's issues.
To which many contributed. That was the point I was making.
Thanks Domus for your diligent research into this subject, and your persuasive arguments against BLM. You've educated me and convinced me that you are correct in what you're saying the BLM's objectives are: basically anarchy and tearing down Western society. Those quotes from the official BLM website leave no doubt in my mind as to what their true goals are.

It's a bit odd, though, that you complain about the BLM derailing the thread. I mean, from this quote it sounds like you found true enlightenment from the discussion.

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It's a bit odd, though, that you complain about the BLM derailing the thread. I mean, from this quote it sounds like you found true enlightenment from the discussion.
Not odd to my mind. I did find the discussion enlightening but I didn't complain about the thread being derailed by BLM; the mods did and took the action they thought necessary.
Not odd to my mind. I did find the discussion enlightening but I didn't complain about the thread being derailed by BLM; the mods did and took the action they thought necessary.

Good stuff.
I had a quick look at the record of the person appointed. Not sure what you mean by 'untrustworthy', 'activist', or 'untrustworthy activist', but her integrity as a person and in her field isn't in question.

Can you explain your comment?

Her tweet towards Bess Price saying she is more offensive than watching sex with a horse for a start. Bess Price has done a lot to help the rural aboriginal communities something Larissa brought up in Sydney has never lived in or experienced first hand.
Now if someone was 100% genuine about Aboriginal welfare don’t you think she would listen to someone like Bess Price who is trying to do her best for rural aboriginals. Instead she not only discounts her argument but abuses her? Given this reaction why do you think she will give Collingwood a fair hearing?
Someone with integrity would have never referred to Bess in this way she would have tried to understand her experiences and reasoning. I view Larissa as a career aboriginal and for this she needs to ensure aboriginals are always victims. It has become an industry for some people and while I am sure her heart is in the right place the activism element actually helps oppress aboriginals born today. Using a quote from Thomas Sowell "It is self-destructive for any society to create a situation where a baby who is born into the world today automatically has pre-existing grievances against another baby born at the same time, because of what their ancestors did centuries ago."...........Now with Australia things are more recent than centuries ago and we need to do our best to help the communities but I am not a fan of those who constantly push the victim narrative as it is counter productive. Something Larissa always seems to push as do many others in the country. We shouldnt ignore our past and if the club has done wrong it should be acknowledged and the experience a genuine lesson learnt to make us better but I dont trust her to give us honest assessment/hearing of the situation. I maybe wrong I do think she will go against the club. Which is fine if warranted but not sure that means it will be fair. I hope that makes sense. On the other hand I doubt Hertier should be disappointed with Larissa handling the investigation as with her he cant say the result is fixed if anything it will be fixed in his favour and hopefully this matter can finally be settled.
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Her tweet towards Bess Price saying she is more offensive than watching sex with a horse for a start. Bess Price has done a lot to help the rural aboriginal communities something Larissa brought up in Sydney has never lived in or experienced first hand.
Now if someone was 100% genuine about Aboriginal welfare don’t you think she would listen to someone like Bess Price who is trying to do her best for rural aboriginals. Instead she not only discounts her argument but abuses her? Given this reaction why do you think she will give Collingwood a fair hearing?
Someone with integrity would have never referred to Bess in this way she would have tried to understand her experiences and reasoning. I view Larissa as a career aboriginal and for this she needs to ensure aboriginals are always victims. It has become an industry for some people and while I am sure her heart is in the right place the activism element actually helps oppress aboriginals born today. Using a quote from Thomas Sowell "It is self-destructive for any society to create a situation where a baby who is born into the world today automatically has pre-existing grievances against another baby born at the same time, because of what their ancestors did centuries ago."...........Now with Australia things are more recent than centuries ago and we need to do our best to help the communities but I am not a fan of those who constantly push the victim narrative as it is counter productive. Something Larissa always seems to push as do many others in the country. We shouldnt ignore our past and if the club has done wrong it should be acknowledged and the experience a genuine lesson learnt to make us better but I dont trust her to give us honest assessment/hearing of the situation. I maybe wrong I do think she will go against the club. Which is fine if warranted but not sure that means it will be fair. I hope that makes sense. On the other hand I doubt Hertier should be disappointed with Larissa handling the investigation as with her he cant say the result is fixed if anything it will be fixed in his favour and hopefully this matter can finally be settled.

You've decided to misrepresent Larissa Behrendt, and at the same you think that her criticism of Bess Price is a cross against her. At a general level, I don't see why a conflict between one Aboriginal spokesperson and another should be such a concern. Are they all obliged to agree with each other?

But there is a specific context to Bess Price, whose views have often found favour with conservative commentators whilst bringing her into conflict with many Aboriginal people, including those from where she lives (Northern Territory). Many Aboriginal people in Alice Springs have found Bess Price's view nothing less than offensive, and it just so happens that Larissa Behrendt has shared their concerns.

I'm linking an article which talks about this issue, and urge people to read it for context. Appropriately enough, it's titled: 'Criticism of Behrendt Hides Political Agenda'

I'm happy to largely ignore your other points. Other people can pick up on them if they like, but it serves me no purpose being on BF at all, let alone trying to engage inflammatory statements such as 'career aboriginal'. Apparently someone who dedicates their career to advocating for and understanding the issues of Aboriginal people can be slandered for doing so, in some circles.

Similarly, the idea that she promotes victimhood is woefully narrow. Her own life --and the lives of many like her-- are a direct contradiction of the argument that she's perpetuating victimhood. She's getting on with the job of working out what the problems are and how best to deal with them.

I'll leave it there. If anyone here wants to actually understand, then maybe we should all post less and read and listen more.
Geez you've been going on about this defunding the police thing for aeons. In the US, local authorities have police. It's like your local council funding police. In a lot of circumstances, their prime aim is to keep blacks out of white neighbourhoods. Or they are sent out to recruit black people to work in prison manufacturing which is evidently a real money earner. I think the chinese do this too. Post slavery, they had to keep things running, so they put the blacks into jail for minor reasons and it provides a cheap source of labour for private industry and digging ditches etc.

And then there's the state police...and the federal police.....and then there's the national guard which is effectively an army to be used against US citizens and then there's the actual army.... and then there's the FBI and then there's the cops moonlighting doing security jobs in clubs etc....

and anyway, there's a lot of police around in the US. like flies in defunding the local cops would weed out a few...

oh i forgot about the "funding" that the local cops get by getting the cast-offs from the military. We all know that the US spends about 30% of it GDP on war or related products. Lots of stuff. So they have to get rid of it somewhere. To the local cops. So these local cops working for the local councils end up with a military arsenal suitable for an invasion of afganistan....

and you're questioning why some black people who have relatives and friends murdered by these cops, might want a reduction in their funding?????

Isn't it true that white people are killed by police more often than black people as a %?

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Isn't it true that white people are killed by police more often than black people as a %?

In short, no..

By total, police more frequently killed whites than any other race or ethnicity.[42] As a percentage of the U.S. population, however, black Americans were 2.5 times more likely than whites to be killed by the police in 2015

However, treatment of white americans who dont have money isn't fantastic. People like Michael Jordan get treated pretty well. I saw a nice photo of Kanye West and Trump and Trump would like Kanye because he has money and influence. I think money can often trump (excuse pun) skin colour. However, as black people are the poorest % wise of the population, they get a double whammy.
I'm not sure if anyone has referred to it here but Lumumba has called into the question the investigation by the professor. He lists about 12 points but many of them are the same and others are questionable. He doesn't like the media PR guy at Collingwood who evidently still does the gig. I would have thought that this guy's actions might be questioned by the investigator and i dont see any indication that it's not within the guidelines of the investigation. Lumumba also wants Leon Davis' treatment investigated, but I think it's up to Leon to make a complaint, not Lumumba. He also doesnt like the timeframe of the investigation limited, but it seems to be just another example of Harry wanting the scope broadened, after a series of fairly general complaints. In my experience, people complaining dont get two bites of the cherry and Harry seems to be doing that.

It's my general feeling that the only outcome Harry wants is the removal of people. Prob Ed. Prob the media guy. Maybe buckley. I dont think he'll see any other outcome particularly appealing. I think he'll blast any recommendations on changing attitudes, processes etc.
In short, no..

By total, police more frequently killed whites than any other race or ethnicity.[42] As a percentage of the U.S. population, however, black Americans were 2.5 times more likely than whites to be killed by the police in 2015

However, treatment of white americans who dont have money isn't fantastic. People like Michael Jordan get treated pretty well. I saw a nice photo of Kanye West and Trump and Trump would like Kanye because he has money and influence. I think money can often trump (excuse pun) skin colour. However, as black people are the poorest % wise of the population, they get a double whammy.

There are lots of parts of that link which do not support your opinion, in fact you quoted pretty much the only part that does..

" Due to lack of reliable data, it is difficult for researchers to draw causal inferences as to whether racial discrimination affects police use of deadly force. A 2017 and a 2020 study concluded that police do not use deadly force more frequently against black suspects than white suspects. "

" A 2015 study by Harvard professor Roland G. Fryer, Jr. found that there was no racial bias in the use of lethal police force between black and white suspects in similar situations. "

A 2019 study in PNAS by Cesario et al. concluded from a dataset of fatal shootings that white officers were not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-white officers: "We did not find evidence for anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparity in police use of force across all shootings, and, if anything, found anti-White disparities when controlling for race-specific crime". ect.

Also, if Black people are 18 times more likely to kill police than White people, wouldn't that logically explain why some police use more force against Black people?

If person A is 18 more times more likely to punch you in the face than person B, you would be more nervous and cautious around Person A... right?
If you're reading this Lumumba which u know youb are... you are an entitled snowflake. It went wrong for you when you studied sociology with the toxic victim culture". If i see you in person I'll happily tell it to your face...

There's plenty of people out there doing it real hard or who have had it hard... you're not one of them.
If you're reading this Lumumba which u know youb are... you are an entitled snowflake. It went wrong for you when you studied sociology with the toxic victim culture". If i see you in person I'll happily tell it to your face...

There's plenty of people out there doing it real hard or who have had it hard... you're not one of them.
I’m out of this thread.
What a disgusting thing to say.
You can’t live this mans life, so you can’t understand his problems.

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