NO TROLLS Homophobia in the AFL - 4 Corners

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Also, **** me dead there's some naive people in this thread saying they wouldn't cop shit. Their inbox would be flooded with the most vile crap imaginable.
is it having more masculine traits that enables them the discipline to succeed in a competitive environment or is it the culture at the top that turns these women gay, I would say it’s the former but strong arguments can be made either way.
I'm a straight woman who has more masculine traits. Played footy, work in physical or more male dominated industries and I haven't turned gay yet.

I think the reason i haven't turned gay yet is because I like dick and don't find women attractive at all.
I'm a straight woman who has more masculine traits. Played footy, work in physical or more male dominated industries and I haven't turned gay yet.

I think the reason i haven't turned gay yet is because I like dick and don't find women attractive at all.
If you were a man you'd have the discipline to know that's all wrong and that you should be gay!

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Josh Cavallo has had issues dealing with homophobic fans at A League games since coming out of the closet a few years ago, so I suspect unfortunately that it's not just our footy code that has issues with homophobia in this country.
If he was an AFL player there would be a netflix series about the homophobia by now.
I'm a straight woman who has more masculine traits. Played footy, work in physical or more male dominated industries and I haven't turned gay yet.

I think the reason i haven't turned gay yet is because I like dick and don't find women attractive at all.
The gay liberal elites are playing the long game, they’ll get you eventually. They’ll get us all.
Isn’t the whole “gay men do ballet and not football” thing kind of the reason for the whole discussion?

Is it that kids that start dancing do it because their more feminine? Or is it that they stick with it because it’s a safe environment? Or is it a combination of all those things? And then vice versa for footy.

It’s weird to see a lot of people get so defensive over “football isn’t homophobic” when 1- the afl admitted they haven’t done enough and 2- defending “football” or even the AFL isn’t really anyone’s job.

The AFL can do more, so can we (the fans) surely that’s not in dispute
Isn’t the whole “gay men do ballet and not football” thing kind of the reason for the whole discussion?

Is it that kids that start dancing do it because their more feminine? Or is it that they stick with it because it’s a safe environment? Or is it a combination of all those things? And then vice versa for footy.

It’s weird to see a lot of people get so defensive over “football isn’t homophobic” when 1- the afl admitted they haven’t done enough and 2- defending “football” or even the AFL isn’t really anyone’s job.

The AFL can do more, so can we (the fans) surely that’s not in dispute
I would question that last statement.

The AFL is not obliged to do anything other than run a footy comp. That includes being welcoming to all, of course, but at the end of the day they're not an advocacy group, they're a sporting organisation.
I would question that last statement.

The AFL is not obliged to do anything other than run a footy comp. That includes being welcoming to all, of course, but at the end of the day they're not an advocacy group, they're a sporting organisation.
Take it up with the AFL, who, and i cannot stress this enough, admitted in the four corners piece that they are not doing enough.
I would question that last statement.

The AFL is not obliged to do anything other than run a footy comp. That includes being welcoming to all, of course, but at the end of the day they're not an advocacy group, they're a sporting organisation.
I mean, the AFL are obliged to run a safe working environment. They are employers and all employers are bound by Workplace Health and Safety requirements. No employer gets to wash their hands of homophobia, sexism, racism or any kind of issue and say "i'm just here to sell sprockets, mate'.
Nah. I'd rather just make my opinion be known on the BF main board.
Your argument is based on the principle that the AFL isnt politically inclined.

So i suppose their support of the Yes vote is anomaly?

Its not the 1980s anymore, the AFL is a workplace and they have a bare minimum obligation to create a safe workplace, thats before considering that they are a cultural leading organisation.

You can argue til your blue in the face they should be focusing on footy but thats not what THEY are doing and given you pretty obviously dont run them your opinion has about as much worth as youd expect.
I seem to have triggered a few people here. Let me point out my actual words.

"the AFL are not OBLIGED to do anything " so of course, they can advocate if they wish, or do more if they wish. eg. support the Yes campaign. Which I too supported.


"That includes being welcoming to all, of course" To me, this would cover the Workplace Health and Safety regs referenced above.

I also never said they should focus on footy. Although, I mean, they probably should, gven that is their raison d'etre.
Any 'homophobia issue' the AFL supposedly has will be with the fans, not the players/clubs.

Players would already know if any of their teammates are gay. It's the vile attention they'll receive on social media, as well as people deciding to champion their cause on their behalf, that would be putting off anyone considering coming out.

They probably just want to play footy and get on with their lives.

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I seem to have triggered a few people here. Let me point out my actual words.

"the AFL are not OBLIGED to do anything " so of course, they can advocate if they wish, or do more if they wish.


"That includes being welcoming to all, of course" To me, this would cover the Workplace Health and Safety regs referenced above.

I also never said they should focus on footy. Although, I mean, they probably should, gven that is their raison d'etre.
Nobody is triggered, just pointing out that youre wrong. They clearly are obliged to under WHS laws and they are also pretty clearly have some advocacy opinions given the yes vote so....
Nobody is triggered, just pointing out that youre wrong. They clearly are obliged to under WHS laws and they are also pretty clearly have some advocacy opinions given the yes vote so....
What am I wrong about? I agree that they have legal WHS obligations. I've stated they need to be welcoming to all. I simply disagreed with you that they should be doing more.
What am I wrong about? I agree that they have legal WHS obligations. I've stated they need to be welcoming to all. I simply disagreed with you that they should be doing more.
You are wrong that they are not obliged to do anything. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant not obliged to do anything more. But if this report finds that gays feel unsafe in the AFL environment, then you are still wrong and they are obliged to do more to meet basic WHS obligations. Also, the AFL itself admitted it hadn't implemented all of its own advice to create a safe environment.
I'm a straight woman who has more masculine traits. Played footy, work in physical or more male dominated industries and I haven't turned gay yet.

I think the reason i haven't turned gay yet is because I like dick and don't find women attractive at all.
Well this post is a lie.

Straight women often comment on the activeness of other women.

Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using Tapatalk
Well this post is a lie.

Straight women often comment on the activeness of other women.

Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using Tapatalk

There is a difference between find someone nice looking and being sexually attracted to them.
99% of the general population could not give a shite what consenting adults do to each others genitals.. Meh.
I sincerely wish that I lived in that world. I really, really do.

Don't forget, it wasn't that long ago that we held an official, anonymous survey on whether LGBT couples should be granted the same rights as straight couples. More than 4.8m Australians returned a submission that they should not.

I would agree that a majority of the general population doesn't give a single shiny shite, and probably a larger percentage of young people than old, but 4.8m is a lot. They know they can't shout you down on the street any more, and they have to be careful how loud they shout in the terraces, or how they phrase things, but people who do give a damn about the gender of your partner are everywhere, still. And when you let them be relatively anonymous - like on the internet - they go to town.
The AFL is not obliged to do anything other than run a footy comp.
Yeah nah.

The AFL only exists due the support and (extensive) funding of state and federal government. And it's not so we have something to watch on TV for a few hours a week. Sport has a an important social role. It's why we fund it.
What am I wrong about? I agree that they have legal WHS obligations. I've stated they need to be welcoming to all. I simply disagreed with you that they should be doing more.
I think it's your interpretation of what's complying with WHS. My assumption is that your view is the fact the AFL welcome anyone, job done, but any abuse that may be received by players isn't their problem if they denounce it?

Just apply that logic to other work spaces exposed to regular interaction with the public. The healthcare system, nurse, paramedic, doctor, their colleagues may be friendly but an EM nurse is coping regular abuse from the public making them stressed, hating work and afraid to attend. They speak to their employer but the employer says "well we welcome you, it's not other employees abusing you, so it's not our problem".

It doesn't fly, can the employer control every member of the public? No. Can they do more to make employees safe and attempt to prevent staff being spoken to in that way? Yes. And that is the challenge for most work places, including the AFL.
I think it's your interpretation of what's complying with WHS. My assumption is that your view is the fact the AFL welcome anyone, job done, but any abuse that may be received by players isn't their problem if they denounce it?

Just apply that logic to other work spaces exposed to regular interaction with the public. The healthcare system, nurse, paramedic, doctor, their colleagues may be friendly but an EM nurse is coping regular abuse from the public making them stressed, hating work and afraid to attend. They speak to their employer but the employer says "well we welcome you, it's not other employees abusing you, so it's not our problem".

It doesn't fly, can the employer control every member of the public? No. Can they do more to make employees safe and attempt to prevent staff being spoken to in that way? Yes. And that is the challenge for most work places, including the AFL.
I'm pretty sure the AFL cracks down on racial abuse of its players over social media whenever it all too frequently arises. 100% they would do the same thing to any abuse received by a gay player.

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NO TROLLS Homophobia in the AFL - 4 Corners

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