How about the Umpires?!...What about the players?

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Apr 4, 2010
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Other Teams
Park Ridge Pirates
<Edit> This is going to be a long read, if you can't be bothered then bail now </Edit>

As a long standing Bears fan and now a loyal Lions fan since before the first of the 3 peat series I am profoundly disappointed.

I am used to our in and out form of recent years, I'm used to Browny playing despite injury, I am used to our young midfield this year (and last) doing what they can but spraying crucial kicks. I don't, and never did, expect the Lion's to be a top 4 side. Not this year, not quite cooked yet.

What I am getting sick of, and yes its the elephant in the room, is the umpires.

Last week against Sydney was the first fair showing of whistle blows the Lions have seen all season.

I hate blaming the umpires, because frankly I hear other teams supporters doing it and it just sounds like an excuse. I turn a blind eye most weeks, but tonight it was disgusting.

That's right, it was foul, it was unfair and it was terrible. If the maggots don't get pulled up tonight for the number of borderline, questionable and downright unfair calls tonight I am starting to think to myself, why not return to a Victorian only game? Hell why not watch the sport of my youth, Rugby League?

I love watching AFL, umpires are human, they make mistakes. I wouldn't mind, but frankly most teams get a slightly favourable umpire opinion at home (or at least a fair game), if from nothing else but crowd pressure, but not the Lions and especially not tonight.

We were in Row A, Section 18. We watched in the first quarter, keen for a fair contest. What did we see? No less than 3 free kicks in Freo's favour result in goals. Even by my biased eye, one of those was completely legitimate and a fair call. But two of them were either free kicks that were uncalled for or marks that were paid because the Freo player touched the ball and didn't control it. Literally a Lion's defend ran a fist through the middle of the ball as a Freo player tied to mark it, and the mark got paid with barely half a second of hand contact let alone control.

Even Freo fans after the match admitted 'yeah in the first quarter the umpires kicked two goals for us'. Big call when your team won by 13 points.

The rest of the game was no different. All in all we count 5 goals from -unfair- free kicks and at least 2 more goals from free kicks that were possibly legit, but arguable. Even the most devoted Freemantle supporter would say, maybe 3 of the 5 free kicks given inside 50 were fair, the other's were just easy goals. Two of them were from 50m penalties, one given after some whistle confusion, the other because Luke Power with eyes on the ball put a solid bump on a man at least a foot taller than him. Good game Umpies. The last one was a good call and deserved his shot on goal.

We had our moments too, the umpires ignored 3 or 4 free kicks that could've been called against us, but they weren't within 30m of goal like the Freo freebies. They were rarely even inside 70m of our goal.

Maybe that is a strategic flaw from the Lions players, I can just see Voss at half time: "Guys, you're not milking free kicks out of the umpire's inside your forward 50. If we don't improve that stat the game may as well be over now."

The Lions are just lucky Freo weren't kicking straight in Brissie because they should've been much further behind an accurate team.

It got to the point where the crowd errupted in overwhelming "boo'ing" not because Freo were shooting on goal, because yet another free kick was given to Freo in the ruck, yes that's right, one of our players bounced off Sandi-the mountain-lands and the mountain was paid the free kick.

Or perhaps Freo looked at the ball for 2 seconds, touched it for a moment and that deserves an umpire assisted shot on goal.

Fev was pushed in the back, Banfield was manhandled off his run, and McGrath was taken high. All of this was fair play according to the umpires on the pitch, until Brisbane brushed a Freo player, then it was out of line.

If the Lions, especially Luke Power, even suggested a glance at the back of a Freo player they were penalised. Umpires seriously need to consider how they blow the whistle if the free kick they give is within 40m, because it's almost a free goal.

Freo played better than us for a good portion of the game, but I have to ask myself, how much of that play was because our momentum got stripped time and time again by the umpires.

I wouldn't bring this up either if it wasn't a trend, but the Gabba umpires need to seriously think about how they blow the whistle.

I watch most games every weekend and I don't see the kind of consistent bias that I see against the Lions, and I don't just barrack for Brisbane. I love the likes of St Kilda, and even Carlton. But none of my favourite teams get the treatment that the Lions do, especially at home. It is despicable.

My biggest problem is that it is the same fools every week. Patting themselves on the back for a job well done. I don't just watch the game live, I go home and I watch the recorded replay and that just shows me how blatant the umpires are towards the away team at the Gabba, you see some mistakes when you are on the side line with a specific point of view, but the camera reveals all.

Are we short on Umpires? It baffles me that so many bad call are made at one ground each week. I'm not a team-specific fanatic, I want to see good football. I want to see strong marks, I want to see fast movement through the corridor, I want rapid rebounds out of defence. I don't mind see the opposition to my preferred team of the night do that, because it's an exciting example of a great sport.

What I hate to see is soft free kicks, barely touches on the ball resulting in marks, kissing and hugging being the only acceptable ruck conduct, player's tacked on suspicious marks being given 50 without a chance for the tackler to abort (Was it actually 15m? Don't know till the umpire calls it, did it touch the ground as he took a sliding mark? Was it touched in the marking contest?).

I have never heard a crowd so hateful towards the umpires as I have tonight, it got to the point where everyone in the audience, irrelevant of the team they supported, was sick and tired of the umpire's making thoughtless, pointless and momentum-breaking use of the whistle.

Tonight's effort should be up for a review. If player's get punished and vilified for disrespecting the spirit of the game (deliberately or otherwise) then so should the umpires. Frankly they are bringing the game into disrepute.

Good game by the players, and I am grateful for the wonderful support. The umpires though, what on earth were they thinking?
If there is anybody here who seriously thinks there is some sort of institutionalised bias against the lions they are delusional...

Was the umpiring poor tonight?... sure. Was it, on balance, significantly worse than it is for most teams, in most weeks?... almost certainly not.

I for one think that so far this season we have won the games when we were the better team, and lost the games when we were not... is there anybody here who seriously believes this is not the case?

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was just about to start a thread like this myself

the umpiring is becoming such a farce i really dont know why i bother putting up with their shit every week

can anyone one at all see any logical why brisbane get such a despicable run?

its all double standards with them which gets beyond a joke every single week
The umpiring, plus the MRP findings of recent, has reminded me of the 2004 season where Bowers and Demetriou were at loggerheads and we couldn't take a break off the field from the AFL.

I'm certainly not suggesting that someone in the club has ticked off the AFL, I'm just saying two coincidences sit at the front of the mind.

Fingers crossed it improves over the coming weeks.
If there is anybody here who seriously thinks there is some sort of institutionalised bias against the lions they are delusional...

Was the umpiring poor tonight?... sure. Was it, on balance, significantly worse than it is for most teams, in most weeks?... almost certainly not.

I for one think that so far this season we have won the games when we were the better team, and lost the games when we were not... is there anybody here who seriously believes this is not the case?

You make some good points euler.

I believe that the umpires do interfere with the game too much and all teams cop it at some stage.
Talk of an umpiring/AFL conspiracy is delusional. We have been shafted this week by probably one of the worst MRP decisions ever and last night really copped a mauling from the umpires but these things happen and ultimately the better team on the night won the game. Full credit to Freo, they were coming off a short week and had the longest away trip to compound their sore bodies. Of much more concern at the moment is the horrendous injury run that threatens to derail our season and Brown's "injury".
Late ninety's there was a Lions/Freo game. Lions were on the end of real shitty umpiring that the Umpires actually lost their jobs afterwards after the AFL reviewed the match.

If there isn't a review at least I'll be very disappointed


Quinten Lynch gave Clayton a good shove in the final seconds to take a mark inside 50 and kicked the winning goal after the siren. Vossy proceeded to follow the umpires to their race questioning them in an animated fashion.

Also remember the match for Aker going down like he'd been shot with a knee injury, only to be back 20 minutes later and play a scintillating last quarter.
Umps aren't bent, just incompetent. Further, Nicholls seems to have some overt desire to infuriate a home team's supporters at every opportunity. I reckon he gets off on it.

Nevertheless, I thought McInenerny was even worse than Baldy!

But turning our wrath upon last night's umpires is a mere deflection of the real issues, such as why we struggle to get clean footy out of the middle whereas the opposition seem to be able to whisk it away at will.
If there was a crowd call of the night thread, a guy sitting behind me would get my vote. "turn yer jumpers inside out if you want to get a free kick!" Shocking display of incompetence.
I'm sorry, but for those of you that think that everyone gets their fair share of bad umpiring decisions... think again.

We were once again r*ped by the officials and it keeps happening. I noticed a lot of dodgy decisions against Carlton and again with the Dogs. Who could forget Carlton last year when Browny actually ended up taking a dive to get noticed?

If we were a Melbourne team, you'd have every man and his dog undertaking an investigation, we'd be discussing it on OWAAT and The Footy Show and there would be uproar in the papers.

Seems to me that we have to win games in spite of the Umpires and they were justly booed off the pitch at halftime last night.

Good try though against Freo. At least our team has a lot of heart.

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I hate delving into excuses like this but it is getting absolutely ridiculous with the umpiring. The one decision that I think baldy should lose his job over was when Austin gave away a 50 metre penalty. One umpire called play on, the other called a mark.. Austin tackles the player and instead of the umpiring giving the mark or balling the ball up like he should have he gives away a 50 metre penalty... absolutely disgraceful if this was Collingwood or any other large Melbourne club it would be all over the media.
I hate delving into excuses like this but it is getting absolutely ridiculous with the umpiring. The one decision that I think baldy should lose his job over was when Austin gave away a 50 metre penalty. One umpire called play on, the other called a mark.. Austin tackles the player and instead of the umpiring giving the mark or balling the ball up like he should have he gives away a 50 metre penalty... absolutely disgraceful if this was Collingwood or any other large Melbourne club it would be all over the media.

Rockliffe. I was gobsmacked.

I have always held that 1 reason I cannot fully commit to rugby league is because games are decided by the referee. I hate it when that happens in our game, & we definately got the rough end of the pineapple last night.
Frees to half time:
Lions 5
Freo 18

was a total shocker by umps

Maybe cause Freo thoroughly outplayed them and were first to the ball in almost every contest? Not a troll guys but face it, u guys were slaughtered and should have lost by 30-50 pts if Freo could kick straight.

Umps were not good however they in no way influenced the result.
I have a history in umpiring and always seem to be trying to defend them amongst the people I go to the footy with.

However, last night was incredible. I can not recall Luke Power ever losing it with umpires like he did last night.

Pav drops the ball cold, then throws it to a team mate who kicks the goal. For me, that summed it all up.

Ranga Banfield get tackled, kicks the ball (even if it was a shit kick, he kicked it) and is pinged for incorrect disposal.

I will openly admit to, at half time, sending a text message to GABBA Assist, the program set up by the GABBA for patrons to report unruley behaviour:eek:. It read "I am sorry if this is the wrong place, but the 3 umpires behaviour has been deplorable. Is there anything you can do? Regards"

I even sent a thank you text to them when Brown picked up the first free kick of the second half:p
I thought the first game against Carlton last year was bad, but last night was incredible.
It really set the tone for the whole evening. I reckon it put the crowd offside and the players seemed to lose heart. Unfortunately we didn't get much to cheer about until mid 4th but there was certainly plenty to Boo about. Those umpires were so inconsistent. Something they award a 50 for up one end, was ignored down the other, but on several occasions. I could not believe it.
The team did so remarkably well to pull themselves back into it, especially with the depleted stocks through injury after injury, but honestly, something needs to be done. It needs to at the very least be reviewed, or it is going to turn me off the game. I wanted to make a formal complaint about the umpiring, but who too??? Coaches should at least be allowed to comment in the media IMO.
Also it is not only the decision they pay, it's the ones they don't pay. IIRC Luke Power had his arms chopped / taken high when going for a mark inside 50 during the 2nd quarter.

The hostility at half time as the green maggots walked was amazing...similar to our regular season game against Carlton last year when Fev kicked 8...Nicholls may have been cheating, sorry officiating that game as well.
If there is anybody here who seriously thinks there is some sort of institutionalised bias against the lions they are delusional...

Yeah, there isn't some wide reaching conspiracy.

Just Nicholls. Stain of an umpire.

There are other umpires that shit me... namely Chamberlain and McBurney. They irk me because they appear to see their role as "controlling" the game, rather than stopping it getting out of control. They are continually on the lookout for free kicks that they can pay. I can tolerate it though because their rubbish is distributed equally.

Nicholls is the only one who seriously leaves me convinced that his motives are not pure when it comes to Brisbane games.
umpire were horrible and you got the rough end of the pineapple, which is unlucky against us because usually its us coping it. we did have 13 more scoring shots though. so to say that umpires cost you the game is a bit rich..... stiller hitting the point post to even the game up hurt you more than any free kick the umpires gave
Getting pumped by the maggots can send frustration levels off the gauge.
You guys got pumped.

I was swapping texts with a mate last night and we were both pretty much in in a state of disbelief that Fremantle was getting a dream run.

I know how you guys feel. It's been happening to us for years, week in week out. I reckon you could count on one hand over the last 15 years when Fremantle has been ahead in the free kick count.

Good luck for rest of the year.
Fair comments guys, thanks for posting.

I dont think anyone here thinks we deserved to win the game necessarily, and that we would have got a different result had the umpiring been more fair. I also think you make a great point about Stillers howler, but the tone of the game and the vibe in the stadium just seemed to be set by the umpires on the night (for mine, and a lot of others by the sounds of it). I don't mind being frustrated because my team is playing shit, or because the other team are playing really well... or being elated when my team is doing well.. all natural emotions in football, but the umpires calls shouldn't dampen the spirit THAT much. Our boys weren't playing dirty, and there were definitely some calls that weren't replicated at the other end. The sad thing is, we'll never know how the game could have ended (heck we could have lost by a much bigger margin, or we could have scraped through... the umpires just killed the tempo and soured the stadium. Nicholls deserves to be audited)

All credit to Freo though. They're shaping up to be a force this year. All the best come September.

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How about the Umpires?!...What about the players?

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