Opinion How to use Round 23

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All Australian
Aug 11, 2004
AFL Club
Other Teams
port adelaide sometimes
First, let's have a reality check.

Adelaide started this season with severe injuries to key players – with flaws in its structure. Podsiadly and Betts were only going to be makeshift players, gaps in obvious holes until the main players returned. To their immense credit, they held a flimsy structure together for a long time and, in fact, saved Adelaide from a worse fate it would have faced if they hadn't been there.

It's been a flimflam season – winning one or two games against the odds, losing more for no reason at all. In my opinion, this hasn't been a coaching problem. Don't sack the coach. And stop asking to sack the coach. Clubs with a spineless or stupid culture demand the sacking of their coach at the exact moment they should, instead, stick by their decisons and, amongst other things, invest faith in their coach. Sanderson has the faith of the players. He's achieved that and supporters should respect that.

Don't be moronic and gutless, Adelaide. Don't turn disappointment into a crisis. Express some faith in the management of your club and accept that, right now, Adelaide is an immature squad still learning how to become an accomplished team.

Now, how best to use Round 23.

If Adelaide somehow manages to scrape into eighth spot next week, it will be a false goal.

Adelaide will then play Fremantle in Perth or Port at Adelaide Oval and Adelaide will lose. And let's not kid ourselves. We don't deserve to win. We are simply not good enough, right now. Or, to put this in another way, this year there are at least seven other teams that are much better than us, right now. And that's the simple fact of the matter.

What's the best way to use Round 23?

Two things.

Let's get the Crouch brothers into the same team and get over the Big Thing about this. Let's do it right now... and see whether it works or whether it doesn't.

And, if Nathan van Berlo is ready to play, let's get him into the team as a sub and give him a quarter and half of real footy to think about over the summer.

And a third thing. As wonderful as Patrick Dangerfield is, and has been, the thing that bothers me is that his singleminded attack on the ball has turned him into a private zone of one. I don't think that any of his coaches, so far, have worked out how to maximise his incredible talents in terms of team value.

I think that Patrick needs a position, not a role. Or, rather, a position that enables him to perform a more defined role.

I'm slipping back into the past, here, but I remember when Andrew McLeod was slotted into the halfback flank and became the most reliable break in the opposition's attack and the best launch of Adelaide's turnovers. The modern game lacks those defined positions, now, of course... it's all relative positions on shifting lines. But, in Round 23, if I was coach, and thank god I am not, I'd switch Patrick Dangerfield away from the midfield and attack group, and settle him into the defensive back six. I'd redefine his role, give him a new purpose and see what happened... with a view to season 2015.

And release one of those back six into the forward six and tell them to think about kicking goals.

In other words, experiment a little bit.
Use Round 23 to try out different things.

There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose except a little bit of new information.
Agree that Dangerfield needs to play a new position. HB flank could teach him to be less see ball get ball if he needed to mind an opponent. Then when he gets the ball, he's the most unstoppable player in the league.

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First, let's have a reality check.

Adelaide started this season with severe injuries to key players – with flaws in its structure. Podsiadly and Betts were only going to be makeshift players, gaps in obvious holes until the main players returned. To their immense credit, they held a flimsy structure together for a long time and, in fact, saved Adelaide from a worse fate it would have faced if they hadn't been there.

It's been a flimflam season – winning one or two games against the odds, losing more for no reason at all. In my opinion, this hasn't been a coaching problem. Don't sack the coach. And stop asking to sack the coach. Clubs with a spineless or stupid culture demand the sacking of their coach at the exact moment they should, instead, stick by their decisons and, amongst other things, invest faith in their coach. Sanderson has the faith of the players. He's achieved that and supporters should respect that.

Don't be moronic and gutless, Adelaide. Don't turn disappointment into a crisis. Express some faith in the management of your club and accept that, right now, Adelaide is an immature squad still learning how to become an accomplished team.

Now, how best to use Round 23.

If Adelaide somehow manages to scrape into eighth spot next week, it will be a false goal.

Adelaide will then play Fremantle in Perth or Port at Adelaide Oval and Adelaide will lose. And let's not kid ourselves. We don't deserve to win. We are simply not good enough, right now. Or, to put this in another way, this year there are at least seven other teams that are much better than us, right now. And that's the simple fact of the matter.

What's the best way to use Round 23?

Two things.

Let's get the Crouch brothers into the same team and get over the Big Thing about this. Let's do it right now... and see whether it works or whether it doesn't.

And, if Nathan van Berlo is ready to play, let's get him into the team as a sub and give him a quarter and half of real footy to think about over the summer.

And a third thing. As wonderful as Patrick Dangerfield is, and has been, the thing that bothers me is that his singleminded attack on the ball has turned him into a private zone of one. I don't think that any of his coaches, so far, have worked out how to maximise his incredible talents in terms of team value.

I think that Patrick needs a position, not a role. Or, rather, a position that enables him to perform a more defined role.

I'm slipping back into the past, here, but I remember when Andrew McLeod was slotted into the halfback flank and became the most reliable break in the opposition's attack and the best launch of Adelaide's turnovers. The modern game lacks those defined positions, now, of course... it's all relative positions on shifting lines. But, in Round 23, if I was coach, and thank god I am not, I'd switch Patrick Dangerfield away from the midfield and attack group, and settle him into the defensive back six. I'd redefine his role, give him a new purpose and see what happened... with a view to season 2015.

And release one of those back six into the forward six and tell them to think about kicking goals.

In other words, experiment a little bit.
Use Round 23 to try out different things.

There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose except a little bit of new information.
You don't give up in professional sport. In cycling there might be a rider with only a few seconds gap on the main field after being out in front all day but they'll still ride as hard as they can until they're caught because they know that anything can happen. How stupid would we look if all the results fell our way and we lose to st kilda because we rest players or experiment.

There's also this guy called Steven Bradbury. ;)
As much as I hate to say it we go for the win...and the biggest win we can.

We know that of the three other teams Richmond are playing Sydney, Collingwood are playing the Hawks and West Coast are playing Gold Coast in QLD. Richmond and the Pies are more than likely to lose going on the current form of their opponents so it comes down to...
West Coast who sit on
40 points (10 wins, 11 losses) 114.7 per cent
And us
40 points (10 wins, 11 losses) 110.2 per cent
Realistically 4.5+ percentage points could be made up with an absolute 20 goal win and relying on West Coast not to blow Gold Coast out of the water at home, which I think is not very likely, but still possible, because the know they have to. Win big and we play Freo or Port. Will get smashed in the final serves the same purpose for change and some of our young players get some experience. The Saints are worse than the Lions and we smashed them by 100+. Time for revenge from 2009 or whenever it was in the final round.

For this to have a remote chance of happening selections are the key...players that have been putrid and wasteful for the last two weeks need the boot...
I just wrote about this in the changes thread....L Thompson, Henderson, Martin, Wright, Laird and Podsiadly would be the minimum changes Douglas and Dangerfield should be under the gun as well. I know 6 changes is probably not going to happen...but it should. Time is now for a statement, no more chances!

I'm all for playing Dangerfield off a HBF let's roll with this...if he's 90 to 95% fit otherwise do what we should have done 5 weeks ago and rest his ass. Smith has been woeful for the last few week stuck too far back in defence, play him on the ball or wing. Martin is a solid player as is Wright, but they kick those sodas in the first and we win, Pods too. Hendo is a waste of space atm, he's done, we at least know now that L Thompson is not up to it and needs to be cut...Pods just makes too many brain snaps, time to move into coaching and fitness. Laird was a horrible decision for a sub and with a concussion shouldn't play.

Who to bring in...M Crouch, Mackay, Siggins/CEY, Knight/Atkins, Kerridge, Grigg. Go for broke, run from defence, Walker at FF and no kicking across the ground in the backline or you get dragged and kicked in the balls.
We will know pregame what are chances are, if they are imposiable odds we can play silly buggers.

Not surer Danger as a HBF given the rolling maul played now is worth a try. Now our SANFL games are finished we can have a shuffle of deck chairs.

Our problems are deeper than the playing list though.
Go for it. This is one game and we will know exactly what we have to do to make the 8. No matter what happens - we won't lose to St. Kilda who want the #1pick.

For me - there is very little difference between pick 8 and pick 11. May as well go all in and try and extend our season another week. Of all the round 1 finals matchups - I would like to face the Powa. Would be a 50/50 contest.

I don't buy the 'we don't deserve it' bullshit. We do enough to make the 8 - we deserve it. Richmond/West Coast/Collingwood/Gold Coast are no more / no less deserving than us.

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As much as I hate to say it we go for the win...and the biggest win we can.

West Coast 114.7 per cent... And us 110.2 per cent

Realistically 4.5+ percentage points could be made up with an absolute 20 goal win and relying on West Coast not to blow Gold Coast out of the water at home, which I think is not very likely, but still possible, because the know they have to.

Maths, please.

Win big and we play Freo or Port...

....L Thompson, Henderson, Martin, Wright, Laird and Podsiadly would be the minimum changes. Douglas and Dangerfield should be under the gun as well. I know 6 changes is probably not going to happen...but it should. Time is now for a statement, no more chances!

Yes, well, but...

I think Adelaide has already made all the statements it is capable of making for this season.
Of course, Adelaide should approach Round 23 with the view of winning it and, if possible, win by enough to scrape into the eight with percentage but, let's get real. Adelaide has squandered handfuls of opportunities this season to not be in this mathematically-possible position. It doesn't deserve to be in the eight and if it does get there, none of us should be surprised if we are tipped out in the first week.

In 2014, we are not a particularly good team and that's the beginning and the end of it.

I'm all for playing Dangerfield off a HBF let's roll with this...if he's 90 to 95% fit otherwise do what we should have done 5 weeks ago and rest his ass.

I'm glad you agree with that. Although I don't quite buy the "rest his arse" bit. Danger has played mortally wounded so many times on the field this season and then popped up smiling on Monday morning that I don't know whether he should have been rested at all or whether we should take more notice of his mother who screams at the TV: "Get up, Patrick; you are not hurt!"

Poor man! His father has told him that no-one will ever give him the ball and that he has to go in there and get it for himself. And then his mother tells him "Get up! You are not hurt!" What a team of one! How does a coach get a word in with that sort of advice filling his head?

Smith has been woeful for the last few week stuck too far back in defence, play him on the ball or wing. Martin is a solid player as is Wright, but they kick those sodas in the first and we win, Pods too. Hendo is a waste of space atm, he's done, we at least know now that L Thompson is not up to it and needs to be cut...Pods just makes too many brain snaps, time to move into coaching and fitness. Laird was a horrible decision for a sub and with a concussion shouldn't play.

Yes, well... I love Big Footy's big democratic nature but I loathe the slagging of the players. No player out there is a waste of space and any poster who thinks this should re-evaluate their notion of fair comment. Every player on the field is trying to make the most of their time in the game as meaningful as they can. None of them deserve this sort of abuse.

Who to bring in...M Crouch, Mackay, Siggins/CEY, Knight/Atkins, Kerridge, Grigg. Go for broke, run from defence, Walker at FF and no kicking across the ground in the backline or you get dragged and kicked in the balls.

Go for broke and you break what ever fabric this immature team has gathered so far.

Hold Podsiadly and Martin, for g*d's sake. They have been consistent servants and there is nothing in the wings to replace them. You build your strengths, not expose your weaknesses.

Don't shove around the players so much and don't sack coaches. It's a long process for everybody – coach, assistant coaches, players and fans. Fans are the most impatient of all the ingredients in every club when things aren't working out. Fans always think that there are better players out of the team who possess some magical ingredient to make things better. This is rarely the case and, on the other hand, fans are nearly always delusional.

The coaching staff have their performance indicators on their laptops. They know how far their players can run and how long they can run and how quickly they get oxygen back into their bloodstream. The coaches aren't there to make fans angry; they are there to make the best possible choices for optimum performance for the team as a whole.

Let them do their work.
I like the Dangerfield team of one thing. Very apt description of the way he plays
Spot on. Just doesn't seem to have an ability to trust his teammates and read the play. Finds it far more comfrotable to win the footy. Which he is AMAZING at.

Which makes me actually quite like this 3rd tall idea to protect him a bit and possibly grow his abilities more. Takes a cracking contested mark, and if he's doing it 3rd man up won't be exposed to being hit all that often. Can then use pace and leg to hopefully drive us forward.

Clearly for us to get the most from him he needs to be in the guts, and up forward kicking matching winning goals at times. Even more clearly has alot of development left and why not try that as a loose man in defense for the final game of a largely fruitless year.
Don't agree with a few things in your opener, JohnK. I think Matt Crouch should play but one game won't tell us whether the brothers will work well in the future.

And what have we got to gain from VB playing? He's not a rookie who needs to understand what AFL footy is all about. And what if a player goes down early injured and he had to play 95% of the game?

(And the Freo reference was their sacking of Harvey and replacing him with Lyon - a decision that whole club is pretty damn happy about)
Yeah nah.

So tell me where Freo stupid and spineless when they sacked Harvey?
The way they did it was ruthless and cruel. And some could say that Lyon is living off the proceeds of all the hard work completed by Harvey. The jury has to be out on his appointment until he brings them a flag.
What makes you think the players have faith in Sando, when every indication suggests the opposite?
You all said that about Craig too. One common factor? The players. Players should be doing as their ****ing told.

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Opinion How to use Round 23

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