Hurley looks to admit guilty, but not plead guilty...

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Hurley would have been advised to admit guilt and take a slap on the wrist so the Indian taxi driver can file for victims of crime compensation.

What a wonderful country we live in. Hurley gets off pretty much scott free and the taxpayers foot the bill for him assaulting another human being.

*Stands up and salutes the Australian flag*
LMFAO!!!! Dane Swan beat the shit out of a guy. The taxi driver in question suffered no injuries at all so how on earth did Hurley beat the shit out of him?

I'm loving reading this thread. Gonna make it even more worthwhile when Hurley is tearing teams new assholes next season.

So maybe we should just forget the whole thing, yeah? :rolleyes:

After all, not as if he lost a limb or anything... Yeah, toughen up cabbies!

Rednecks live among us.... Beware:thumbsdown:
LMFAO!!!! Dane Swan beat the shit out of a guy. The taxi driver in question suffered no injuries at all so how on earth did Hurley beat the shit out of him?

Who'd Dane Swan beat up? Hadn't heard that one before. Okay 'beat the sh*' out of him' may be an overstatement for emphasis, but you seriously can't be telling me that getting punted in your man-candy, and then copping a right hook following that is an acceptable response to, "Hey you need to pay your fare."?

And as for the previous response, what's your source on the knife info? I wasn't aware the taxi driver was armed.

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Who'd Dane Swan beat up? Hadn't heard that one before. Okay 'beat the sh*' out of him' may be an overstatement for emphasis, but you seriously can't be telling me that getting punted in your man-candy, and then copping a right hook following that is an acceptable response to, "Hey you need to pay your fare."?

And as for the previous response, what's your source on the knife info? I wasn't aware the taxi driver was armed.

Just a lazy 13 charges for Dane Swan. I believe the victim was left with very serious long term injuries. He was gang bashed.

What are your thoughts on this?
Just had to come back and check and yep, hook, line and sinker

Fairly sure (actually, make that positive), that you do not hold an LLB as I do, far less practise, but can you spot the difference between someone being investigated and someone being charged? Give it a go... :confused:

OK, let me get very very simple for you.

I could ring up the cops right now and say Lance Uppercut knocked off the ANZ in Royal Place last Tuesday, but would that make the cops convinced that a charge was worthy? I doubt it, though I have met some odd cops in my time. Investigate? Yes. Charge? No.

Cops have investigated Hurley, the Crown has decided to charge him, on serious offences, potentially punishable with jailtime, and now reports are that Hurley wishes to plead guilty but stay out of the limelight. Hellllllooooo

Now, the brainless acolytes above might tip their hat, but you're out of your depth here. Pull that ripcord!

If Taylor gets charged, then of course we should act, but as of now he is a person of interest, not a chargee. Unlike Hurley, who wants to plead guilty! The distinction may be fine to you, but please understand that it actually is rather important when it comes before my peers.

EFC - silence is deafening!!

so by your logic, Richmond are acting correctly by waiting for due process, but Essendon are acting incorrectly by waiting for due process.

Could you dig yourself any deeper? :eek:

Who'd Dane Swan beat up? Hadn't heard that one before. Okay 'beat the sh*' out of him' may be an overstatement for emphasis, but you seriously can't be telling me that getting punted in your man-candy, and then copping a right hook following that is an acceptable response to, "Hey you need to pay your fare."?

it's not acceptable. No-one thinks it is.

You should probably not spout off with such abandon when you have skeletons like Dane Swan in your own cupboard...

Just a lazy 13 charges for Dane Swan. I believe the victim was left with very serious long term injuries. He was gang bashed.

What are your thoughts on this?

Not only that, but he has refused to pay the nominated compensation to the brain damaged guy! Collingwood fans shouldn't be going near this one
What a wonderful country we live in. Hurley gets off pretty much scott free and the taxpayers foot the bill for him assaulting another human being.

*Stands up and salutes the Australian flag*

I know exactly what you mean, a guy came at me with a knife, ended up with a little cut on my neck, he got 3 months in juvey and 5 year behavior bond because he was only 16...

Just a lazy 13 charges for Dane Swan. I believe the victim was left with very serious long term injuries. He was gang bashed.

What are your thoughts on this?

Yeah that's disgraceful, hate to see that then and I hate to see similar stuff with Hurley happening now. All I can say is thank christ Dane has obviously changed a significant amount since 2004 and is definitely the last person on the pies current list who would do something like that now.
Yeah that's disgraceful, hate to see that then and I hate to see similar stuff with Hurley happening now. All I can say is thank christ Dane has obviously changed a significant amount since 2004 and is definitely the last person on the pies current list who would do something like that now.

do you think then maybe that Hurley deserves a second chance?
We are ready when you are, Wooljay. :rolleyes:

So what are your thoughts on Dane Swan considering you find what Hurley did so disgusting.
Yeah that's disgraceful, hate to see that then and I hate to see similar stuff with Hurley happening now. All I can say is thank christ Dane has obviously changed a significant amount since 2004 and is definitely the last person on the pies current list who would do something like that now.

I'd hardly call an incident resulting in brain damage and a $100 000 settlement similar to Hurleys.
Whilst neither are remotely near acceptable, Swan was punching/kicking a guy that was already down.
Yeah that's disgraceful, hate to see that then and I hate to see similar stuff with Hurley happening now. All I can say is thank christ Dane has obviously changed a significant amount since 2004 and is definitely the last person on the pies current list who would do something like that now.

Please advise how it is similiar. One guy recieved no injuries at all and probably just had his ego hurt when Hurley knocked off his turban. Maybe his nuts were sore for 5 minutes also.

Dane Swan and his mate destroyed a car, unprovoked and then when a security guard tried to stop them they kicked the living shit out of him and left him brain damaged.

The poor guy is yet to recieve compensation from Swan.

So please tell me how these two incidents are similiar?
Well crotch kickin' Michael Hurley went to court today, looks set to retain his clean criminal record, and the case has been adjourned until March 5th it would seem. However I may have laughed at this little gem in the HUN article today, in regards to him joining a court-ordered 'diversion' program.

Well at least he won't have to admit in front of a jury that he belted a cabbie in the famiyl jewels for having the audacity to ask for a fare from THE Michael Hurley!

What a load of rot.

I wonder how many poor unknown kids from the western suburbs that don't have 5 QC's working for them, get considered for this program?

The rich get richer, the poor get the picture.

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Do I have to be one to expect kids to get treated equally?

do you honestly think that only rich kids get diverted? :confused:

That's pretty weird. You should do some research. I can pretty much guarantee you that diversionary programs aren't just for the rich; in fact they would be used extensively amongst offenders from lower socio-economic positions.

I have seen no evidence to suggest diversionary programs are restricted to people who can afford QCs...can you point me to some?
What a load of rot.

I wonder how many poor unknown kids from the western suburbs that don't have 5 QC's working for them, get considered for this program?

The rich get richer, the poor get the picture.

A little bit of research prior to posting probably wouldn't hurt
Hurley is just lucky he's at any club but Carlton, otherwise we would definitely be a Fevola 2.0 on our hands.
Your probably right. fevola started his illustrious career by getting tanked up and looting through a north melbourne dry cleaners on errol street one morning.

It's all up to hurley to avoid become a fully fledged ******** like fevola.
Well at least he won't have to admit in front of a jury that he belted a cabbie in the famiyl jewels for having the audacity to ask for a fare from THE Michael Hurley!

The justice system is piss weak, the judges are so out of touch it's not funny.

Whether it's Hurley, Troy Taylor, whoever. Assault - throw the friggin' book at 'em. Criminal record, community service and if severe, jail.

Essendon will be talking up the great character of this guy in a few months - such is their arrogance. Lloyd was the biggest snipper in the game but the club spoke of him as a role model.

a request for inclusion in CJDP can be made by several parties including the informant, the sub-officer authorising the brief, the prosecutor, the defendant, the defendant’s legal representative or the court, including the Magistrate or the criminal justice diversion coordinator.

Therefore, the quality of your legal defence has no bearing on your suitability for this program.
for those that think Hurley could get off "scott free":

In order to avoid a conviction, a CJDP participant must fulfil a number of court-imposed conditions, set out in a Diversion Order, all of which have to be agreed to by the defendant and their legal representative for the Diversion Order to take effect. These requirements may include:

  • Apologising to the victim by way of a letter or in person;
  • Compensating the victim;
  • Attending counseling or treatment;
  • Performing community work;
  • Abiding by a curfew;
  • Living at home;
  • Not associating with certain persons;
  • Making a monetary donation to a charitable organisation or local community project; and
  • Attending a defensive driving course.

In arriving at an appropriate Diversion Order, all parties to the proceedings including the victim and the defendant are considered.
If it wasn't an opposing teams player, no one would have a problem with the diversion program.

It's a great system for first time offenders. People make mistakes and shouldn't have to bear the stigma of it for the rest of their lives. It would also place an unbearable strain on the Courts if they had to prosecute every minor matter that came before them. This way, the offender has to accept responsibility but things don't get bogged down in endless hearings that ultiamtely only cost the tax payer for no real benefit...Someone like Hurley stands next to no chance of getting a sentence, so why waste the time and money pursuing it?

Matters like this, with no real lasting damage, are best dealt with this way. If the cabbie has out of pocket costs or some ongoing injury, he can access Victims of Crimes compensation or even pursue a civil claim.
What a load of rot.

I wonder how many poor unknown kids from the western suburbs that don't have 5 QC's working for them, get considered for this program?

The rich get richer, the poor get the picture.

The fact is that the diversion program is absolutely full of poor unknown kids from the western suburbs. It's got nothing to do with legal representation.

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Hurley looks to admit guilty, but not plead guilty...

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