Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

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Club Legend
Nov 28, 2001
AFL Club
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The LNP made a huge deal out of the Budget crisis.

And after 4 years and another election they have done nothing but make the budget worse why spewing self congratulatory smug rhetoric about what great things they have done.

But they own standards on the issue they went hardest on they are a total and complete failure.

An they only policy they have is massive tax cut for companies in the hope that it will some time down the track produce some massive amount of growth.They want to beat the entire economic on a theory whose track record is extremely spotty at best.

The assumptions this economic statement were built ing are spotty.

A Government without ideas or Discipline.

They have gone around saying "we are not the labour party" but they have been every bit as divided, and worse economic managers. They took over after a pretty chaotic and dysfunctional period of labour government for much of the time, and easily matched the poor performance and somehow sunk to a new low of Australian government.
The right can't manage the economy or keep us safe. Bali happened under the right, nine eleven happened under the right. East Timor happened under the right, British nuclear testing happened under the right, Vietnam happened under the right. Syria and Iraq happened under the right.

the UN state the most wasteful treasurer we have ever had was from the right and his prime minister the second worse treasure we've had.

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The LNP made a huge deal out of the Budget crisis.

And after 4 years and another election they have done nothing but make the budget worse why spewing self congratulatory smug rhetoric about what great things they have done.

But they own standards on the issue they went hardest on they are a total and complete failure.

An they only policy they have is massive tax cut for companies in the hope that it will some time down the track produce some massive amount of growth.They want to beat the entire economic on a theory whose track record is extremely spotty at best.

The assumptions this economic statement were built ing are spotty.

A Government without ideas or Discipline.

They have gone around saying "we are not the labour party" but they have been every bit as divided, and worse economic managers. They took over after a pretty chaotic and dysfunctional period of labour government for much of the time, and easily matched the poor performance and somehow sunk to a new low of Australian government.
Its strange that even though the left are the ones considered to be screaming about there feelings. This thread has nothing, while the complaint about the left thread is up to part two.
The Right whinges about political correctness "stifling debate" but has its own sacred cows that cannot be criticised or questioned - notably "the market".
The right can't manage the economy or keep us safe. Bali happened under the right, nine eleven happened under the right. East Timor happened under the right, British nuclear testing happened under the right, Vietnam happened under the right. Syria and Iraq happened under the right.

the UN state the most wasteful treasurer we have ever had was from the right and his prime minister the second worse treasure we've had.
You won't find anyone defending this government. All of those who spent six years having a fit at every minutiae of the ALP government have now proclaimed themselves "anti establishment", in light of the predictable disater that this government has been, and soar above the old left/paradigm.
Conservatives pitching themselves as somehow anti establishment is just a f***ing joke anyway. The basic tenet of conservatism is respect for social, political, and cultural institutions*.
By definition it's not possible.

*Where it suits them.
Its strange that even though the left are the ones considered to be screaming about there feelings. This thread has nothing, while the complaint about the left thread is up to part two.

Any first year political science undergrad can point you to sources that specifically demonstrate right wing politics are based in emotion.

Mostly fear and anger.
I have to say the sight of Scott Morrison, who in 2013 was acting like Australia was on the brink of Greek style meltdown, now calmly explaining the difference between "good and bad debt" brought a smile to my lips.

Not that it will save him, them or the AAA rating, their issue is a massive revenue drop off, not spending per se.

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You won't find anyone defending this government..

No informed aware person could defend any liberal government. They will not assimilate, they continue to serve the interests of foreign cultures and send our money and resources over seas. They treat us like second class citizens. They introduce policy to divide and subjugate.
Ive got a good one.

The right always bang on about how governments shouldnt interfere in the economy because the free market will magically make the best long term decisions. In spite of all evidence to the contrary.

And along comes Indias Donald Trump, Adani. A guy who made his fortune by defaulting on loans in India and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill.

Not a single bank in Australia will go anywhere near the Carmichael mine because it is already obsolete and has the potential to destroy the GBR which actually does benefit Australia economically.

And what do these champions of the free market do? Offer to build Adani the rail line at taxpayer expense, over a billion dollars, and then hand over ownership to Adani. Knowing full well the market wouldnt touch this operation with a ten foot pole. Yet you couldnt find a couple of hundred million to keep hundreds of thousands of Aussies employed in car manufacturing?

Its almost like they are just out to deliberately scam Australian taxpayers on behalf of foreign and domestic billionaires or something...
Ive got a good one.

The right always bang on about how governments shouldnt interfere in the economy because the free market will magically make the best long term decisions. In spite of all evidence to the contrary.

And along comes Indias Donald Trump, Adani. A guy who made his fortune by defaulting on loans in India and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill.

Not a single bank in Australia will go anywhere near the Carmichael mine because it is already obsolete and has the potential to destroy the GBR which actually does benefit Australia economically.

And what do these champions of the free market do? Offer to build Adani the rail line at taxpayer expense, over a billion dollars, and then hand over ownership to Adani. Knowing full well the market wouldnt touch this operation with a ten foot pole. Yet you couldnt find a couple of hundred million to keep hundreds of thousands of Aussies employed in car manufacturing?

Its almost like they are just out to deliberately scam Australian taxpayers on behalf of foreign and domestic billionaires or something...

Old kamaraden Anastasia P knee deep in this too.
is it possible the budget is worse because of planned spending growth that was reliant on the boom economic times we saw when these policies were created and have since not been able to be cut back because of a rogue senate?

Its largely a revenue problem not a spending problem.
is it possible the budget is worse because of planned spending growth that was reliant on the boom economic times we saw when these policies were created and have since not been able to be cut back because of a rogue senate?
If you had any idea you wouldnt be posing a question, youd be stating a fact.
If you had any idea you wouldnt be posing a question, youd be stating a fact.
A rhetorical question is a question that you ask without expecting an answer. The question might be one that does not have an answer. It might also be one that has an obvious answer but you have asked the question to make a point, to persuade or for literary effect.
A rhetorical question is a question that you ask without expecting an answer. The question might be one that does not have an answer. It might also be one that has an obvious answer but you have asked the question to make a point, to persuade or for literary effect.
And the obvious answer, without any rhetoric, is?????
Bit easier to control spending than income i would have thought

You are very far off the mark when it comes to national budgets, but spending is a part of it: specifically where we are directing money (to corporate backers and war rather than social programs: the return on investment in this kind of spending is pratically nil).

Which programs were set up during the boom that you think we cant afford anymore?

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Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

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