Society/Culture Do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology?

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Interesting study, leftism is a product of antagonistic narcissism (this concords with my own observations, and is exhibited by many posters on this board)

Considering these results, we assume that some leftist political activists do not actually strive for social justice and equality but rather use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against others to satisfy their own ego-focused needs.​

That doesn't say, what you think it says 🤣

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Interesting study, leftism is a product of antagonistic narcissism (this concords with my own observations, and is exhibited by many posters on this board)

Considering these results, we assume that some leftist political activists do not actually strive for social justice and equality but rather use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against others to satisfy their own ego-focused needs.​

You're missing a word there, and one cannot help thinking that it's pretty deliberate.
Interesting study, leftism is a product of antagonistic narcissism (this concords with my own observations, and is exhibited by many posters on this board)

Considering these results, we assume that some leftist political activists do not actually strive for social justice and equality but rather use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against others to satisfy their own ego-focused needs.​

Smrt guy conservative confuses left wing authoritarianism with the entire spectrum of the left wing.

Looks stpd
Smrt guy conservative confuses left wing authoritarianism with the entire spectrum of the left wing.

Looks stpd
Had anyone who uses the term 'leftism' ever said something remotely prescient?

It's pretty much a sign that someone's opinion can be comfortably ignored.
Smrt guy conservative confuses left wing authoritarianism with the entire spectrum of the left wing.

Looks stpd
The egalitarian premise of left wing politics tends to authoritarianism. Something has to iron out the natural difference between people, crimping the advantages some have over others.

The state today is unfathomably huge by the standards of the early 20th century.
The egalitarian premise of left wing politics tends to authoritarianism. Something has to iron out the natural difference between people, crimping the advantages some have over others.

The state today is unfathomably huge by the standards of the early 20th century.
Tends to.

Theres been left wing governments in power for decades throughout the western world that havnt. In fact the authoritarians are statistical outliers. Governments from the right and the left are elected all the time without devolving into authoritarian rule.

Saying tends to would also apply to the myriad of right wing governments that have gone authoritarian in hundreds of cases worldwide from pinochet to franco to hitler to mussolini.

Its not any sort of natural progression. Its control freak arsewipes coopting democracy.

Nice try.
Interesting study, leftism is a product of antagonistic narcissism (this concords with my own observations, and is exhibited by many posters on this board)

Considering these results, we assume that some leftist political activists do not actually strive for social justice and equality but rather use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against others to satisfy their own ego-focused needs.​

The world has lost count how many times it has been saved from darkness by the right leaning capitalists.
Had anyone who uses the term 'leftism' ever saidi something remotely prescient?

It's pretty much a sign that someone's opinion can be comfortably ignored.
It's a bit like the over use of the term woke.

You can tell how stupid someone is by the amount of times they use it on a post or thread.

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It's a bit like the over use of the term woke.

You can tell how stupid someone is by the amount of times they use it on a post or thread.
You claim that it's ridiculous that leftists are authoritan yet this thread is filled with your ilk disparaging and dismissing people who dare to be of a different political ideology to yourself.

You are either malignant, or more likely as I posited earlier, political extremists from both sides are less intelligent....
You claim that it's ridiculous that leftists are authoritan yet this thread is filled with your ilk disparaging and dismissing people who dare to be of a different political ideology to yourself.

You are either malignant, or more likely as I posited earlier, political extremists from both sides are less intelligent....
I never claimed they weren't authoritarian. It is more of a Right wing thing though. The paper in question is only talking about proving LWA is a thing though.

I'm not dismissing anything, I'm merely noting the connection between people that over use the work woke and intelligence. Even politicians who over use it know who they are saying it to.

But being racist, bigoted and ignorant are not political ideologies They are just the unfortunate traits of what we call the modern right and why it was impossible to be part of the LNP as a moderate. (Edit- sorry I deleted the fact I was LNP member for many many years, hence the reference)

The problem posters like you have, is you look over your left shoulder and think that's all lefties, when unfortunately it's more like 90% of the country.
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I never claimed they weren't authoritarian. It is more of a Right wing thing though. The paper in question is only talking about proving LWA is a thing though.

I'm not dismissing anything, I'm merely noting the connection between people that over use the work woke and intelligence. Even politicians who over use it know who they are saying it to.

But being racist, bigoted and ignorant are not political ideologies They are just the unfortunate traits of what we call the modern right and why it was impossible to be part of the LNP as a moderate. (Edit- sorry I deleted the fact I was LNP member for many many years, hence the reference)

The problem posters like you have, is you look over your left shoulder and think that's all lefties, when unfortunately it's more like 90% of the country.
I have zero problems. I play golf 4 days a week, have a beautiful family, and enjoy every second of my life….

I honestly don’t care what you believe or what anyone does or believes, as long as they don’t interfere with me.

The problem you have is labelling everyone who believes something different to you as an idiot.

I don’t vote for the crazy new liberals, and I wouldn’t vote for Labor either.

I don’t even want to vote. I am an economic conservative though, I rose from the slums to a property and business empire.

Let me tell you, when you come from nothing, and crawl and fight your way out to become wealthy, you hate everyone equally ! 😂😂
I have zero problems. I play golf 4 days a week, have a beautiful family, and enjoy every second of my life….
I mean golf, why ruin a nice walk at golf. Doesn't make you an idiot....
I honestly don’t care what you believe or what anyone does or believes, as long as they don’t interfere with me.

The problem you have is labelling everyone who believes something different to you as an idiot.
People are perfectly entitled to 'believe' anything they like.

Again I'm not labelling everyone who believes something different to me as an idiot or stupid, I'm merely pointing out people who use woke a lot so generally appear less intelligent.

But Idiot is a great word, I refuse to bow down to your attempts at cancel culture 😉

I don’t vote for the crazy new liberals, and I wouldn’t vote for Labor either.
I mean, who would.... but that doesn't mean you didn't vote for Clive Palmer ( that's a joke no one voted for Clive Palmer )
I don’t even want to vote. I am an economic conservative though, I rose from the slums to a property and business empire.
Sounds like a great movie.
Let me tell you, when you come from nothing, and crawl and fight your way out to become wealthy, you hate everyone equally ! 😂😂
I also have a healthy disdain for most people, it's just a certain subset of people are currently more deserving of being called out for what they are.
You claim that it's ridiculous that leftists are authoritan yet this thread is filled with your ilk disparaging and dismissing people who dare to be of a different political ideology to yourself.

You are either malignant, or more likely as I posited earlier, political extremists from both sides are less intelligent....
Actually we just point out when they say stupid things in a thread dedicated to the premise that theres a lot of thick c#%^’a who follow conservatism.

If they argued their points eloquently and with sound logic it would be difficult to mock them. Also this thread would be a lot less likely to exist.
Actually we just point out when they say stupid things in a thread dedicated to the premise that theres a lot of thick c#%^’a who follow conservatism.

If they argued their points eloquently and with sound logic it would be difficult to mock them. Also this thread would be a lot less likely to exist.
Also the big problem is modern right wings main point of difference is culture wars.

And on all of the topics, like Climate Change, vaccines,masks, gender (what have Ieft out?) they require you to ignore expert opinion.

So of course those who aren't the brightest are going to he left behind, so there will be more of them as %
I believe that the modern "conservative" no longer conserves, so with that being said, believing liberal Trump to be a conservative is proof of lack of intelligence. This could also be the reason why the uncultured liberal/left buffoons believe you lack intelligence if you're a conservative that voted Trump, they expected conservatives to vote for the liberal candidate Hillary in 2016, this explains a great deal of their subsequent conduct in their democratic & multicultural society.
I believe that the modern "conservative" no longer conserves, so with that being said, believing liberal Trump to be a conservative is proof of lack of intelligence. This could also be the reason why the uncultured liberal/left buffoons believe you lack intelligence if you're a conservative that voted Trump, they expected conservatives to vote for the liberal candidate Hillary in 2016, this explains a great deal of their subsequent conduct in their democratic & multicultural society.
Those certainly are indeed all words.
Also the big problem is modern right wings main point of difference is culture wars.

And on all of the topics, like Climate Change, vaccines,masks, gender (what have Ieft out?) they require you to ignore expert opinion.

So of course those who aren't the brightest are going to he left behind, so there will be more of them as %
In fairness they almost always can find one “expert” who goes against the majority.

His qualifications don't match the field hes bloviating about but hey whats a decade or two intensively studying a complex specialty between friends.

Im an astrophysicist and heres my view on mmcc

Errrr isnt your degree as an aircraft engineer

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In fairness they almost always can find one “expert” who goes against the majority.
Well done! We both know that the uncultured liberal/left buffoons on this thread would've been asking themselves: "how can a conservative fine an "expert" that goes against the majority?" I knew you meant find.

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Society/Culture Do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology?

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