Society & Culture i hate smokers

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A benefit from smoking is walking through crowds of people while smoking, knowing how many people are gagging and coughing when i release a lungful up into the air and watching it drift over them all.

Just knowing how many negative thoughts in peoples heads i have triggered due to the brainwashing they are flooded with thanks to antismokers makes me laugh, a lot.

U mad?
A benefit from smoking is walking through crowds of people while smoking, knowing how many people are gagging and coughing when i release a lungful up into the air and watching it drift over them all.

Just knowing how many negative thoughts in peoples heads i have triggered due to the brainwashing they are flooded with thanks to antismokers makes me laugh, a lot.

U mad?

I don't like smokers being persecuted but also dislike walking behind a smoker and breathing in all that second hand smoke.
Smoking is a sure sign of mental weakness.

People who cant handle stress or have social phobias will have a smoke to calm their nerves cos they dont have any other coping mechanisms.

Their inability to stop smoking when they know the damage it does to their body, and those around them is just pure softness and lack of will.

Amost makes sense that they are killed off so the strong survive.

Working in recruitment, if I see 'smoker' on someones resume, they go to the back of the pile.

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Because while smoking was never seen as cool in my youth, all the cool kids werent pussies and had to have a go to see what all the fuss was about.

We ended up with a nicotine addiction.

Now the government charge us a large percentage of our wage to smoke and do not offer subsidies on the full range of cigarrette substitutes.

If you want me to stop smoking, pay for me to quit or stfu about it.

I dont enjoy smoking as much as i NEED nicotine.

And gum and patches are ******ed and dont work for me.

E-cigs have reduced my smoking by half. I go back to smokes when i am awaiting a 2 week delivery of refills from the usa because i cant get it prescribed.

isn't champix massively subsidised?
Smoking is a sure sign of mental weakness.

People who cant handle stress or have social phobias will have a smoke to calm their nerves cos they dont have anypther coping mechanisms.

Their inability to stop smoking when they know the damage it does to their body, and those around them is just pure softness and lack of will.

I reckon i can spot this attitude on a persons face when they walk past me in the street. After so many years of rude looks and fake coughs you pick up on subtleties in body language that give it away. I guess its somewhat of a "trade secret".

The fun part is instead of my usual blow the smoke away from people to aim it right in their face or walking path. Then just stare right through their perfect little soul as it scampers away in fear to post on the internet about how much they hate personal freedom of others and claim they own the air in the sky.
isn't champix massively subsidised?

Yes but it has so many negative affects and i distrust it and will not use it. I have found my method that reduces smoking for me, but it is not subsidised, probably because it tastes like chocolate or cherry.
Does anyone really know what the govt gets in tax compared to what it pays out in cigarette related health costs? I really would like to know. Tax would be very easy to find out an exact amount but I reckon "cigarette related health costs" would be very subjective and open to a fair amount of manipulation. Lung cancer is obviously an easy connection, emphysema probably as well, but other illnesses such as heart problems and stroke are perhaps more subjective and could be caused by other things ie being a fat/cholesterol/eating badly/hereditary etc.
I have to admit, non-smokers shit me to tears and I refuse to smoke near them.

"Do you know how bad they are blah blah. You're spending all that money to kill KILL YOURSELF!"

Of course, I didn't just move here from Bedrock, but they say it like it's news to me.

YES I KNOW THEY ARE BAD FOR ME!!! I've been smoking for 20 years, and apart from a bit of smokers cough, my lung feels great! You nerve wracking sons of bitches! Now you've stressed me out. brb having a ***.
A benefit from smoking is walking through crowds of people while smoking, knowing how many people are gagging and coughing when i release a lungful up into the air and watching it drift over them all.

Just knowing how many negative thoughts in peoples heads i have triggered due to the brainwashing they are flooded with thanks to antismokers makes me laugh, a lot.

U mad?

How can any smoker possibly come up with any viable positives from smoking?
We non-smokers are the ones laughing at suckers like you, who are not only wasting their hard earned on a filthy habit/addiction, but are endangering their own health.
My father had a heart attack when he was in his 40s, partly due to his smoking, he had to quit cold turkey. Maybe it will take a serious health scare like that before you will give it up
Does anyone really know what the govt gets in tax compared to what it pays out in cigarette related health costs? I really would like to know. Tax would be very easy to find out an exact amount but I reckon "cigarette related health costs" would be very subjective and open to a fair amount of manipulation. Lung cancer is obviously an easy connection, emphysema probably as well, but other illnesses such as heart problems and stroke are perhaps more subjective and could be caused by other things ie being a fat/cholesterol/eating badly/hereditary etc.

Even then, lung problems can be caused by many other legal things.

Look up at your ceiling at work, does the office have mineral fibre tiles with fibreglass above it for insulation?

Guess what. Carcinogenic. But not enough deaths are recorded with this as the cause, because guess what, that person smoked for a year 20 years ago, so cigarettes did it.
Yes but it has so many negative affects and i distrust it and will not use it. I have found my method that reduces smoking for me, but it is not subsidised, probably because it tastes like chocolate or cherry.

You distrust the alternatives, yet youre happy to smoke tobacco, which is well known to cause adverse affects?
Its always funny listening to smokers tell me how something else is worse than smoking.
I once listened to a smoker (smokes a pack a day) tell me how bad eating burnt toast was
How can any smoker possibly come up with any viable positives from smoking?
We non-smokers are the ones laughing at suckers like you, who are not only wasting their hard earned on a filthy habit/addiction, but are endangering their own health.
My father had a heart attack when he was in his 40s, partly due to his smoking, he had to quit cold turkey. Maybe it will take a serious health scare like that before you will give it up

It sets off antismokers on their high horse which is good to sit back and laugh at being talked to like we got caught smoking back at high school.

My dad has smoked since he was 10 and is now in his late sixties, besides coughing every now and then his heart is fine and blood pressure is perfect. Two packs a day. For over fifty years. He also eats rubbish and eats more sugar than anyone i know.

My mum never smoked regularly, only for a couple of years socially at parties when in her late teens, hasnt touched one for over 30 years. In her 50s now and has severe heart issues and bad angina and has given up alcohol and processed foods.

So was my mums condition caused by smoking, and if so, why is my dad healthy?
It sets off antismokers on their high horse which is good to sit back and laugh at being talked to like we got caught smoking back at high school.

My dad has smoked since he was 10 and is now in his late sixties, besides coughing every now and then his heart is fine and blood pressure is perfect. Two packs a day. For over fifty years. He also eats rubbish and eats more sugar than anyone i know.

My mum never smoked regularly, only for a couple of years socially at parties when in her late teens, hasnt touched one for over 30 years. In her 50s now and has severe heart issues and bad angina and has given up alcohol and processed foods.

So was my mums condition caused by smoking, and if so, why is my dad healthy?

Passive smoking;)

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I should probably add that my mum drinks grog like a fish drinks seawater, well she used to.

So another question, you dont smoke because its unhealthy, but do you drink alcohol at all?

I rarely do. I have beers in my fridge that went past their used by date 6 months ago.

Pick your poison and let others do the same.

You dont see me ranting at you with condescending comments on how unhealthy alcohol is and how obnoxious drunk people can be.
So was my mums condition caused by smoking, and if so, why is my dad healthy?

Its the way the cookie crumbles.
Sometimes you hear about people living past 100 who are regular smokers, but these people are the exception.
Im not saying because you're a smoker that you are definantly going to get cancer or heart disease, im saying that its clear that smokers are increasing their chances of having major health problems further down the track.

Its the same with overweight/obese people.
Being overweight gives you a greater risk of developing major health issues. Do you think that we (the taxpayer) should subsidise the overweight/obese people to help them lose weight?
Its the way the cookie crumbles.
Sometimes you hear about people living past 100 who are regular smokers, but these people are the exception.
Im not saying because you're a smoker that you are definantly going to get cancer or heart disease, im saying that its clear that smokers are increasing their chances of having major health problems further down the track.

Its the same with overweight/obese people.
Being overweight gives you a greater risk of developing major health issues. Do you think that we (the taxpayer) should subsidise the overweight/obese people to help them lose weight?

Maybe we should ban food or at least tax it for fat people. They're clogging up the health system you know.
Its the way the cookie crumbles.
Sometimes you hear about people living past 100 who are regular smokers, but these people are the exception.
Im not saying because you're a smoker that you are definantly going to get cancer or heart disease, im saying that its clear that smokers are increasing their chances of having major health problems further down the track.

Its the same with overweight/obese people.
Being overweight gives you a greater risk of developing major health issues. Do you think that we (the taxpayer) should subsidise the overweight/obese people to help them lose weight?


Gastric banding should be free.
Pick your poison and let others do the same.

I think most would agree with this. However, if you go around doing beer burps in people's faces, they don't like it so much. That's essentially what you are doing when you are smoking in public or around non-smokers.

The external impact of smoking is much different to drinking or any other 'poison'.
Smoking is a sure sign of mental weakness.

People who cant handle stress or have social phobias will have a smoke to calm their nerves cos they dont have any other coping mechanisms.

Their inability to stop smoking when they know the damage it does to their body, and those around them is just pure softness and lack of will.

Amost makes sense that they are killed off so the strong survive.

Working in recruitment, if I see 'smoker' on someones resume, they go to the back of the pile.
Who would indicate they were a smoker on their resume??????
I think most would agree with this. However, if you go around doing beer burps in people's faces, they don't like it so much. That's essentially what you are doing when you are smoking in public or around non-smokers.

The external impact of smoking is much different to drinking or any other 'poison'.

Because it stinks?

You ever smelt coffee breath, or a drunk, or mcdonalds farts?
So another question, you dont smoke because its unhealthy, but do you drink alcohol at all?

I rarely do. I have beers in my fridge that went past their used by date 6 months ago.

Pick your poison and let others do the same.

You dont see me ranting at you with condescending comments on how unhealthy alcohol is and how obnoxious drunk people can be.

I rarely drink alcohol, and when i do its rarely to escess.
Im not saying im an angel in terms of anything, ive probably over indugled in food in my life, but me eating food doesnt endanger or annoy others
Who would indicate they were a smoker on their resume??????

Lol he openly admits to illegal discrimination and unethical work practices while riding on his high horse and yelling through his megaphone to "move along past the concourse".

And IM the weak willed one?

Gastric banding should be free.

I dont believe that should be free, or everyone would use that option before going down the traditonal methods.
Gastric banding is intended to be a last ditch effort.

From what i can gather, you have basically given up on quitting via normal methods, and want others to fork out to help you.
Its your own problem to fix
I think most would agree with this. However, if you go around doing beer burps in people's faces, they don't like it so much. That's essentially what you are doing when you are smoking in public or around non-smokers.

The external impact of smoking is much different to drinking or any other 'poison'.

Would you rather people smoke while driving or sink a bottle of Bundy?

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Society & Culture i hate smokers

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