If AFL became like the NRL's future and lost 30 players a year to overseas...

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Re: If Sonny Bill Williams was an AFL player, how would his club & the AFL handle his departure?

If a player quit his club mid contract to play for another AFL club without his clubs approval he would be deregistered and banned from playing in the AFL. He would probably sue but the AFL would win any case easily with the argument that they aren't stopping him playing for all many non-AFL aligned clubs out there, that all players from all AFL clubs are essentially employees of the AFL and that the AFL is perfectly within its rights to not hire someone if it so chooses.

Those are the benefits of holding a monopoly on the highest level of a sport.
Re: If Sonny Bill Williams was an AFL player, how would his club & the AFL handle his departure?

For the sake of our game i hope he doesn't win his court case because the implications it will have on our overall system (draft, salary cap) is pretty bad esp for small clubs.

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If you watch League in the UK, it seems a lot more exciting - there are fans in the bleachers and they make some noise!

Think of Sonny Bill playing out in ANZ Stadium with 7000 fans. You could hear a pin drop. He can't play State of Origin and there is no International League scene. How boring!

When was the last time the International League team played anyone other than the Kiwis? When was the last time the Kiwi's played an international team other than Australia?
Re: If Sonny Bill Williams was an AFL player, how would his club & the AFL handle his departure?

They have a four team league in China he could get a game over there? Seriously the unity of the clubs and the AFLPA have will never see this happen. But if they did play AFL professionally anywhere else in the world I reckon the AFL would do exactly what the NRL are doing as if he gets away with it it will start a nasty precedent with overseas poachers.
Re: If Sonny Bill Williams was an AFL player, how would his club & the AFL handle his departure?

For the sake of our game i hope he doesn't win his court case because the implications it will have on our overall system (draft, salary cap) is pretty bad esp for small clubs.

Wont affect AFL in the slightest. Unless the players want to play in a different competition that is (not that there is one or another code alternative like there is for league). Salary cap will stay in place in australian sport regardless of what happens with the SBW case. Its not so much about whether its legal to put a salary cap in place (as this is essentially worked out by the competition/clubs etc anyway) but more about SBW wanting to be able to take the rugby offer, and as he's not going to be playing for a competitor of the bulldogs he's home and hosed.
Re: If Sonny Bill Williams was an AFL player, how would his club & the AFL handle his departure?

From what I know of this case (and its only been what Ive heard on radio) is that Sonny Bill could be in trouble, whilst he can argue the restraint of trade, he should have put in the "overseas clause" when negotiating his contract like Matty King did.

However there could be more to it.
The thing is Sonny Bill would be paid alot more except for the salary cap. His argument is that the salary cap is restraining him from earning what he's worth. Hence he has an excellent case to break his contract under the "restraint of trade" law.

In the case of breaking a contract the aggrieved party has to prove damages before winning and then the best they can get is "compensation" for those damages. There won't be an injunction to prevent him playing because he signed to play a different sport. Also they'd be no injunction because he's not playing directly against Canterbury.

I know bugger all about this, just paraphrasing what a lawyer said on SEN.

NRL's caught between a rock and a hard place. They and their rules looks soft if they don't pursue him but they risk the entire salary cap if it goes to court. Huge ramifications.
Re: If Sonny Bill Williams was an AFL player, how would his club & the AFL handle his departure?

Wont affect AFL in the slightest. Unless the players want to play in a different competition that is (not that there is one or another code alternative like there is for league). Salary cap will stay in place in australian sport regardless of what happens with the SBW case. Its not so much about whether its legal to put a salary cap in place (as this is essentially worked out by the competition/clubs etc anyway) but more about SBW wanting to be able to take the rugby offer, and as he's not going to be playing for a competitor of the bulldogs he's home and hosed.
I think I read though his lawyers had decided to challenge the salary cap in court as a restraint of trade. I think this was to counter to any NRL action. If that was to succeed then the ramifications would be there for other codes.
The Bulldogs and NRL will back down, the salary cap will cease to be an issue, Sonny Bill will go and grab his money while it lasts, and in a couple of years those French clubs will have gone broke and the League clubs will go on. Reports of NRL's death are exaggerated.

And hypothetically if the AFL was a meat market like that, who knows? I think it would mean less to me, but when I recall what the AFL already has done and will go on doing, and I keep being interested, I expect I'd grin and bear this as well.
Re: If Sonny Bill Williams was an AFL player, how would his club & the AFL handle his departure?

I think I read though his lawyers had decided to challenge the salary cap in court as a restraint of trade. I think this was to counter to any NRL action. If that was to succeed then the ramifications would be there for other codes.

I love how a number of senior NRL players are threatening to leave unless the NRL ditches the salary cap. Obviously never occured to them that a) There is no more money, the NRL are broke and the game doesn't make any more money, and b) The good players would get paid more at the expense of everyone else, and c) many clubs would go broke.

Never been the code for rocket scientists.

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If AFL became like the NRL's future and lost 30 players a year to overseas...

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