If Scully was discovered to have signed with GWS...

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Call me crazy but I have a genuine feeling he will stay. I get the feeling he is a player of integrity. Of course, this doesn't stop me being nervous all year until he signs but I just haved a gut feeling he will stay.

Hopefully some of the new and improved culture we have strived for around the club will promote club loyalty.

To say they have put contract negotiations on hold until the end of the season to ensure no distractions to Tom is absolute bullshit! If anything, it has increased distraction tenfold! This whole statement stinks of lies. The more i read and hear about this, the more i feel it's a done deal.

The fact is, he's either signed to the GWS, or he's holding our club to ransom for more cash. All the while putting us supporters through hell.

To be honest, i feel like I've been kicked in the guts, and to think i have to carry this feeling all season long until they announce he's leaving, is hard to bare.

I just couldn't imagine we would give this kid the honour as #1 draft pick, and hand him our clubs most famous players number to wear with pride on the field, the he would throw it all back in our faces by signing with that clown Sheedy! If it does turn out to be true, which is looking more likely than not, then **** you Scully, and **** you AFL for letting something like this happen. How can a player drafted at #1, get stolen from a club in just over a year into his career. This is just bullshit....


Now, this isn't an accusation about Melbourne directly.

However, what is to stop a club using the pressure of supporters and the media to sign an uncontracted player mid-season, hoping he doesn't have time to properly read the contract, and only later does the player find out that the club has actually offered him less, in order to save room in the salary cap? It could be a way for a club to screw over a player, and pay him less, by pressuring him to sign early.

I don't Melbourne would do this. But it wouldn't suprise me if some clubs are using this situation to retain players for less money.

I mean, this happens in the workplace, where some employers try to work out ways to not pay as much to their employees.
id be ropeable right now were i a dee's supporter...

'putting off negotiations until the end of the season'... what a joke, we've heard it all before...

the club should refuse to play him until he signs...

problem solved...

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I wonder if they will use Scully to call up members from 2010 wh haven't renewed their memberships for 2011 yet? Might not be the best idea.

Heres how I see the convo:

Tom: "Hi its Tom Scully from the MFC calling you about your membership, we have noticed you haven't renewed for 2011."

Member: "Well i've noticed you haven't committed to the club either, give me a call back when you do or pass the phone to Brad Green."

Tom: "Ummmm........... can I....... will you............ Brad, someone wants to talk to you!"

So Scully has taken his interview skills from Tony Abbott.:p

Now, this isn't an accusation about Melbourne directly.

However, what is to stop a club using the pressure of supporters and the media to sign an uncontracted player mid-season, hoping he doesn't have time to properly read the contract, and only later does the player find out that the club has actually offered him less, in order to save room in the salary cap? It could be a way for a club to screw over a player, and pay him less, by pressuring him to sign early.

I'm not sure you understand what a player's agent does.
i wonder if they will use scully to call up members from 2010 wh haven't renewed their memberships for 2011 yet? Might not be the best idea.

Heres how i see the convo:

tom: "hi its tom scully from the mfc calling you about your membership, we have noticed you haven't renewed for 2011."

member: "well i've noticed you haven't committed to the club either, give me a call back when you do or pass the phone to brad green."

tom: "ummmm........... Can i....... Will you............ Brad, someone wants to talk to you!"

this! Lol!
Its a tough issue and I can understand a lot of 'rash' statement’s made, but to wish an injury or boo any player who wears the red and blue because he MIGHT not play for us next year is shameful. I hardly see how booing a contracted player who should receive some great offers from other clubs can be considered constructive. If he genuinely doesn’t make a decision till the end of the year hostility by the MFC's supporters will make us look pathetic and should lead to him putting that down as a con in is highly effective Pro & Con list to stay or go.

I'm sceptical about him staying myself and I have been grumpy since these rumours are all that’s talked about but while we have Scully (which I hope is for a lot longer then this year) we need to support him and get the most out of him. Be that finals success or adequate compensation.

While there is doubt over his contract the supporters should treat him with the same respect as any other player. At this stage its just speculation. Scully didn't start these 'rumours' and if he does leave (hope not) it's the AFL who allowed this to happen, not the player.

The CBA basically means a bigger pay check for AFL players. I am not privy to how this works but it may be a good idea for players to hold of negotiations until its clear what this means for future pay cheques. It may not be a X% pay rise for all existing contracts, it may be a pay rise for all future contracts.

If we discover (I doubt we would, at least not till the latter parts of the season anyway) that any of our players have signed with GWS while they have a contract with us it would be time to cut ties and leave him out of the senior team IF that wouldn't effect his compensation value. If we discover on round 20 that Scully is going to GWS after playing very well all year you would at least need to consider playing him for not only our hope of finals but because a further great 4 games and maybe a final or two could result in 2 1st round draft picks opposed to 1. The trade off is 4 or so less games of development for someone else.

If Scully does go it will be tough but football is a funny sort of game and it would be foolish of us to throw in the towel. The MFC without Scully will still be right up their in a few year, they may just have a little more 'grunt' about them too.

I agree with your comments Wise One, but expanding on the 'CBA' that Tom's agent wants to see how it plays out, if it is a sticking point to him re signing with us, why couldn't a clause be added to the contract to include whatever the 'CBA' increases player payments when they are announced...

It seems to me to be a pretty easy exercise for the parties to get together asap & get a deal done that is satisfactory for everyone... It is time for this young kid to be given some good advice from the senior guys at Velocity, which to my thinking needs to show Tom as a guy who is big on the following; Loyalty, Maturity, Professionalism & Mateship, the ending of the PR disaster that is happening to him at the moment must be a priority for his future brand to reach it full potential... That is supposed to be their job...

From what I have been told about Tom, all of the above are strong features of his character...
Who the hell does he think he is. One year in and he's holding the club to ransom already. I would just refuse to play him in the seniors and send him to Casey to slog it out until he shows some bloody loyalty to his mates and supporters. This is going to go on all bloody year and will be a distraction to a club that needs no distractions. Either sign with the MFC before round 1 or pack your bags and get on a plane to GWS I say.
Who the hell does he think he is. One year in and he's holding the club to ransom already. I would just refuse to play him in the seniors and send him to Casey to slog it out until he shows some bloody loyalty to his mates and supporters. This is going to go on all bloody year and will be a distraction to a club that needs no distractions. Either sign with the MFC before round 1 or pack your bags and get on a plane to GWS I say.

Comrades, I have never eaten tripe in my life but this posting above is a good enough approximation.

This is the dumbest post I have ever read on our board. And that is really saying something.

We willingly entered into a two year contract with Tom. He is half way through. He has got every right to defer negotiations until the end of the season.

If we adopted this idiocy above, we are guaranteed to lose him to GWS for chicken feed.

Tom will stay. Caro was dead right in her assessment of his personality: he is not a risk taker; he is methodical in everything that he does. We have embedded him well into the club on a number of levels. He will go if morons dressed in red and blue razz him up.

Moderators, this thread has said everything that needs to be said ad infinitum. It is now the law of diminishing returns. It is also attracting the likes of Meltdown Mario / Damir Roo / Tampon Dean, who have a licence to throw petrol on the fire with some mock sympathy.

I reckon it should be locked so we can all move on.


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And we all thought this sort of speculation would be about Trenners.


For what it's worth, I can't see Tom going anywhere.
Trenners getting it done. :thumbsu:

It seems like they have a great bond.

The Ox said something interesting on SEN. He said (not quoting) that the vibe at at the club is that we are on the cusp of something great, and for Scully to leave now having gone through darker times, to go right back to the start, even further backwards than when he arrived at Melbourne is just not why you play footy.

Comrades, I have never eaten tripe in my life but this posting above is a good enough approximation.

This is the dumbest post I have ever read on our board. And that is really saying something.

We willingly entered into a two year contract with Tom. He is half way through. He has got every right to defer negotiations until the end of the season.

If we adopted this idiocy above, we are guaranteed to lose him to GWS for chicken feed.

Tom will stay. Caro was dead right in her assessment of his personality: he is not a risk taker; he is methodical in everything that he does. We have embedded him well into the club on a number of levels. He will go if morons dressed in red and blue razz him up.

Moderators, this thread has said everything that needs to be said ad infinitum. It is now the law of diminishing returns. It is also attracting the likes of Meltdown Mario / Damir Roo / Tampon Dean, who have a licence to throw petrol on the fire with some mock sympathy.

I reckon it should be locked so we can all move on.


Amen Biff.

Sadly we've got this thread or another identical to look forward to until he re-signs.
Trenners getting it done. :thumbsu:

It seems like they have a great bond.

The Ox said something interesting on SEN. He said (not quoting) that the vibe at at the club is that we are on the cusp of something great, and for Scully to leave now having gone through darker times, to go right back to the start, even further backwards than when he arrived at Melbourne is just not why you play footy.

Amen Biff.

Sadly we've got this thread or another identical to look forward to until he re-signs.

Trengove just became one of my favourite players after reading that article! Love the kid. Great attitude that hopefully rubs off on Scully.

Biff, i hear what you are saying mate, but people need to vent, and here is as good a place as any to let out your frustrations about the Scully saga. I just can't imagine him going through a full season with this hanging over his head. At every game he plays, function he attends, he will be asked the same question by all us supporters. Why won't you sign???? He's an 18 year old kid for christ sakes. And either signing to GWS or holding us to ransom, will be weighing on his mind greatly...
Okay, first and final warning to anyone--namely fans of other teams--who want to come here and make quips about tanking. You'll be out quick smart.

Instant ban from the Dees board to save you the effort next time.
Comrades, I have never eaten tripe in my life but this posting above is a good enough approximation.

This is the dumbest post I have ever read on our board. And that is really saying something.

We willingly entered into a two year contract with Tom. He is half way through. He has got every right to defer negotiations until the end of the season.

If we adopted this idiocy above, we are guaranteed to lose him to GWS for chicken feed.

Tom will stay. Caro was dead right in her assessment of his personality: he is not a risk taker; he is methodical in everything that he does. We have embedded him well into the club on a number of levels. He will go if morons dressed in red and blue razz him up.

Moderators, this thread has said everything that needs to be said ad infinitum. It is now the law of diminishing returns. It is also attracting the likes of Meltdown Mario / Damir Roo / Tampon Dean, who have a licence to throw petrol on the fire with some mock sympathy.

I reckon it should be locked so we can all move on.

Dead right. My guts are churning as much as everyone elses but all the vindictive hate & threats would have a negative affect on anyone (if he reads any of it of course).Time to take a deep breath & show him why he should stay, not leave..!!
plain and simple; there are 2 reasons he's not signing until the end of the year.

1. he is a 'good bloke' who 'wouldnt jump ship' and is just going to 'focus on football' until the end of the season
2. he was made an offer too good to refuse and has already reached an agreement with gws

if he wanted to 'focus on football', he'd sign tomorrow... this is going to drag on, and only gain momentum...

all the rumors last year about who was going and who wasnt were pretty much spot on...

it takes a lot of faith to believe someone is a 'good bloke' and would essentially take a pay cut simply because its the 'right thing to do'...

at the end of the day, money talks...
Okay, first and final warning to anyone--namely fans of other teams--who want to come here and make quips about tanking. You'll be out quick smart.

Instant ban from the Dees board to save you the effort next time.

Good Warning :thumbsu:

I hate this "T" word :mad:

By the way Marns, any comments regarding Scully contracts please? Thoughts? :)

Thanks :)

The difference is that if he leaves he will leave behind a team and friends that are building toward something and going towards an unknown. The decisive factor being money. This subject has been useful because it has shown which members believe money should override any other value. Football is a team sport and he has a good team around him now. He will also be wealthy beyond his wildest expectations regardless. I find it funny that people are viewing footballers as poor sods who can't possibly earn a crust after they retire. Does anybody doubt that Scully will be a multi-millionaire when he retires - no matter where he ends up? He'll also have access to many more opportunities to make money afterwards if he keeps his integrity, loyalty and image intact.

But, then again, I'm just delusional because I don't think money is the most important thing in life.

Very well said.
To say they have put contract negotiations on hold until the end of the season to ensure no distractions to Tom is absolute bullshit! If anything, it has increased distraction tenfold! This whole statement stinks of lies. The more i read and hear about this, the more i feel it's a done deal.

The fact is, he's either signed to the GWS, or he's holding our club to ransom for more cash. All the while putting us supporters through hell.

To be honest, i feel like I've been kicked in the guts, and to think i have to carry this feeling all season long until they announce he's leaving, is hard to bare.

I just couldn't imagine we would give this kid the honour as #1 draft pick, and hand him our clubs most famous players number to wear with pride on the field, the he would throw it all back in our faces by signing with that clown Sheedy! If it does turn out to be true, which is looking more likely than not, then **** you Scully, and **** you AFL for letting something like this happen. How can a player drafted at #1, get stolen from a club in just over a year into his career. This is just bullshit....

Spot on CD couldn't have said it any better.

Scully leaves he is taking a shit on this football club, its brand and everything it is about, and I doubt his reputation would ever recover
Yeah but because you found a few players who didn't sign and didn't go to the GC that doesn't mean the majority followed suit.

The difference between now and then is clubs/supporters felt screwed over by the players who signed and said nothing last year. People can now see the writing on the wall and won't accept it twice.

Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you.

Tell me that's a joke?! :rolleyes:
Tell me that's a joke?! :rolleyes:

Never heard of a proverb?

Anyway if you all want to sit here and stick your head in the sand while Scully GAJ's us thats fine, but I'm not as delusional as some of you.

Personally seeing how everything played out last year I would feel like a moron to sit here and think everything will be fine.

As has been said in this thread before;
Why would he put this pressure on himself? Week in, week out he will be called upon to tell the football world his decision. To not sign a contract and accept this pressure, he either has moronic management or is destined for GWS.
That the manager has at least fished the waters to see what is on offer around the traps. I'd sack my manager on the spot if he didn't do that even if I had no interest in leaving.

Spot on CD couldn't have said it any better.

Scully leaves he is taking a shit on this football club, its brand and everything it is about, and I doubt his reputation would ever recover

Is this any different to Nathan Buckley and the Brisbane Bears?

Brisbane did pretty well without him.

Is Buckley's reputation still tarnished, or have you forgotten that he had that 1 year with the Bears?

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If Scully was discovered to have signed with GWS...

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