If you had to swear on a book...

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any particular page number?

Not sure of the page number, but I always liked a possie known as 'The Taming'.


An energetic woman could really grind on you in this one. I like the feeling - in fact, I sear by it!
Never understood the whole swearing on a bible thing. Another thing I don't get is bibles in hotel rooms. You ever noticed that? I was traveling on a business trip once, and had an unpleasant exchange with a Dodoro type. I retired to my room and was feeling rather down. Found a copy of the bible in the drawer and thought I should read it and hopefully cheer up.

A few pages in and I was ready to jump off the balcony. I rang the front desk and gave the concierge what for. WHAT THE **** IS THIS SHIT I asked.

He explained every hotel room has a copy of the bible, for times when the occupier is feeling down and suicidal. He was obviously trying to wind me up, so I gave him another serve then asked to speak to his manager.

Smart arse little prick!

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"Kill for Collingwood" , though I really fail to see what swearing on any book accomplishes.
It is a totally meaningless tradition, fabricated to give the Bible false authority by association.
No less idiotic than swearing to tell the truth?
Truth is totally subjective.

Thought you'd be swearing on the novelisation of this movie


Actually, come to think of it the sight of Joffa makes quite a lot of people swear...
Thought you'd be swearing on the novelisation of this movie


Actually, come to think of it the sight of Joffa makes quite a lot of people swear...
Does a lot more for charity than many of the best regarded "legends" of the game though, not that he's my type of bloke, he's certainly not the worst type.
Never understood the whole swearing on a bible thing. Another thing I don't get is bibles in hotel rooms. You ever noticed that? I was traveling on a business trip once, and had an unpleasant exchange with a Dodoro type. I retired to my room and was feeling rather down. Found a copy of the bible in the drawer and thought I should read it and hopefully cheer up.

A few pages in and I was ready to jump off the balcony. I rang the front desk and gave the concierge what for. WHAT THE **** IS THIS SHIT I asked.

He explained every hotel room has a copy of the bible, for times when the occupier is feeling down and suicidal. He was obviously trying to wind me up, so I gave him another serve then asked to speak to his manager.

Smart arse little prick!

the Oath thing goes back to roman times as you can probably figure back then court decisions weren't based on independent evidence.
more often then not guilt or innocence was decided based solely on testimony to the romans gods were a big deal, They actually believed whole heartily that gods were responsible for every asset of life, they played an active role in the world. they also believed gods were easily offended and acted out vengeance upon those who angered them. The roman empire consisted of many cultures and many faiths and because of the roman were in charge they forced everyone to swear an oath under their own god.

The idea being that if you lied to a god well your ****ed buddy. hence it provided motivation not to lie. when roman society collapsed the practice continued but it was not formally enshrined in law until about the 10th century with some english king in regards to the sale of private property it required an independent third party to witness the transaction where he would swear to tell the truth by law and spread in to modern times from there.

as for the bible in motels its not actually clear why the gideons started putting bibles in hotel rooms only that they decided to do it because it was inline with what the gideon Organisation (which had only just been formed) was all about. so say it was to reduce suicide, others claim it was because hotel rooms were used for various sins. others have said that two of the gideon founders meet in an overcrowded motel in a time were sharing a room in such situations was the normal thing to do, got to chatting found out they were both christians and prayed...... decided that having a bible in a hotel room would make the whole shitty stay in a overbooked crowded motel less shit, especially in summer. no one really knows, what we do know is that today one of peoples favourite places to commit suicide is in a hotel room, Possibly because most people in the world don't live within a reasonable distance from the westgate bridge. and possibly because most people who sell vacuum cleaners door to door sooner or later come to the conclusion that life sucks. Of course given that 86% of suicides occur at home and only 26% of guests actually ever those bibles its hard to say wether they have any noticeable effect.

Given that most people who stay in a hotel room suddenly become kleptomaniacs, having the gideon bible probably helps with the bottom line, After all the gideons don't care if you take one of their bibles, But all of those missing light bulbs add up and put the motel managers under a lot of stress. Stress can lead to depression and apparently being depressed in a shitty motel is not the best combination.
I've actually heard that. As a Pies supporter he's a bit of a peanut:p but as a human being he's pretty bloody decent.
Reality is his matchday persona got some press...and he ran with it.
Sort of the "Norman Gunston"of AFL without the tissue paper and teeth.;):D
There was a great Wizard of Id cartoon of a guy swearing upon Webster's Dictionary. The oath read something like: " Do you swear to articulate in proper linguistic syntax, jargon and grammatical parlance, any and all fabrication of the facts"


I liked this answer best.;)

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The Bible. Anyone who doesn't should not be allowed into office.
... And anybody who does disobeys Jesus, which is kind of funny..

Matthew 5:34-37
"Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one."
…say as function of attaining public office or as a precursor to testifying in court, and you were given free choice of whatever Holy/ethical book you swore such oaths on, what would you choose figbooty?

I'd have to toss up between Hesse's Siddhartha and de Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince.

Origin of Species
Will try reading it after ingesting an heroic dose of lysergic acid.

Found it hard work, however have been told if persevered with it is truly a delight

While I'm a firm admirer of heroism, reading under the influence? *cue McEnro-ism*

*Did once have Breakfeast Of Champions read to me as a come-down bedtime story. Can recommend.
…say as function of attaining public office or as a precursor to testifying in court, and you were given free choice of whatever Holy/ethical book you swore such oaths on, what would you choose figbooty?

I'd have to toss up between Hesse's Siddhartha and de Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince.
Swearing on a book is meaningless unless you are religious.

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If you had to swear on a book...

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