Society/Culture You cannot help them, just enjoy their company.

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Of course, it depends on the context...but there are also family members that turn up and literally police what everyone says to the point no one can relax. Those people are just trouble makers.
Is it even a family gathering without mr “just saying what everyone thinks”?
My Christmas was quite the opposite. Varied beliefs, values and cultural backgrounds all harmoniously enjoying the day. No one talked about politics, or anything contentious because in the context of the day it wasn't at all important. If who someone votes for, or what they think about Gaza, or if they use the correct pronouns 100% of the time, is so important to you that you would sever your connections with others over it....i suspect that you are the problem.
Same, can't really imagine a family gathering where we'd all studiously talk about politics or culture, much less to the point where it would cause rifts. Lucky I guess, I suppose some can't be dissuaded from that track once they get going.

Most contentious thing that happened at our xmas lunch was dad getting blind and arm wrestling my sister-in-law (and losing), top day :tearsofjoy:
Haha you'll be alright - things are changing, just slowly. I distinctly remember having my first real interaction with a non-white person at 16, and now there's other races living in the town.

I grew up as a genuine racist. I've said every rotten black joke you know and 100 you don't. It was all born out of ignorance and a lack of interaction with people that weren't like me. Kids today growing up in Tassie are getting those experiences, and having access to the Internet is bridging the gap a lot.
Sounds like you grew up in a different part of Tasmania to me :eekv1: Or maybe an age difference? I have not heard the N word here ever that I can think of... except I was told not to say the name of the dog an very old farmer had who lived nearby who was obviously some kind of boomer edge-lord.

I don't like the perception we are all backwards down here. We had a stronger Yes vote in the referendum than everywhere except Victoria. Even our Liberal party premier was backing it. I think Queenslanders would be worse with this kind of thing on average than Tasmanians.

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Sounds like you grew up in a different part of Tasmania to me :eekv1: Or maybe an age difference? I have not heard the N word here ever that I can think of... except I was told not to say the name of the dog an very old farmer had who lived nearby who was obviously some kind of boomer edge-lord.

I don't like the perception we are all backwards down here. We had a stronger Yes vote in the referendum than everywhere except Victoria. Even our Liberal party premier was backing it. I think Queenslanders would be worse with this kind of thing on average than Tasmanians.

I don't think it's an age thing, I'm only in my 20s. I am from country Tas though, maybe the big smokes of Launceston and Hobart are more tolerant.
I don't think it's an age thing, I'm only in my 20s. I am from country Tas though, maybe the big smokes of Launceston and Hobart are more tolerant.
Oh makes sense, I thought it was strange to have not met a non-white person until 16 if you lived anywhere near Launceston. I wouldn't want to be around someone who used that kind of language so I might be ignorant to how common it is here.
I grew up in tassie in the 70s and found Melbourne more racist when i moved there.

But ... my old man was black and a lawyer and got into all sorts of shit. He had just started an appeal against the law society using an out of state SC judge when that night Max Bingham rang him up and told him to leave the state immediately and not to use the main airports cos people were waiting for him there.

A friend drove him to an airfield out the back of Devonport (from Hobart) and he flew out on a small plane that night.

Anyway I'll be moving back there in three weeks.
Been in Tassie for 3 days, so far I've heard:
  • Several uses of the N word
  • "Lazy Aboriginals", etc.
  • Trump 2024 (along with a flag)
  • Russia are the good guys
  • Everyone is too PC these days
  • Palestinians complain too much
  • Meghan Markle is a *in bitch
  • Meghan Markle had a fake baby
I’ll take things that never happened for that one Larry if not who the heck do you spend time with, I think without proof those are big claims to make
There's a song by the Flobots called Anne Braden which contains the following lyrics:
Imagine the world that you're standing within
All of your neighbors, their family-friends
How would you cope facing the fact
The flesh on their hands was tainted with sin?
She faced this every day
People she saw on a regular basis
People she loved, in several cases
People she knew were incredibly racist
It was painful, but she never stopped loving them
Never stopped callin' their names
And she never stopped being a Southern woman
And she never stopped fighting for change
This thread put me in mind of it.
I’ll take things that never happened for that one Larry if not who the heck do you spend time with, I think without proof those are big claims to make

I think you're very naive if you think these are even close to the worst things you'd hear at a rural Tasmanian Christmas get together haha
Some I Agree with but some I’d cut ties over.
Easier said than done. I've also been a hardcore racist in a previous life, so I have to think everyone has room to grow and learn.

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lol, arguing over Meghan Markle, who dosen't know either of you exist.
Stupid argument by dumb people.
Answer is - Who gives a shit !

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