Injury Injuries 2025

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According to the Giants rehab report, Jesse “suffered a broken thumb after jamming his thumb in a door following the AAMI Community Series loss to Carlton”? WTF??


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Sensible calls to give more time for Jesse and Stringer.
Briggs also back after the bye, if the concussion symptoms improve.
Gothard is getting a bit injury-prone early in his career.
All unrelated impact and joint injuries, no soft tissue or workrate/stress injuries., That is just bad luck

Injury List – 18 March

Jesse Hogan Thumb Test
Jake Stringer Hamstring Test
Kieren Briggs Concussion Test
Phoenix Gothard Finger 2 weeks
Logan Smith Illness TBC
Ollie Hannaford Wrist TBC
Ryan Angwin Ankle 3-4 weeks
Josh Fahey Foot 3-4 weeks

Injury List – 18 March

Jesse HoganThumbTest
Jake StringerHamstring Test
Kieren BriggsConcussionTest
Phoenix GothardFinger2 weeks
Logan SmithIllnessTBC
Ollie HannafordWristTBC
Ryan AngwinAnkle3-4 weeks
Josh FaheyFoot3-4 weeks
Great news about Daniels. Was a bit nervous when he came off, but all is well. With Jesse, Stringer and Briggs all back for the Hawthorn match after the bye, couldn’t really ask for more on the injury front.

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Injury Injuries 2025

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