Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Yet you have ignored by questions about what you would do.

Prefer the ScoMo approach of playing these issues out in public to threaten our export industries?

I was asked about the cost, but I know how many suffered with the last bans... which was a far, far greater cost.

So you are OK for us to publicly rebuke China rather than a more diplomatic approach...

Again, you make this out like it's so simple...
Mustn't embarrass the CCP. :think: After all they are buying our minerals that they need badly. Why should they buy our produce that they can get anywhere? They are still not taking the tariffs of most. They gave us covid virus free of charge.
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Drug giant Pfizer ‘misled’ public over Covid jab risks

Drug giant Pfizer is being sued by the US state of Kansas over alleged false claims about the effectiveness of its Covid-19 vaccine.

In a lawsuit filed in the District Court of Thomas County, the state accused the company of misleading the public about its Covid-19 jab by hiding the risks to the public.

“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement.

According to the New York Post, the lawsuit claims that after the vaccine’s rollout in early 2021, Pfizer concealed evidence that the shot was linked to pregnancy complications, including miscarriage.

It was also linked to myocarditis and pericarditis, which cause inflammation in and around the heart.

Kansas, which is seeking unspecified money damages, said Pfizer falsely claimed that its vaccine retained a high effectiveness against mutated variants and that it would prevent not only illness but transmission, the New York Post reports.
I work in the energy sector (not generation). I can't think of many (any?) experts in this field that think Dutton's plan isn't crazy. It's bizarre stuff.

Does anyone think the LNP has spoken with Electranet to see if they still have network infrastructure in place at Port Augusta and if it can easily be switched back on?

All that will happen is they'll realise it won't work and just set us back another 5-10 years. Maybe they already know this and that's the point? Hard to tell what the end game is here. Maybe there isn't one.

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I work in the energy sector (not generation). I can't think of many (any?) experts in this field that think Dutton's plan isn't crazy. It's bizarre stuff.

Does anyone think the LNP has spoken with Electranet to see if they still have network infrastructure in place at Port Augusta and if it can easily be switched back on?

All that will happen is they'll realise it won't work and just set us back another 5-10 years. Maybe they already know this and that's the point? Hard to tell what the end game is here. Maybe there isn't one.
Also, will find it hard for the Commonwealth to overrule the states... which are mainly ALP who are opposed to nuclear.

It's dead in the water before he even starts.

The horse has bolted for nuclear.
Also, will find it hard for the Commonwealth to overrule the states... which are mainly ALP who are opposed to nuclear.

It's dead in the water before he even starts.

The horse has bolted for nuclear.
Even if you get liberal parties in government that support it, they will still have trouble getting it through parliament. It's not exactly non-controversial.

Then there's getting social licence to build these things even if states are legally allowed to (look at the trouble we're facing with power lines). Then there's the poor economics and time it will take. Then there's labour/expertise scarcity.

What time of day will they run given our massive amounts of rooftop solar? Are they designed to continually ramp up and down?
What time of day will they run given our massive amounts of rooftop solar? Are they designed to continually ramp up and down?
Nukes are like coal power stations - they're designed to run 24/7. They're not like batteries, hydro or gas, which can be turned on/off quickly to meet demand.

The existing coal power stations are now running at a significant loss, for much of the day, when renewables drive the price down to (or below) $0. This will be even worse for the nuclear generators, given the volume of renewables which will be added to the network between now and when they come online (which won't be before 2040 at the earliest).

While it is possible to "scram" a reactor, shutting it down very quickly in an emergency, the process of bringing them up & down in a controlled manner takes days.
Nukes are like coal power stations - they're designed to run 24/7. They're not like batteries, hydro or gas, which can be turned on/off quickly to meet demand.

The existing coal power stations are now running at a significant loss, for much of the day, when renewables drive the price down to (or below) $0. This will be even worse for the nuclear generators, given the volume of renewables which will be added to the network between now and when they come online (which won't be before 2040 at the earliest).

While it is possible to "scram" a reactor, shutting it down very quickly in an emergency, the process of bringing them up & down in a controlled manner takes days.

I just had flashes of Jack Lemmon.
Oh the irony

I see the right wing goons on here are probably all in favour of nuclear power. Not that they will be around to see the first one turned on. Ironic.

Yes, this is just a smoke screen by Mr Potato Head, to delay renewables and keep coal.

A simple political slogan - “If you don’t know where the nuclear waste is going, don’t vote LNP”
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Bicks can't add anything because sky news doesn't actually have any more information than 'were gonna build 7 reactors'
It appears the proposed sitea are as follows, including Port Augusta in SA.

Just can't see how Dutton is going to convince all the states to buy into it.
It appears the proposed sitea are as follows, including Port Augusta in SA.

Just can't see how Dutton is going to convince all the states to buy into it.
The scare campaigns that were run about The Voice will be nothing compared to the scare campaigns that are going to get run against nuclear power in the lead up to the election.

You'd have to be an idiot to think that it wouldn't be the target a massive scare campaign.

I think taking it to the election is going to be political suicide for Dutton, I could be wrong, but history shows that Australians tend to vote against massive change and scare campaigns tend to have a good success rate

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The scare campaigns that were run about The Voice will be nothing compared to the scare campaigns that are going to get run against nuclear power in the lead up to the election.

You'd have to be an idiot to think that it wouldn't be the target a massive scare campaign.

I think taking it to the election is going to be political suicide for Dutton, I could be wrong, but history shows that Australians tend to vote against massive change and scare campaigns tend to have a good success rate

It does have an image problem.
Poor Covid vax rates: Every aged care home named

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson said residential aged care homes with low rates raised questions about whether those in charge are focusing enough on protecting older people in their care from serious disease.

She said the watchdog would be undertaking unannounced site visits to residential care homes with low Covid vaccination rates to determine the reasons why.


Gee, I wonder what the reasons are? Can anybody guess? I’m baffled!
The scare campaigns that were run about The Voice will be nothing compared to the scare campaigns that are going to get run against nuclear power in the lead up to the election.

You'd have to be an idiot to think that it wouldn't be the target a massive scare campaign.

I think taking it to the election is going to be political suicide for Dutton, I could be wrong, but history shows that Australians tend to vote against massive change and scare campaigns tend to have a good success rate
It helps when you have news corp and Fairfax (financial review) spread across the media saying how good the idea is (or at least not calling it out). I can see quite a few people latching onto this. The energy market is complex and it's easy to blame bills on solar and wind.

I'm sure Dutton's team did their public opinion surveys.

The reality is trying to pivot to nuclear at this point will only put the transition in more trouble than it already is.
This bloke seems to think Dutton has it right?

Is he right?

I for one am glad at least this will be up for discussion. We should have had grown up discussions at least 15 years ago about all alternative power supplies. Wind and solar will not do it. Be it nuclear or something else. We were told wind and solar will be almost free. How is that working out?
BF should not be our source of facts.
I work in the energy sector (not generation). I can't think of many (any?) experts in this field that think Dutton's plan isn't crazy. It's bizarre stuff.

Does anyone think the LNP has spoken with Electranet to see if they still have network infrastructure in place at Port Augusta and if it can easily be switched back on?

All that will happen is they'll realise it won't work and just set us back another 5-10 years. Maybe they already know this and that's the point? Hard to tell what the end game is here. Maybe there isn't one.

I suspect that's exactly the point.

Irrespective of whether nuclear is a good idea or not, I highly doubt this is the Coalition's primary goal.

The nuclear debate provides a red herring to divert attention and postpone investment in renewables, with a view to ensuring we continue burning coal in Australia for as long as we can dig it out of the ground.

This is entirely consistent with the Coalition's approach to energy policy.

Then you have to ask the question of who exactly does this outcome benefit?
It is all about keeping coal going for longer.

Ideologically the LNP (the part that has the power now) don’t believe in renewables. Plain and simple.

They didn’t believe in FTTH and gave us a crappy system. This is just another one.

I doubt it will give them back any of the Teal seats so how they think they can get a path of seats to government will be interesting.

Delay, delay, delay should be their motto.
I for one am glad at least this will be up for discussion. We should have had grown up discussions at least 15 years ago about all alternative power supplies. Wind and solar will not do it. Be it nuclear or something else. We were told wind and solar will be almost free. How is that working out?
BF should not be our source of facts.
What about some guy on twitter with 0 days experience in the energy industry?

It's kind of like saying EVs or ICE. But what about horse and cart? It's a bit late, but it's good to have a grown up discussion about its merits at least.

No it's not a good idea to pause the current transition for probably multiple years in order to have a 'grown up' discussion about something we know isn't an economic solution anymore and has massive uncertainty that it would even eventuate.
What about some guy on twitter with 0 days experience in the energy industry?

It's kind of like saying EVs or ICE. But what about horse and cart? It's a bit late, but it's good to have a grown up discussion about its merits at least.

No it's not a good idea to pause the current transition for probably multiple years in order to have a 'grown up' discussion about something we know isn't an economic solution anymore and has massive uncertainty that it would even eventuate.
Were committed to a current transition program. We just need "nonpolitical experts" telling us cost, timing and benefits on all proposals whether we like them or not.
Every time someone tries for a discussion it gets knocked back politically.

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Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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