Gym & Misc Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym II

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i do it. towel draped neatly over the bench. get water, come back promptly. i guess if people put their towel on a bench with barbell and weights, then drink bottle on another machine, and phone and earphones on another, that's too far

It's different if they are doing some bullshit circuit on equipment and dont want anyone getting in the way.
Guys with loose shorts that need to have their legs spread as wide as humanely possible when benchpressing. Ugh. At least be cute if you're going to do that.

What if they tie a blue nice bow around it?
First Prize

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Anyone using the power cage for anything other than anything that it's supposed to be used for.

At my gym there is a power cage, then also two multi use racks, at plenty of space. But the power cage is where you're supposed to lift heavy and properly.

The other day a guy was doing assisted chins on the power cage, had to have a word to him. The day after a guy was using it for military presses. If you're not squatting, dead lifting, cleaning, don't use it!
Not irritating, but today saw some chick, hard to say late 30s early 40s lifting reasonable weights in the gym, not much to look at but I wish all chicks would lift heavy, what are they scared of? the misconceptions.
Was waiting for this. Chicks that piss and moan about getting a bikini body but actually do NOTHING that will develop that. Won't lift weights because they don't want to get 'big'.
Was waiting for this. Chicks that piss and moan about getting a bikini body but actually do NOTHING that will develop that. Won't lift weights because they don't want to get 'big'.
It always ironic. Almost every guy that starts in the gym worries that they aren't going to build muscle, yet a heap of women, who (unless they are taking drugs) have a tiny amount of testosterone in comparison worrying they're going to build too much. o_O
It always ironic. Almost every guy that starts in the gym worries that they aren't going to build muscle, yet a heap of women, who (unless they are taking drugs) have a tiny amount of testosterone in comparison worrying they're going to build too much. o_O
I worked in the industry for 10 years.
What did you say to him big fella? Thank God you spoke to him.
Just said 'hey big fella, this isn't what it's used for, there's specific space for that elsewhere'. What did you expect me to say, little fella?
Anyone using the power cage for anything other than anything that it's supposed to be used for.

At my gym there is a power cage, then also two multi use racks, at plenty of space. But the power cage is where you're supposed to lift heavy and properly.

The other day a guy was doing assisted chins on the power cage, had to have a word to him. The day after a guy was using it for military presses. If you're not squatting, dead lifting, cleaning, don't use it!

At least they weren't using it to do heaving bicep curls
Amen to point 4, it's like when I see people do weighted sit ups, or standing oblique crunches with a 20kg plate. It's like that will magically burn belly fat, produce a 6 pac and a smaller waist all in the one about you eat a little food, drink a little less alcohol and that will 100 times more for your dreamed 6 pac than a million sit ups will do.

Also saw a bloke doing shrugs in the standing calf raise machine
The gym I'm at had a heap of ab machines which they recently turfed. You shouldve seen the outcry from the other members!! Lying and seated ab Machine crunches, ab twist machines, some infomercial shit Called the ab coaster, a ridiculously supported Roman chair type machine, back extension machines, etc. all gone!

You'd think that the convept of using your abs and lower back as prime movers went out of vogue in the early noughties. Nup.
singing couple were back last night. although they're regular, they've remained quiet mostly recently. until last night when the way you make me feel came on

u know the words

u knock me offa my feet now baby... huuuuuuuuuuu

Deserve a Fatwa

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PTs who dont unstack their weights after their client is done with it!! :mad::mad:

This is doubly bad as it pretty much telling their client that its ok to just leave their weights on whenever they gym but also others see this PT wearing a Goodlife shirt doing this and thinks if its ok for them to do it, why shouldnt they? Creates a knock on effect of bad habits!
The gym I'm at had a heap of ab machines which they recently turfed. You shouldve seen the outcry from the other members!! Lying and seated ab Machine crunches, ab twist machines, some infomercial shit Called the ab coaster, a ridiculously supported Roman chair type machine, back extension machines, etc. all gone!

You'd think that the convept of using your abs and lower back as prime movers went out of vogue in the early noughties. Nup.
I wouldn't even say using the abs in compound lifts is the problem. Most ab machines, the only thing they'll accomplish is ****ing your back up if you use enough. Especially twisting back ones, WTF? For all the good points about my gym, I'm not surprised they have an on-site physio. Nice little mutual pocket lining between gyms and physios via those machines.

I haven't done sit ups or crunches for over a year and isn't so much before then. Still get in ab work, but not going to wreck my back any further then it already is. And still with the Autumn relaxing of what I eat put my abs up against 99% of blokes my age (42).
PTs who dont unstack their weights after their client is done with it!! :mad::mad:

This is doubly bad as it pretty much telling their client that its ok to just leave their weights on whenever they gym but also others see this PT wearing a Goodlife shirt doing this and thinks if its ok for them to do it, why shouldnt they? Creates a knock on effect of bad habits!

which goodlife?
PTs who dont unstack their weights after their client is done with it!! :mad::mad:

This is doubly bad as it pretty much telling their client that its ok to just leave their weights on whenever they gym but also others see this PT wearing a Goodlife shirt doing this and thinks if its ok for them to do it, why shouldnt they? Creates a knock on effect of bad habits!
unstack weights off a barbell? No one at my gym ever does that
There is one dude at my gym who uses a barbell with a band he connects to it to add resistance... which is fine. He does however, leave the barbell with the band still attached to it on the gym floor when he is done. (doesnt come back to pick it up at any stage)
There is one dude at my gym who uses a barbell with a band he connects to it to add resistance... which is fine. He does however, leave the barbell with the band still attached to it on the gym floor when he is done. (doesnt come back to pick it up at any stage)

wtf??? should be booted for that
Long time lurker, first time venting.

Finished a long day of work yesterday, the last hour or two of the day I'm spending picturing how I'm going to launch into a huge leg session. Finally 5:30pm rolls around, feeling great and pumped to get stuck in. Obviously being Monday evening, you expect things to be quite busy.

My gym has an Olympic lifting section which contains about 6 racks (usually 2-3 are taken up by PT's with their clients, no worries there), all of which were being used. Normally this would be fine and no worries - I'm happy to wait. However! Three ladies (all in the same group) are taking up 3 racks doing some form of box squat (with just the bar, so 15kg) with the box so high that the range of movement is about 10cm.

I politely walk over and ask the ladies if they could please maybe share two racks instead of three, and the response is "sorry, we are doing our sets at the same time so can't share a rack".

Words cannot explain the rage.

I sit and wait impatiently for around 10 minutes for a rack to become available, and the anger and frustration of this situation ruined my lifts.

Thanks for listening.
Long time lurker, first time venting.

Finished a long day of work yesterday, the last hour or two of the day I'm spending picturing how I'm going to launch into a huge leg session. Finally 5:30pm rolls around, feeling great and pumped to get stuck in. Obviously being Monday evening, you expect things to be quite busy.

My gym has an Olympic lifting section which contains about 6 racks (usually 2-3 are taken up by PT's with their clients, no worries there), all of which were being used. Normally this would be fine and no worries - I'm happy to wait. However! Three ladies (all in the same group) are taking up 3 racks doing some form of box squat (with just the bar, so 15kg) with the box so high that the range of movement is about 10cm.

I politely walk over and ask the ladies if they could please maybe share two racks instead of three, and the response is "sorry, we are doing our sets at the same time so can't share a rack".

Words cannot explain the rage.

I sit and wait impatiently for around 10 minutes for a rack to become available, and the anger and frustration of this situation ruined my lifts.

Thanks for listening.

politely advise them there is a women only gym down the road.
Google cross fit games and you'll see. No technique, no programming, no science. It's a joke. Cross fit isn't about exercise, it's about marketing and charging a lot of money for crap.
lack of interest in technique is the main reason I hate it. AMRAP deadlifts are not exactly a good thing, neither are squats, and the number of crossfitters that go to the chiro for injuries is incredibly high so I'm told. I don't also see any longevity in crossfit type fitness.

The other problem I have with it is that there is an obvious drug culture at top ranking levels, making it impossible for those, unless incredibly gifted genetically, who would probably be playing high level sport anyway, to be able to make it competitively. Lots of people doing crossfit seem to think they can achieve what they see at the top level without assistance.

Anyway, my annoyance atm is with the erg rowers. 99% of people don't know how to use them. Saw a guy today, probs the worst, doing 60spm with just his arms rocking back and forward. Looked at his time, and was 2:37/500. People just don't know the technique, and try to pull too fast, with no solid pull and relax. The second thing I see, and today a PT doing it, was to immediately set the damper setting to 10. ITs pointless, and counter productive because you end up tiring out after 30 seconds if you're pulling strong. Reading up about it, I set mine at 5, and while initially it seems hard to get good speed, you just got to learn to pull harder.
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