Gym & Misc Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym II

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I've seen a few people with notepad and pen at the gym. That guy seems fairly harmless, can understand how the loud talking would be annoying though.
I normally wouldn’t take a photo of a dude in a gym but this guy is the most annoying POS. He has about as much muscle as jelly and literally talks at the top of his voice to reluctant Gym-goers about his routines and things like ‘oh if you walk from my place to Manly that’s high intensity but you have to be smart about it like when you have your short black on the way back. It’s like when I play tennis I sweat, but the movement is in the sun unlike a high intensity walk to Manly. You just have to be smart about it’ (an actual conversation I’m overhearing). I wear noise-cancelling over the ear headphones so you should get an idea of how loud he is.

I also saw him get a ******* stick and attach it to cables to do some weird inverted chest press I mean FFS do you even have a chest and IS THAT YOUR OWN STICK?!

He is also wearing wrist wraps, compression for legs, and he is literally doing all upper body, but nothing that even needs wrist or leg support.


View attachment 466869

EDIT: The poor lad he was bragging to just walked away and he’s now engaged reception in conversation.

EDIT2: His stick is back.

EDIT3: The stick is indeed his.

View attachment 466870


View attachment 466874

I’m out.

haha love the photos vonn!

wow. loud talkers are so annoying. It is as if they must have everyone in the gym hearing their voice.

dat stick wtf lol.

fountain pen. I used to use one of them, they're cool until you run out of ink and need to replace the cartridge.

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I normally wouldn’t take a photo of a dude in a gym but this guy is the most annoying POS. He has about as much muscle as jelly and literally talks at the top of his voice to reluctant Gym-goers about his routines and things like ‘oh if you walk from my place to Manly that’s high intensity but you have to be smart about it like when you have your short black on the way back. It’s like when I play tennis I sweat, but the movement is in the sun unlike a high intensity walk to Manly. You just have to be smart about it’ (an actual conversation I’m overhearing). I wear noise-cancelling over the ear headphones so you should get an idea of how loud he is.

I also saw him get a ******* stick and attach it to cables to do some weird inverted chest press I mean FFS do you even have a chest and IS THAT YOUR OWN STICK?!

He is also wearing wrist wraps, compression for legs, and he is literally doing all upper body, but nothing that even needs wrist or leg support.


View attachment 466869

EDIT: The poor lad he was bragging to just walked away and he’s now engaged reception in conversation.

EDIT2: His stick is back.

EDIT3: The stick is indeed his.

View attachment 466870


View attachment 466874

I’m out.
You're just jealous because he's famous.
The no shoes one is funny. I've always had a mandatory shoes rule at my gym (while i was away a girl dropped a 20kg plate on her toes, smashed the crap out of it)
But more and more deadlifters seem to be taking shoes off as of late, they say being able to feel the ground helps, saw it heaps when i was around Perth and Sydney this month.
I wear some old vans I have.

Unless you have steel caps on I think dropping a 20kg plate on your foot is going to hurt all the same and do damage. I know my vans wouldn't offer any protection.
Right, I always thought the barefoot thing for deads was because all runners have a slight gradient that pushes you onto your toes... So if its not that, why do people take shoes off.

1) barefoot is closer to the ground, therefore bar travels less distance and you (should) lift more
2) most runners are squishy and it’s theorized you would lose power/force through the sole
3) some people believe having direct contact with the ground increases muscle activation and therefore they lift more
1) barefoot is closer to the ground, therefore bar travels less distance and you (should) lift more
2) most runners are squishy and it’s theorized you would lose power/force through the sole
3) some people believe having direct contact with the ground increases muscle activation and therefore they lift more

I understand where you're coming from actually. Makes sense.

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Right, I always thought the barefoot thing for deads was because all runners have a slight gradient that pushes you onto your toes... So if its not that, why do people take shoes off.
Don't want to wreck those sweet air gels in my runners by popping them when I lift heavy*

When you’ve been telling someone for 12 months to change their squat technique (widen stance) and they refuse to, then you get a message from them saying someone told them to widen their squat stance and how much better it is.

Yeah, I'd never initiate contact with that person ever again.
I normally wouldn’t take a photo of a dude in a gym but this guy is the most annoying POS. He has about as much muscle as jelly and literally talks at the top of his voice to reluctant Gym-goers about his routines and things like ‘oh if you walk from my place to Manly that’s high intensity but you have to be smart about it like when you have your short black on the way back. It’s like when I play tennis I sweat, but the movement is in the sun unlike a high intensity walk to Manly. You just have to be smart about it’ (an actual conversation I’m overhearing). I wear noise-cancelling over the ear headphones so you should get an idea of how loud he is.

I also saw him get a ******* stick and attach it to cables to do some weird inverted chest press I mean FFS do you even have a chest and IS THAT YOUR OWN STICK?!

He is also wearing wrist wraps, compression for legs, and he is literally doing all upper body, but nothing that even needs wrist or leg support.


View attachment 466869

EDIT: The poor lad he was bragging to just walked away and he’s now engaged reception in conversation.

EDIT2: His stick is back.

EDIT3: The stick is indeed his.

View attachment 466870


View attachment 466874

I’m out.

Yep, Sydney.
I've sent two emails to the gym and they've both been ignored. The first was a rather pointed critique of the newly installed advertising screens. Zero response. The second a lament on the removal of the Suggestion Box. Zero response.

campaigners are gonna be hearing more from me!
Yeah, I'd never initiate contact with that person ever again.

This person is rather odd.
I’ve done a couple of programs (for free) for them in the past (while they were waiting for the extremely lazy owner of my gym to do what they’re paying for for) which they’ve progressed really well on but stopped doing when the guy that owns the gym finds out I’m doing their programming and finally writes one for them (which inevitably is a poor man’s version of what I’d given them).
Then that program will finish, they’ll see less progress off the back of his full program vs doing half of mine, and they’ll be stuck waiting for a new program again.
Then the process simply repeats.
Admittedly I got annoyed the second time and just re-send one of the original 2 but still lol
This person is rather odd.
I’ve done a couple of programs (for free) for them in the past (while they were waiting for the extremely lazy owner of my gym to do what they’re paying for for) which they’ve progressed really well on but stopped doing when the guy that owns the gym finds out I’m doing their programming and finally writes one for them (which inevitably is a poor man’s version of what I’d given them).
Then that program will finish, they’ll see less progress off the back of his full program vs doing half of mine, and they’ll be stuck waiting for a new program again.
Then the process simply repeats.
Admittedly I got annoyed the second time and just re-send one of the original 2 but still lol

Become the ghost.
Hard to explain but the hours people work out and type of training people seem to do, the general feel in the gyms, the way people talk to each other etc. it’s just all very different in Sydney.

Is that not common across all places between each state? The way they operate, speak etc. Not just in gyms.
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