Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

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I've started going more regularly with a mate (which means a 4 or 5pm start in the gym) and seriously the stuff you see is simply amazing. I'm surprised no one has broken their back or at least injured it in some way.

And every single person tries to lift as heavy as possible with little or no attention payed to technique. It's these people that annoy me most, especially when waiting for them to finish up on the bench/squat rack/machine.
Just people in general, right?

Yeah, me too. :mad:

Basically. Unfortunately, people are pigs IMO, and none more is this true than at the gym. My disdain for humanity is so great, that I'd prefer to help an animal rather than a person if the choice arose. I say that now, but I probably doubt I would if such an event occurred. But generally, I find that people are self-absorbed morons. From that, you might think that I'm one totally depressed mutha****a. In fact, I'm a happy bloke and probably piss everyone off with my upbeat manner and politeness - one offs people can tolerate, but ask the folks at my work and I think it grates them after a while.

Re the gym, my work hours are flexible (work from 11 to 7pm) so I generally wake up just before 7am and get into the joint about 8am. All the 9am work starters have gone and the mums and students havent turned up yet. I'm generally there with probably one or two others on average.

It's ****ing grand. No ***** walking around looking as though they want to punch a hole in the wall. No excessive huffers and puffers and blowers. No morons completing sets in front of the dumbell racks. No stinkers. No mum's hogging shit or standing in thoroughfares talking about the first potty shit little john or jane managed to master. No young punks letting the whole joint know about how their arm work picked up some bird on the weekend and how he gave it to her. No ***** hogging multiple pieces of equipment such as 4 different weights of dumbells for drop sets. No ****wits using 3 persons worth of bench space for his bag, gym gear, and himself to sit on in the changerooms. And everything can be found where it should be.

I reckon if my circumstances changed and I'd have to go in the evening with everyone else, I wouldnt go.
Basically. Unfortunately, people are pigs IMO, and none more is this true than at the gym. My disdain for humanity is so great, that I'd prefer to help an animal rather than a person if the choice arose. I say that now, but I probably doubt I would if such an event occurred. But generally, I find that people are self-absorbed morons. From that, you might think that I'm one totally depressed mutha****a. In fact, I'm a happy bloke and probably piss everyone off with my upbeat manner and politeness - one offs people can tolerate, but ask the folks at my work and I think it grates them after a while.

Re the gym, my work hours are flexible (work from 11 to 7pm) so I generally wake up just before 7am and get into the joint about 8am. All the 9am work starters have gone and the mums and students havent turned up yet. I'm generally there with probably one or two others on average.

It's ****ing grand. No ***** walking around looking as though they want to punch a hole in the wall. No excessive huffers and puffers and blowers. No morons completing sets in front of the dumbell racks. No stinkers. No mum's hogging shit or standing in thoroughfares talking about the first potty shit little john or jane managed to master. No young punks letting the whole joint know about how their arm work picked up some bird on the weekend and how he gave it to her. No ***** hogging multiple pieces of equipment such as 4 different weights of dumbells for drop sets. No ****wits using 3 persons worth of bench space for his bag, gym gear, and himself to sit on in the changerooms. And everything can be found where it should be.

I reckon if my circumstances changed and I'd have to go in the evening with everyone else, I wouldnt go.

"You're off the case McGarnagle!" "No. You're off your case, chief!" "What does that even mean?" "IT MEANS HE GETS RESULTS YOU STUPID CHIEF"
not something that irritates me as such (maybe it is otherwise i wouldn't be posting it).... but i've noticed that when someone gets in the sauna they will always throw waters on the coals. or ask to throw more water on. doesn't matter how hot it is.

tested this theory out the other day. overheard two guys in the locker saying they were going in a few minutes so i got in as quick as i could. cranked the baby up as hot as i could. pretty dangerous i know but **** whatever.

about a minute later these guys came in and first thing they did was throw water on. good thing they came when they did cause i had to get out. they suitably followed not long after.

why not wait to see what it's like first?? and then assess.... whatever
If I'm in the sauna and it's hot enough and someone does that, simple: Open the door.

I just walk up and open the door and cool it down.

Pretty hilarious when you get the looks you invariably get.

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Guys that try and find 500 different ways to do their biceps..

best one so far - laying face down on an incline bench and using the cable rope from around the back of the bench..
Joined back at the gym last week after about a year off. Its pretty new and 24 hour so its pretty quiet usually.

Today the only other people included a woman with ridiculously big arms listening to Jessica Mauboy at a level i've never heard an ipod go to, followed by a pair of 16yo blokes who walked in, put their stuff down and straight to bicep curls. Sigh.
Guys that try and find 500 different ways to do their biceps..

best one so far - laying face down on an incline bench and using the cable rope from around the back of the bench..

FMD! i reckon most could get a better bicep workout fapping to pornhub, then what they would in their monster sets * reps bicep workout.

I mightve mentioned this a hundred or two posts ago, but blokes who use the olympic bar and power rack for bicep curls.

and blokes who jump rope or do other non-lifting exercises in the weight room. There was a bloke doing bodyweight squats with alternate knee lifts the other day. No doubt a great exercise and I do both (inc jump romp), but this ****wit was doing these in front of dumbbell rack, and thus preventing anyone getting to weights or lifiting in his vicinity. There are boxing and other activity rooms for this stuff.
FMD! i reckon most could get a better bicep workout fapping to pornhub, then what they would in their monster sets * reps bicep workout.

I mightve mentioned this a hundred or two posts ago, but blokes who use the olympic bar and power rack for bicep curls.

and blokes who jump rope or do other non-lifting exercises in the weight room. There was a bloke doing bodyweight squats with alternate knee lifts the other day. No doubt a great exercise and I do both (inc jump romp), but this ****wit was doing these in front of dumbbell rack, and thus preventing anyone getting to weights or lifiting in his vicinity. There are boxing and other activity rooms for this stuff.
I use a barbell for bicep curls, problem?
I use a barbell for bicep curls, problem?

Barbell Curls arent my beef. It's the ****s who use the barbells in the squat/power racks to complete barbell curls that Im referring to.

There are fixed weight barbells, specific ez-curl or curling straight bars, etc provided in weight room intended for curling exercises. Curlers should use these instead of using equipment meant for another purpose. The culprits generally use 5kg washers or just swing the weight when they load it up which infuriates me further. These olympic/squatting bars are 15-20kg on their own. They're meant for heavier compound lifting. If they are in a squat/power rack, they are there for squatting, deadlifting, cleans, pendlay rows, push presses, etc.

I guess regular curlers have no idea what those exercises are, which generally leads to their ignorance.
I reckon I might've been at the same gym.

Was it around 6 or 7 at night?

Nup. ive only seen that bodyweight squatting alternate knee lifting tool last saturday arvo. the bloke who jumps rope in the weight room is a regular though.

not knocking the exercises, just where they do it. my gym has a boxing room to jump rope and complete circuit type exercises. That's where I do it. I dont endanger members in a highly-trafficked part of the the joint with a rope whipping or inconveniece others by doing a 2-min long set of a non-weighted circuit-type exercise in an area where members are regularly collecting and returning weights.

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Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

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