IS Grant Thomas...

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Norm Smith Medallist
Oct 8, 2003
on the turps
Other Teams
A luxury the saints can afford?

Trying to win a flag with one hand tied behind your back was always going to be hard, but they have a damned good list so for a while we thought it might be possible.

But now... How much time does cornflakes get before it's time to say man management skills are not a substitute for an understanding of the game?

Irony is that St Kilda are the time on the permiership clock when Mr M.Blight would be perfect!!

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weagles_fan said:
No,but will they care to act?I don't think so.

Considering he virtually runs everything down there I don't think THEY will act either. I could have sworn that after he pulled the knife out of Blight's back and appointed himself coach he stated that he would only coach to a better alternative came along. Obviously Terry Wallace and Rodney Eade have no where near the tactical knowledge that big Grant pocesses.The Saints have one of the most talented lists on paper and whilst the players continue to say how great a man manager he is, so too did the Carlton players with Wayne Britain. A coach can always be labelled a great bloke when he lets his players do as they please. In a way I'm actually glad Grant is coaching the Saints because if they had a decent coach with some tactical nouse, they may actually ecome a powerful side.
catta29 said:
Considering he virtually runs everything down there I don't think THEY will act either. I could have sworn that after he pulled the knife out of Blight's back and appointed himself coach he stated that he would only coach to a better alternative came along. Obviously Terry Wallace and Rodney Eade have no where near the tactical knowledge that big Grant pocesses.The Saints have one of the most talented lists on paper and whilst the players continue to say how great a man manager he is, so too did the Carlton players with Wayne Britain. A coach can always be labelled a great bloke when he lets his players do as they please. In a way I'm actually glad Grant is coaching the Saints because if they had a decent coach with some tactical nouse, they may actually ecome a powerful side.

We'll keep plough I think. Doing an ok job. Yeah. The plough for 5 more years. Ill sleep easy.
PsychoTiger said:
Is danny frawley ready to take over?

He's licking his chops. Was special comments man on ch eddie. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Funniest thing I've ever heard. Frawdley analysing a game of football. "BREAKING NEWS: Cyclone frawley is gathering momentum and is headed straight for moorabbin. Please find the nearest bunker for shelter immediately!!!"
itsintheblood said:
He's licking his chops. Was special comments man on ch eddie. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Funniest thing I've ever heard. Frawdley analysing a game of football. "BREAKING NEWS: Cyclone frawley is gathering momentum and is headed straight for moorabbin. Please find the nearest bunker for shelter immediately!!!"
The bombshell is about to be dropped!!!
itsintheblood said:
He's licking his chops. Was special comments man on ch eddie. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Funniest thing I've ever heard. Frawdley analysing a game of football. "BREAKING NEWS: Cyclone frawley is gathering momentum and is headed straight for moorabbin. Please find the nearest bunker for shelter immediately!!!"

not that danny said all that much in the majority of the match that I watched

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showing his true colours as a coach. Has THE best list by a mile and still they play crap. They should be attack attack attack. Look at the guns they have in the forward line, but no they play rubbsih keepings off footy like everyone else. And when opposition get on top he does not have a clue. Very easy to coach when side winning and getting a run on but when its turned around, we just go back to chip around rubbish al Danny rawley and Richmond of last few years.
After the saints gave us a lesson - I walked away thinking gees anyone could coach that side - Maybe just maybe I was wrong.

When they have got a run on and got it over sides they are near on unbeatable - but a bit of pressure and they go missing they seem to need some direction and they certainly dont seem to be getting any from the coaching box.

No disrespect to the cows they were pretty good after 1/4 time.

Saints fans can defend Thomas to the hilt - but I don't think they can win a flag with him unless everything goes 100% right.
cub said:
Saints fans can defend Thomas to the hilt - but I don't think they can win a flag with him unless everything goes 100% right.

Ive posted this before, and I'll post it again right now..

(Extremely Naughty Word!) GRANT HOMAS AS A COACH!!

The man is a great motivator of players. The man is always positive and looking for the bright things out of life, and the Saints. Sometimes, you just need to give the players a good ol' blast and kick up the arse. Last night he didnt do that.

Also, tactically speaking, he is one of the worst in the AFL. The Saints last night where shut down defensively in their forward line, and had trouble getting the ball across half forward. So what do we do. Bomb it long to Gehrig and Reiwoldt! The Crows had spare players floating around their half back.. Saints always kick it long to Gehrig and Reiwoldt. But when its not working like last night, we have to try something different.

His inability to change his game plan, or structure is painful. If its not working, then try something else.Bombing it long to out numbered players, thus letting the Crows get free and easy ball to run off out of their backline, set them up all night. Thomas' inability to change his structure, or mind is depressing as a Saints fan. I've said this before and it is driving me crazy.

The papers are saying this morning that the saints were soft and lazy. Maybe they should be looking at the coaches box first. IT was a disgraceful all round effort last night. But making some changes might of help.

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IS Grant Thomas...

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