Is it against the rules to throw a teammate?

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Rugby union lineouts spring to mind by lifting a team mate. Dont know why something similar hasnt been attempted in the afl in regards to getting extra height to defend the goal line.
I reckon Dennis Pagan was training it at Carlton. IIRC the league came out and ruled it would not be legal.
Can you use a teammate as a baseball bat and whack an opposition player with him
I believe the following law would make it illegal, because it is a form of lifting.

15.11 FREE KICKS – GENERALLY 15.11.1 When Awarded A Free Kick shall be awarded against a Player or a Team where the field Umpire is of the opinion that:

(c) a Player has lifted a Player or climbed on the shoulders of a Player from the same Team. This Free Kick shall be taken by a Player from the opposing Team where the infringement occurred or where the football is at the time of the infringement, whichever is the greater penalty against the offending Team;

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Is it against the rules to throw a teammate?

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