AFL Industry - Voice Against Gender-Based Violence

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Just as long as we understand the issue we're dealing with and don't let emotions or an appalling start to 2024 cloud our judgment:

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Women being killed spikes with financial issues. GFC, dotcom burst and Asian Crash all see major spikes.

But the real fascinating one here is that is seems that Female killings rates plateaued and went down during the COVID 2020 to 2021 but the rate of male deaths had a spike. I wonder why it is the only "crisis" during that timeline that saw a lowering of the rate of Female homicide and an increase in Male homicides during the same timespan.
Really AFL? Are you trying to tell us you really care about domestic violence?
Bit hard to take when you gladly allow gambling which is well known to contribute to domestic violence.

So is alcohol, having a job you hate, being in an unhappy relationship, not handling stress, having no emotional intelligence, having no respect for women, not to mention some ingrain ‘complex’ cultural issues that seriously need to be addressed ASAP.

Violence towards women isn’t exclusively linked to gambling to a point where the AFL are unable to raise awareness to the broader issue which is men’s behaviour and attitude towards women.

Dismissing efforts like this only serves to build a bigger wall around confronting it.
I think that is a bit of historical revisionism there. We believe that the first sport was spear throwing which was born from the need for hunters to practice and better their skills.

Then move to the Olympics and they were there as a way to honour Zeus. Gladiatorial games have been seen as a political tool weilded by the rulers of Rome.
Personally think you are being silly with this comments about spear chucking etc.
To say they have been a tool for social justice since the beginning is just wrong.
I’ll write modern sport then. The modern Olympics, The sport of Rugby League both just for starters are both social justice.
Then all the times over the last century it was used to bring attention to important issues.
To be honest I don't care about a minute silence but trying to stop domestic violence is like trying to redirect a hurricane by blowing through a straw. Testosterone causes aggression and males just commit violence against everyone.
Well I guess my daughter and wife arein big trouble then the next time I get annoyed.🙄
You are making excuses for cowards.
We can make token gestures to honour the fallen but all actual work needs to go towards identification, protection and speed of intervention for victims.
Is it a token gesture? Maybe a little bit but it brings eyeballs on the issue.

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Personally think you are being silly with this comments about spear chucking etc.
You made an absolute claim about sport being about social justice from the beginning. I then countered with examples that disprove that. You can think that backing up an argument with factual evidence is "silly" but that really highlights how ideologically corrupt you are.
Well I guess my daughter and wife arein big trouble then the next time I get annoyed.🙄
You are making excuses for cowards.
Males commit around 70% of all violent crime. This was true 40 years ago and those numbers have not really changed much. Call it an excuse but it is just plain fact. So unless there is a breakthrough in psychology or neuroscience we are not going to be able to lower the prevalence.

We can only find ways to early identify and hopefully intervene early on perpetrator before they are able to commit the act.

In relation to Domestic Violence, the CDC reported in a study that 35% of women in a heterosexual relationship reported a instance of domestic violence, specifically physical violence, stalking or rape. 1% of that 35% of women (0.35% overall) reported that their DV was perpetrated by a male and a female. 43% of Lesbian women reported instances of DV by a partner. 1 third of that 43% (14.9% overall) reported that their partner committed the DV in conjunction with a male perpetrator.

The CDC also found that 26% of Homosexual and 29% of Hetrosexual men (no figured included on how many cases involved the partner and an accomplice of the other gender).

So when we look at the entire picture, 31% of people in relationships with men reported some sort of physical violence, stalking or rape committed by their partner. This is compared to 36% of people in relationships with women reporting the same DV instances.
So is alcohol, having a job you hate, being in an unhappy relationship, not handling stress, having no emotional intelligence, having no respect for women, not to mention some ingrain ‘complex’ cultural issues that seriously need to be addressed ASAP.

Violence towards women isn’t exclusively linked to gambling to a point where the AFL are unable to raise awareness to the broader issue which is men’s behaviour and attitude towards women.

Dismissing efforts like this only serves to build a bigger wall around confronting it.

This is where education has to teach people how to better handle their issues.

One thing to come out of covid was how fragile many people are too difficult situations.
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We literally have 2 women a week being killed by being beaten by men, can only imagine the number if they only included the beatings and injuries, yet you are getting upset over Men are privileged comment.

The facts are until recently It was ignored and accepted in a way, hell the old joke of "what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? nothing you have already told her twice" still goes around the work place.

The facts are men are privileged in relationships with woman. Even in this day and age.
In what way are ALL men privileged in relationships with women?
Women being killed spikes with financial issues. GFC, dotcom burst and Asian Crash all see major spikes.

But the real fascinating one here is that is seems that Female killings rates plateaued and went down during the COVID 2020 to 2021 but the rate of male deaths had a spike. I wonder why it is the only "crisis" during that timeline that saw a lowering of the rate of Female homicide and an increase in Male homicides during the same timespan.

Financial aid during Covid meant the lowest income earners weren’t under the same level of financial stress as in other major crises?
Really AFL? Are you trying to tell us you really care about domestic violence?
Bit hard to take when you gladly allow gambling which is well known to contribute to domestic violence.

AFL is opposed to domestic violence.

Meanwhile, Wayne Carey.

Messaging rings pretty hollow when their actions don’t back up the words.
Financial aid during Covid meant the lowest income earners weren’t under the same level of financial stress as in other major crises?
Yeah that is a good point that I didnt even consider which would explain the rate of males killing females decreasing but I am really curious if it was the lockdowns that made women go "**** it" and start killing men more.

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Old school language " survival of the fittest", modern, progressive, libtard, gas lighting term " gender based violence". Also say it for what it is, male violence towards women. The PA at the stadium, states " gender based violence" but then seconds later " let us remember the women who have lost their lives".
Men kill more women than vice versa because they can, re : survival of the fittest and there's a lot of ****ed up individual's out there committing meaningless crimes. As long as the world is populated with politicians more interested in lining their pockets than actually protecting their law abiding citizens then there will not be any decrease, if anything with the fools we have running this country, more meaningless victims will stack up. The AFL are just a bunch of gas lighting jerks.
😂 Most women don't think this way, hence the number of women in healthy relationships with men VS the amount of women climbing into animal enclosures at the zoo
So, ignoring your obtuse interpretation, did you see how the claim was "most women"?
So, ignoring your obtuse interpretation, did you see how the claim was "most women"?
Do you legitimately believe that over 50% of women in this country would willingly choose to be in the vicinity of a bear instead of a human man? Is that seriously what you are implying?
Yeah that is a good point that I didnt even consider which would explain the rate of males killing females decreasing but I am really curious if it was the lockdowns that made women go "* it" and start killing men more.

The homicide rate includes DV and non-DV homicides.

I believe Men tend to be killed far more often by strangers or in non-DV settings, which (at a guess) probably aren’t as impacted by financial stresses.
The homicide rate includes DV and non-DV homicides.

I believe Men tend to be killed far more often by strangers or in non-DV settings, which (at a guess) probably aren’t as impacted by financial stresses.
Thats true but during those times times where there is a spike in the majority of the population was in lockdowns. Also the chart is about gendered violence as well so I am interpreting it as Male on Female and Female on Male.

I am just really curious about what it was about lockdowns and COVID that made women increase their rate of killing men.
Victims of Homocide by sex in Australia 2022-2023 as follows:
Male: 133 at a rate of 1.04 per 100,000
Female 58 at a rate of 0.45 per 100,000

The data tells us men are twice as likely to be murdered as women. That is not what i would call privilege.

Men are also more likely be a perpetrator of homocides and that is an issue but is a different thing to simply saying all men are privileged.

Were nearly all 58 of those deaths DV?
The figures quoted above are for non indigenous homicide victims in 2022-23

The overall population figures are

Male 171, rate 1.29 per 100,00
Female 75, rate 0.59 per 100,000

These figures come from the annual report on Homicide by the Australian Institute of Criminology. They are a valuable resource to gain an understanding of the area. These figures have been reported on since 1989/90 so a little over 30 years. its true males are twice as likley to be murdered but thats not really relevant to this discussion.

The things i found useful are

In that 30 + years homicide incidence has roughly halved per 100,000 of population, looking at year to year figures don't help much as the figure bounces around a lot but the trend to reduction is very clear over time

Of the 75 women victims in 2022-23 34 were by intimate partner, so a little under half.

Stranger homicide is about nearly 4x more likely for males 28 to 9 and this is persistant over time. So while there are many good reasons for a woman to walk home with precautions, men are much more likely to be murdered by a stranger. It also emphasises that it is the domestic situation where women are at far greater danger.

I think the under appreciated information is that the 30+ year figures for intimate partner homicide for women have greatly reduced. its why the Govts recent statement talking of the 28% increase in the year 2021-22 to 2022-23 is diverting us from the real picture.

That figure doesn't really help year to year because it bounces so much from one to the next. As an example the variation over the 10 preceding years goes as so , up 28%, up 12%, down 30%, up 2%, up 6%, down 17%, up 2%, down 9%, down 10%. What is clear is there has been a strong and persistant downward trend for homicides involving women and their intimate partner for the last 30+ years of approx 66%. Its important to understand , at least on this very severe metric progress has been made. Of course even 1 death is too many but hopefully this trend continues.

So homicide victim numbers overall, for both sexes have halved since 1989/90 and the fall in women/intimate partner figures have been even better. The number that hasn't changed much is stranger homicide events. So hopefully this means we are progressing on the domestic front but a lot more work needs to be done. Stranger homicide is probably harder to influence.
Thats true but during those times times where there is a spike in the majority of the population was in lockdowns. Also the chart is about gendered violence as well so I am interpreting it as Male on Female and Female on Male.

I am just really curious about what it was about lockdowns and COVID that made women increase their rate of killing men.
The year by year figures are volatile and go up and down greatly with each years report. You cant interpret that as having any meaning so its impossible to say the drop in the years you discuss were caused by covid and the lockdown. its reaonable to speculate but you cant draw any firm conclusions. The chanfe you see is consistent with the variations that have occured over the the 30+ years these figures have been published.
If they were serious about fixing domestic violence at least in the AFL, least they could do is ban anyone who's participated in it from anything AFL related - like Wayne Carey. Then get rid of alcohol from venues and get rid of gambling. Anyone who partakes in domestic violence, with proof beyond a reasonable doubt, should get a life ban from anything AFL related. That'd be a good start I think. Big money is being made in sports and I think it's entirely fair to life ban people acting like f-wits.
If they were serious about fixing domestic violence at least in the AFL, least they could do is ban anyone who's participated in it from anything AFL related - like Wayne Carey.

They are hypocritical singling Carey out when there are players on a similar level (including some recent "champions" of the game). Doesn't matter if they are from a Victorian or interstate club. Name, shame and get rid of them all.

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