Religion Is it bad to download music for free as a Christian?

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That isn't my biggest concern, I am just pretty much asking: Is it stealing? I am leaning towards "no" as the singers are so f****** rich and cocky anyway that it doesn't make much difference...does it?

It's in no way illegal if the site is free and legal no matter what religion you are.

What you download would be more of a concern. Still plenty of Devils music out there.

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Copyright infringement is not stealing. Copyright infringement is not a moral issue. Copyrights have no moral basis, and are not bestowed by a higher authority

They are a trade-off between society and artists. Society says we value what you do so we will set up this system (coprighting) that will allow you to earn a living from it. However since that system has been made impotent due to the internet the whole system will need to be changed. It will work itself out and artists will still find a way to make money whether you download for free or not. In the meantime, download away.
Copyright infringement is not stealing. Copyright infringement is not a moral issue. Copyrights have no moral basis, and are not bestowed by a higher authority

If you haven't already seen this, you would love this speech from Jeffrey Tucker of the Mises Institute. It is on youtube, but is in audio only. Long, but brilliant.

That isn't my biggest concern, I am just pretty much asking: Is it stealing? I am leaning towards "no" as the singers are so f****** rich and cocky anyway that it doesn't make much difference...does it?

You have heard that is easier for a rich man to fit through the eye of a needle then it is to enter heaven? well if you have then your doin the rich man a favour.

By obtaining there material for little, to no cost, your reducing his bottom line, thus making him poorer...inturn his chances of getting past the pearly gates are greatly increased,so go for it as God would approve

Yea verily, even now the finger of the LORD is on the "smite" key of his heavenly computer to visit his burning vengeance on all who flout his laws.

Judgment begins with the household of God. 1 Peter 4:17
K-Mart were selling two $30 Itune cards for $40 yesterday ( I didn't get them they were probably sold out in 1/2 hour ).
So who is missing out on $20.00 Are K-Mart making a loss, or are Apple making a loss or is the artist making a loss. ( Given the amount that Music can be discounted when the retailers feel like it, I suspect the "royalties" are a tiny component ).
If I download $40 worth of songs from itunes at full retail, then pirate $20 worth of songs, is that any worse than buying the cards on special?

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K-Mart were selling two $30 Itune cards for $40 yesterday ( I didn't get them they were probably sold out in 1/2 hour ).
So who is missing out on $20.00 Are K-Mart making a loss, or are Apple making a loss or is the artist making a loss. ( Given the amount that Music can be discounted when the retailers feel like it, I suspect the "royalties" are a tiny component ).
If I download $40 worth of songs from itunes at full retail, then pirate $20 worth of songs, is that any worse than buying the cards on special?

Technically it probably is.

If you buy an iTunes voucher from K-Mart (or anywhere) discounted and buy say 15 songs on itunes then every artist will get a share of money wheras if you buy $40 and pirate $20 then there will be some artists that miss out.

That is the logical explanation (IMO) but I am sure everyone has an different opinion on this matter.
Technically it probably is.

If you buy an iTunes voucher from K-Mart (or anywhere) discounted and buy say 15 songs on itunes then every artist will get a share of money wheras if you buy $40 and pirate $20 then there will be some artists that miss out.

That is the logical explanation (IMO) but I am sure everyone has an different opinion on this matter.

Yeah the artist misses out. Part of the problem is Retailing. Music ( like Cola ) costs different amounts in different markets depending on what they think people will pay.
If everyone was scungy like me, profit margins would be much lower.
Similarly if the distributors and retailers were'nt so greedy there would be less theft ( due to a more acceptable price ) which would be better for the artists.
Its even similar in manufacturing, a piece of gear for your car that may cost hundreds of dollars from a dealer, is probably sold to the car company from the factory that makes it for $5.00. ( I know first hand that this is the case ).

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Religion Is it bad to download music for free as a Christian?

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