Is this Racism or PC gone mad?

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Like I said, if there was no malice or racism intended (and I imagine their wasn't, its a New York newspaper, hardly a hotbed for blatant racism) then it is simply really, really, insensitive and shows a lack of foresight.

So there should be strictly no cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, as this will inevitably lead to offense from the Islamic community?

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So there should be strictly no cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, as this will inevitably lead to offense from the Islamic community?

Look, I'm pretty liberal but I've come to learn that sometimes it just isn't worth it.

Look at what happened to that Dutch film maker when he rightfully pointed out that Islam encourages domestic violence and a subservient relationship between wife and husband.

In America, racial issues are still a sore point for a lot of people, and really, it isn't like the New York Post had a real reason to print that cartoon - it isnt' funny, artistic or poignant. It's a shit, unfunny, unwitty cartoon, and its fairly insensitive. Probably an honest mistake though.
Look at what happened to that Dutch film maker when he rightfully pointed out that Islam encourages domestic violence and a subservient relationship between wife and husband.
Theo Van Gogh was murdered for exposing the truth.
Should the truth be covered up?
Silenced by terrorism?
Nancy Pelosi wrote most of the stimulus bill in question & last time i looked she wasn't black. What a load of shit !!
Clearly this cartoon is trying to suggest that those who wrote the stimulus bill are monkeys. As in 'Pay peanuts, get monkeys'.

Correct. No racial overtones whatsoever.

Maybe Burns' monkeys should have a go at the stimulus bill?


"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times"
It would be a whole new thread.
That would soon be full of the usual dhimmi's and apologists screaming racist and bigot to derail discussion asap

I don't think so. A lot of real lefty's would argue in favour of free speech.

I think some people get caught up in racism so that it becomes their entire thought pattern, rather than just something to keep an eye out for.

I remember having this discussion with Funky Mit Matt a few years ago when it happened - the fact is, by any qualitative assessment, Van Gogh's movie was accurate and a worthy work of art. He didn't make the movie out of malice at all.

Unfortunately, for every Van Gogh, there's a couple of thousand ********s who just think its cool to hate/bash "darkies"
I don't think so. A lot of real lefty's would argue in favour of free speech.

the fact is, by any qualitative assessment, Van Gogh's movie was accurate and a worthy work of art. He didn't make the movie out of malice at all.
Lefties favour free speach if they agree with it hence Louis Farrahkan can visit Australia but a leader of the BNP cannot.Only difference between these two is
One says Jews and white people are evil
The other says Jews and black people are evil.
Van Gogh was killed for speaking the truth,others like him are now terrified to speak out.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was threatened and fled Europe,Pat Condell has been threatened with getting his thoat cut.Salman Rushdie is still in fear
Silence through terrorism is working.The apologists are helping it

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This hypersensitivity about race and Monkeys has been going on for a few years

  1. Jason Akermanis sacked from a Brisbane radio station around 2004 from his talk back show, for calling the indigenous management "monkeys"
  2. Andrew Symond's being called a "monkey" in India and suspected of being called a "monkey" by Harbhajan Singh in Sydney.
  3. Now Murdoch's Australian Editor of the New York Post, and even pointing the finger at Rupert himself

Black, Blue, Yellow, Red, Pink, White, Brown, Green or Any Other Color fingerpointing aside.

I have noticed over the past few years that the Yank's are pretty much sick of Australia (possibly through oversaturation) and in a lot of cases "look at me" Australian's, in particular those in the arts such as Nicole Kidman, the posthumous Heath Ledger, Kate Blanchet, Toni Collette, Geofrey Rush, A few others who's names escape me, and of cause the unforgetable Rusty Crowe.

I also think in this new Obama Democrat USA

We... Australia maybe being looked at rightfully or wrongly as the home and powerbase of John Howard, the Prime Minister who stated on the record that a Obama elected USA would be a disaster....I cringed when JWH said it.

After getting that one nailed on us, then a plethora of unwanted labels can be nailed on us by the U.S media

*White Australia Policy
*Indigenous Life Expectancy
*Cronulla Race Riots
*Islamic School resistance
*Children Overboard
*Mel Gibson's anti Jew rant
*Mohammed Haneef
*Racial Profiling at Airport Security
* And now the life and times of Rupert Murdoch and every ant he might have squashed and every kid he punched or pushed from the age of 4 through to the here and now.

I've even got a few suspicions about Obama, allowing Australia to be left on the USA agenda for a public head kicking.

  1. A lot of Indonesian's don't like Australia, and he may be trying to create an aura that makes him popular with most Indonesian's by not going out of his way to create that perception, but at the same time not going out of his way to destroy that perception.
  2. No time for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to see Foriegn Minister Stephen Smith even briefly on her trip to Jakarta.
  3. He still has bad blood over Howard's remarks when he was running for office, and he is not differentiating Kevin Rudd from John Howard; rather carrying a grudge against Australia ..full stop
  4. He considers Australia as only a freind of the Republican Party

I don't like where this is going, I don't think Murdoch who generally has not done anything remotely racist in his life, deserves to be slogged with all this angst.

And I doubt if Murdoch was from a more political sensitive country like Pakistan or Indonesia, that this crud would be tolerated by the US political executive.

I hope the Australian government has the guts to kick back against this if some of the media inside the US start going over the top.... but I doubt they will have the guts :(
Like I said, if there was no malice or racism intended (and I imagine their wasn't, its a New York newspaper, hardly a hotbed for blatant racism) then it is simply really, really, insensitive and shows a lack of foresight.

Agreed although I wouldn't rule out racism cloked by a current event.
Looks like a veiled attack on Obama to me but as you say it's NY. If it were Alabama it would be different.
Agreed although I wouldn't rule out racism cloked by a current event.
Looks like a veiled attack on Obama to me but as you say it's NY. If it were Alabama it would be different.

And if that attack was on GW Bush no one would have raised a rats eyelid.

Fantastic we have a colored US President

But if you are prepared to step up to the batting plate (the presidency)

Then be prepared to be hit by the occasional ball from the pitcher.

If colored leaders are going to be precious about criticism, maybe it was not their time to run for the presidency.
Well looking at the work it seems like it was a reference to that chimp story as the cartoon monkey's face didn't look like Obama (and satirical cartoonists always make it blatantly obvious who it is if they're having a go at a specific individual) so it doesn't look like it was racist.

But I hardly think the reaction should be described as "PC gone mad". I think people who say "PC gone mad" are forgetting what 'politically correct' actually is.

Lefties favour free speach if they agree with it

:rolleyes: I think you've spent too much time in the sun today.


"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times"

"You stupid monkey!"

(monkey screeches)

"Oh, shut up."
If there was no racial tension, then that Sharpton clown, wouldn't have a job. So he has to promote himself and make life hard for white people somehow

Should i be offended and call racism, say, if someone is alluding to Obama, by drawing a polar bear or something. Considering he is a half-cast after all

Al Sharpton is "sheeeeet..."

Pffft. That's a disgrace to R.Clayton Davis and all who represent him.

It's "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...". Use it properly or don't use it at all.;)

Ultimately I agree it's a bit of a storm in a teacup, Sharpton will get his soundbytes and and Rupert will sell his papers. I can understand why it wound some people up though.
So implying Obama is a chimp, and everyone seeing the correlation between the two, then crying foul. Kinda like saying, "I know he looks like a chimp, but let's not point it out!". Food for thought.
This cartoon is clearly relating the chimp who recently mauled a woman in Connecticut (and was subsequently shot by police) with the monkeys in Congress. This does not relate to Obama directly - or else the cartoonist would have superimposed Obama's face on the chimp.

Sharpton is a liar and a shill for the idiots who would keep racial tensions alive.

BTW the people they interviewed for that story are total morons.
And if that attack was on GW Bush no one would have raised a rats eyelid.

Because it would have nothing to do with his race.

Fantastic we have a colored US President

But if you are prepared to step up to the batting plate (the presidency)

Then be prepared to be hit by the occasional ball from the pitcher.

If colored leaders are going to be precious about criticism, maybe it was not their time to run for the presidency.

Urgh. More racism.

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Is this Racism or PC gone mad?

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