The cleanout should consider everyone at the club who's been there for multiple years. The players are one, albeit big, factor, but to an outside observer, it seems like Brady hasn't been doing well with list management decisions, we've had long term assistant coaches overseeing players generally decline, player fitness seems much worse than other clubs.Only 3 weeks ago we lead Carlton in the third quarter. We aren’t as bad as that. We will win games this season.
There is one positive to this current slump. It will give the coaching staff a clearer picture of who needs to go.
The list management decisions are fairly straightforward from here. The only difficult one IMO is Luke McDonald. He’s a co-captain, he’s on a long term deal. But he is part of the cancer that needs to be surgically removed.
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Why are our training standards considered worse than other clubs? As a professional organisation, shouldn't that be one of the easiest things to baseline against others? Is the club doing everything it can to turn this around? Stuff like player led reviews like Geelong did, sports psychologists to work with players, are our support staff and assistant coaches the best available or we giving jobs to former players without merit? Time to shape up and actually be professional in all aspects.