Jack Ginnivan - Redemption arc

Has your opinion of Jack Ginnivan changed over the past 2 years?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 154 70.0%

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People who hate on Ginnivan for having a personality should be locked in a room and forced to watch Will Ashcrofts interview on the Sunday football show for eternity. After one of the most exciting games in memory: "How do you explain your comeback?"

"We just had the belief" "We knew we had to just play our game" "We knew we had to just play every contest" "We knew if we just stuck to the gameplan" repeated zombie like for 10 excruciating minutes
Everyone thought Ginny was a massive flog when he was at Collingwood, now he's great for the game.

He's still a massive flog who ducks for free kicks, the only thing that's changed is the color of his stripes.
Sorry Doc but everyone still reckons hes a flog. Only Hawks fans seem to have backflipped

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Technically true - but really was the minorist of minor indiscretions by a human being human. It was Ken returning serve to someone who is more than willing to serve it up, and doesn't call the waahmbulance when it does return.

Unlike Sicily, unlike Mitchell, unlike the other Hawthorn commentator flogs. It was really just pathetic by them. I certainly have lost what grudging respect I've had for them.

Especially Mitchell - given his attempt to make out Ken as being some sort of predator of 'extremely young men' - it was out-and-out creepy.
Yep. Hinckleys behaviour was one of the creepiest acts I've seen from a senior club representative on a football field.
They are all adults and free to behave how they want. I was always taught growing up, when the sirens gone, the game ends, look your opponent in your eyes and shake their hands.

Ask yourself this. If you had a 12 year old kid (which I do) and they taunted the opposition after the siren, how would you feel about that? What would your response be? If my daughter did that I'd be pretty disappointed. she wouldn't be playing the next week that's for sure. I reckon most people would have a similar response

So I'm not sure why it changes when the post siren taunting is done by a 56 year old dude?

Like i said, Ken should be free to do what he wants. I don't reckon he should be fines. But its cringe as hell. And I'd expect my juniors to behave better than that.
They are all adults and free to behave how they want. I was always taught growing up, when the sirens gone, the game ends, look your opponent in your eyes and shake their hands.

Ask yourself this. If you had a 12 year old kid (which I do) and they taunted the opposition after the siren, how would you feel about that? What would your response be? If my daughter did that I'd be pretty disappointed. she wouldn't be playing the next week that's for sure. I reckon most people would have a similar response

So I'm not sure why it changes when the post siren taunting is done by a 56 year old dude?

Like i said, Ken should be free to do what he wants. I don't reckon he should be fines. But its cringe as hell. And I'd expect my juniors to behave better than that.

Most of your post was good except where Ken can do whatever he wants. I'm sure if he were to do it again, he'll get a suspension next time. Better tell Ginni to not post anything prior to a Port game.
The biggest clown to come out of this is your coach after he sooked it up. Most neutrals love what Ken did.

I hate to break it to you, you're not really understanding this.

Did he 'sook it up' by approaching the opposition players on the ground?

I saw one coach having a bit fat melt doing that, all bent out of shape by a post on da socials.
Seem to be a lot of people in this thread - both Hawthorn supporters and Hawthorn haters - who are overcomplicating this one, probably due to the very human need to identify a villain and attribute blame to one party more than others.

From where I see it, the sequence of events was:

- Ginnivan makes a cheeky reply to an Instagram post, which was ill-conceived but in isolation a pretty minor infraction

- Hinkley, under pressure from the Adelaide football media and having endured a cliffhanging final that could have been his last game as Port coach, channels his pent-up emotions by mocking Ginnivan straight after the final siren

- Sicily, dealing with the emotion of a narrow finals loss and his own failure to kick the winning goal, makes an emotional response to Hinkley’s display of emotion

- Mitchell, feeling emotional after losing a final for the first time as a coach, mounts an emotional defence of his captain’s emotional response to the opposition coach’s display of emotion.

- Hinkley, as the person who let his emotions get the better of him first, gets fined by the AFL.

That’s three emotional people in the aftermath of a titanic final, plus one larrikin from Castlemaine who sparked the whole thing, but I can’t see how anyone is better or worse than anyone else. Or am I missing something?
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It seems the AFL specifically refer to multiple points made by people in this very thread. Including the potential for Ken to influence behavior at under age matches.

Hinkley's ill conceived, snowflake level melt over a social media post had no place on the ground post AFL finals match, while walking over to line up opposite the Hawks to celebrate Breust's 300th no less.

The heat being applied to Sicily kind of ignores that the whole thing was instigated by a coach who seemed to think Ginnivan's post, and not his own team's performance last week, was responsible for the shame they all felt coming into the match

Spin it any way you like, a grandfather aged AFL coach under pressure to keep his job, made an error of judgement.
Seem to be a lot of people in this thread - both Hawthorn supporters and Hawthorn haters - who are overcomplicating this one, probably due to the very human need to identify a villain and attribute blame to one party more than others.

From where I see it, the sequence of events was:

- Ginnivan makes a cheeky reply to an Instagram post, which was ill-conceived but in isolation a pretty minor infranction

- Hinkley, under pressure from the Adelaide football media and having endured a cliffhanging final that could have been his last game as Port coach, channels his pent-up emotions by mocking Ginnivan straight after the final siren

- Sicily, dealing with the emotion of a narrow finals loss and his own failure to kick the winning goal, makes an emotional response to Hinkley’s display of emotion

- Mitchell, feeling emotional after losing a final for the first time as a coach, mounts an emotional defence of his captain’s emotional response to the opposition coach’s display of emotion.

- Hinkley, as the person who let his emotions get the better of him first, gets fined by the AFL.

That’s three emotional people in the aftermath of a titanic final, plus one larrikin from Castlemaine who sparked the whole thing, but I can’t see how anyone is better or worse than anyone else. Or am I missing something?

How many of the three acted out a pantomime on the ground with some snarky dad comments, post match, in an AFL semi-final I wonder?

I also wonder if the other two chose a more suitable venue to make their 'emotional' public comments?

Neither of which included pantomime it must be said.
Most of your post was good except where Ken can do whatever he wants. I'm sure if he were to do it again, he'll get a suspension next time. Better tell Ginni to not post anything prior to a Port game.
Exactly right.

The fact of the matter is that 'ole Kenny is an easily offended snowflake.

He really should toughen up. Or at least build the courage to respond to pre-match banter before the match.

Instead, when he read a post by a 21-year-old on social media, he was too gutless to respond through any of the channels at his disposal. Yet he also wasn't man enough to take it on the chin and move on.

So poor Kenny let that comment eat away at him for days.

I can just imagine his poor triggered brain pouring over all the possible responses.

It's hard to tell if it was a calculated act, or just a lack of emotional self-control.

But at what should have been his moment of glory, that pent up, repressed emotion came flooding out.

The final siren had rung. The result was settled. What he said next could now no longer be used against him by the media in the event that Port lost.

So poor triggered Kenny let his guard down. He stretched his arms out like a pretend plane. And he said the best prematch comments he thought of all week: "You're not flying anywhere."

His players giggled in second-hand embarrassment at crazy Kenny.

The teams were lining up to honour a legend of the sport, and here was old Ken making a fool of himself. Again.

But he was not done yet. He repeated the comment.

It truly was an embarrassing meltdown.

One that exposed the true character of the man for all to see.

The AFL is absolutely correct in its decision to point the blame for what happened solely in his direction.

He earned every cent of his fine for setting a terrible example for impressionable young boys and girls across the nation.

He should now hang his head in shame at how he's tarnished his once-proud legacy as a Fitzroy veteran.
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People who hate on Ginnivan for having a personality should be locked in a room and forced to watch Will Ashcrofts interview on the Sunday football show for eternity. After one of the most exciting games in memory: "How do you explain your comeback?"

"We just had the belief" "We knew we had to just play our game" "We knew we had to just play every contest" "We knew if we just stuck to the gameplan" repeated zombie like for 10 excruciating minutes
I’d very much prefer to watch Ashcroft play footy than Ginni, and I’d very much prefer to have Ashcroft play for the swans.

If this means less D Grade entertainment before after the siren, and less ridiculous goal celebrations during games, I can very much live with that.
I’d very much prefer to watch Ashcroft play footy than Ginni, and I’d very much prefer to have Ashcroft play for the swans.

If this means less D Grade entertainment before after the siren, and less ridiculous goal celebrations during games, I can very much live with that.

If it were a one or the other choice I would agree with you. But we already have over 700 players who speak and act exactly like Will Ashcroft. What's the harm in one Jack Ginnivan instead of AFL clone number 701
Hawthorn fans definitely need to get a grip. Hinkley doing the aeroplane arms and saying something along the lines of have a nice flight how's that is literally as tame and basic as it gets. Ginni handled it well and I actually respected him for it. Then Sicily has a fully fledged meltdown and makes it a storm in a teacup. The only thing Hinkley did wrong was responding to Sicily. Mind you Hinkley did it well before everyone was going to commemorate Bruest, it was hawks that carried it on into that moment. I'm amazed that Ginni showed more self control, self awareness and emotional maturity than both his captain and his coach. Personally I consider it a very embarrassing presser from Mitchel that will be nortirious In AFL folklore now. Same with Sicily and the commentary. Absolutely hilarious meltdown really. For Hodge and Lewis it even highlighted that they shouldn't have been there as they are biased and a lot of people started questioning that with Hodge I think the first thing that came to mind is why was he there for both finals matches. All round was a bad loss for hawks made worse by the reactions.
There's a reason why we get players to shake hands after a game to take the sting out of it. It's culture thing to help with the high emotions of 44 blokes who just put everything out there.

Yep fans and coaches have emotions too, but it's different than players who put their body's through it. There needs to be a line somewhere.
The empathy I'm reading for Kenny is fine, but the lack of empathy for Sicily shows we don't have many unbiased options in this thread on this topic. Sis not ken was the one who physically and mentally put his body through it for 2 hours, was the one who was on the field with no where to decompress. Kenny was a coach on the sidelines he had options to deal with his emotions away from the public eye. He was not the victim or the vulnerable one and that's why he got the fine.
People who hate on Ginnivan for having a personality should be locked in a room and forced to watch Will Ashcrofts interview on the Sunday football show for eternity. After one of the most exciting games in memory: "How do you explain your comeback?"

"We just had the belief" "We knew we had to just play our game" "We knew we had to just play every contest" "We knew if we just stuck to the gameplan" repeated zombie like for 10 excruciating minutes
I'm pretty sure media training 101 is 'just keep going back to the pre-determined talking points'. It masks whatever personality the speaker might have outside the media.
I have zero issue with Ginnivan’s posting and general shit****ery; however he needs to understand that smartarses are going to cop a bit back from time to time.

I also have no interest with Hinkley giving Ginnivan shit, BUT I did know immediately that the AFL would slap him for it.

I do however think Sam Mitchell is a hypocritical piece of shit.
The empathy I'm reading for Kenny is fine, but the lack of empathy for Sicily shows we don't have many unbiased options in this thread on this topic. Sis not ken was the one who physically and mentally put his body through it for 2 hours, was the one who was on the field with no where to decompress. Kenny was a coach on the sidelines he had options to deal with his emotions away from the public eye. He was not the victim or the vulnerable one and that's why he got the fine.
Kenny had a go at Ginnivan, no problem from me about that, Ginnivan deserves everything that comes back to him. This was no where near the Breust exit. It was Sicily who at the Breust acknowledgment that was acting like a peanut at the wrong moment. And Sam Mitchell acting ‘holier than thou’ after a career of being a little turd.
Kenny had a go at Ginnivan, no problem from me about that, Ginnivan deserves everything that comes back to him. This was no where near the Breust exit. It was Sicily who at the Breust acknowledgment that was acting like a peanut at the wrong moment. And Sam Mitchell acting ‘holier than thou’ after a career of being a little turd.
Let's talk about your Sicily comment because I haven't commented on the others stuff so don't want my opinion twisted.

It was only the wrong moment because it was instigated by Ken, as I said the players have no way to decompress at that stage. The game just ended in tragic fashion, they were still on the field.

There is a lack of empathy for sis as a captain and as a player who would have been absolutely reeling after almost dragging his team over the line in a cut throat final while playing injured.

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Jack Ginnivan - Redemption arc
