Jack Ginnivan - Redemption arc

Has your opinion of Jack Ginnivan changed over the past 2 years?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 154 70.0%

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Let's talk about your Sicily comment because I haven't commented on the others stuff so don't want my opinion twisted.

It was only the wrong moment because it was instigated by Ken, as I said the players have no way to decompress at that stage. The game just ended in tragic fashion, they were still on the field.

There is a lack of empathy for sis as a captain and as a player who would have been absolutely reeling after almost dragging his team over the line in a cut throat final while playing injured.
Tragic! You got two of the most wrong decisions all season in that second quarter that changed the momentum totally. Port easy without those putrid decisions, hardly tragic.
Exactly right.

The fact of the matter is that 'ole Kenny is an easily offended snowflake.

He really should toughen up. Or at least build the courage to respond to pre-match banter before the match.

Instead, when he read a post by a 21-year-old on social media, he was too gutless to respond through any of the channels at his disposal. Yet he also wasn't man enough to take it on the chin and move on.

So poor Kenny let that comment eat away at him for days.

I can just imagine his poor triggered brain pouring over all the possible responses.

It's hard to tell if it was a calculated act, or just a lack of emotional self-control.

But at what should have been his moment of glory, that pent up, repressed emotion came flooding out.

The final siren had rung. The result was settled. What he said next could now no longer be used against him by the media in the event that Port lost.

So poor triggered Kenny let his guard down. He stretched his arms out like a pretend plane. And he said the best prematch comments he thought of all week: "You're not flying anywhere."

His players giggled in second-hand embarrassment at crazy Kenny.

The teams were lining up to honour a legend of the sport, and here was old Ken making a fool of himself. Again.

But he was not done yet. He repeated the comment.

It truly was an embarrassing meltdown.

One that exposed the true character of the man for all to see.

The AFL is absolutely correct in its decision to point the blame for what happened solely in his direction.

He earned every cent of his fine for setting a terrible example for impressionable young boys and girls across the nation.

He should now hang his head in shame at how he's tarnished his once-proud legacy as a Fitzroy veteran.

Bit OTT .............

FMD, Hawthorn people (former players & supporters) are turning this episode into something its not and never has been.

I'm just wondering what they would have been saying about Ginny's tweet had they won the match ??

Winners are grinners yada yada yada.

A caller to SEN this morning suggested that Hinkley should have given Ginny a "drive-by clip" in his presser instead which I agree with, still would have had the same effect but not created this mass hysteria & the emergence of the "Glenferrie Grief-fest".
The empathy I'm reading for Kenny is fine, but the lack of empathy for Sicily shows we don't have many unbiased options in this thread on this topic. Sis not ken was the one who physically and mentally put his body through it for 2 hours, was the one who was on the field with no where to decompress. Kenny was a coach on the sidelines he had options to deal with his emotions away from the public eye. He was not the victim or the vulnerable one and that's why he got the fine.

Victim mentality for Missily , love it

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Tragic! You got two of the most wrong decisions all season in that second quarter that changed the momentum totally. Port easy without those putrid decisions, hardly tragic.
Victim mentality for Missily , love it
Well thanks for providing my point
Forget to add, all year the footy public have had to watch the Hawks players strut around like their shit doesn't stink plus their insistence on doing those wanky, yankee cringe goal celebrations.

And then we had a sea of grown men (yes, some were clearly in their 50's & 60's) dressing up like a Harry Potter character to show how much they want to suck up to that midget Watson, which was also extremely sad & pathetic especially for men of their age.

The moment they get something thrown back in their general direction, they carry on like an entitled private schoolboy at the rowing regatta.

Its a really pleasant surprise to see the Hawthorn clan implode in such a childish & pathetic manner when they have been the kings of the schoolyard bullies for decades.
Another year, another scandal involving Vic clubs.
You can blame the AFL and its media for most of it, constantly making decisions to benefit Vic clubs and by extension their players.
Filling them with a false belief that they are invincible and can do and say as they please.
Robbo last week on 360 suggesting Ginnivan should run through Butters to test his ribs a recent example.

Then when a player short in filter like Ginnivan does something stupid that antagonises others they all stand back on moral high ground professing to not seeing that coming or the subsequent return of serve.

Pretty pathetic all 'round I'd suggest.
Didn't have a problem with him at Collingwood, don't have a problem with him at Hawthorn. The tweet was a whole lot of nothing. Ken came out of it looking like a peanut, he should know better. I guess the emotion of falling in at home, against the side that finished 7th got the better of him.
I just don't think he's a very good player. I mean, he's not terrible, just not as good as the attention he gets would suggest. His field kicking needs some work, very 'loopy'. But, if he fits their system, good luck to him.
Didn't have a problem with him at Collingwood, don't have a problem with him at Hawthorn. The tweet was a whole lot of nothing. Ken came out of it looking like a peanut, he should know better. I guess the emotion of falling in at home, against the side that finished 7th got the better of him.
I just don't think he's a very good player. I mean, he's not terrible, just not as good as the attention he gets would suggest. His field kicking needs some work, very 'loopy'. But, if he fits their system, good luck to him.

Hawks flag to lose. They were the absolute form team for the last 3 months. 7th to 2nd was 2 game difference , dont over play it like Port finished a clear second by 5 games. Youre starting to sound like Sam Mitchell

"A much older man with some agressive words towards a young man" LOL
They are all adults and free to behave how they want. I was always taught growing up, when the sirens gone, the game ends, look your opponent in your eyes and shake their hands.

Ask yourself this. If you had a 12 year old kid (which I do) and they taunted the opposition after the siren, how would you feel about that? What would your response be? If my daughter did that I'd be pretty disappointed. she wouldn't be playing the next week that's for sure. I reckon most people would have a similar response

So I'm not sure why it changes when the post siren taunting is done by a 56 year old dude?

Like i said, Ken should be free to do what he wants. I don't reckon he should be fines. But its cringe as hell. And I'd expect my juniors to behave better than that.
In all honesty if I had a child playing sport (which i do) and they were acting in a cocky, arrogant and brash manner then i would tell them that they need to back it up and be prepared to cop it when it doesn't go your way. To be fair to Ginnivan he seems to do this...its everyone else at hawthorn who seem to have lost the plot!
The whole thing is a big juvenile nothing burger. I like drama like this generally but everybody involved in this one should be embarrassed.
Starts with Ginni setting himself up to get smashed by the karma bus.

Then Kenny channelling an 11 year old boy and taunting an opponent after the game. The fact that a Ginnivan social media post could have him so riled up tells you the man is a bit of a clown.

Then Mitchell completely embarrasses himself with his over the top "I've taken great offence" response.
The "A much older man had some very harsh words" line was just weird. As if " you're not flying anywhere Jack" constitutes "harsh words". As if Jack Ginnivan is some kind of innocent young little petal who needs special protection.🤣
Then it was Sicily's carrying on like a pork chop behaviour more than anything that ruined Bruests moment.

Finally, As if Sam Mitchell, Sicily, Ginnivan and Hawthorn in general have a right to sook it up about being sledged! Glass jawed hypocrites.
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The whole thing is a big juvenile nothing burger. I like drama like this generally but everybody involved in this one should be embarrassed.

Kenny channelling an 11 year old boy and taunting an opponent after the game. The fact that a Ginnivan social media post could have him so riled up tells you the man is a bit of a clown.

Then Mitchell completely embarrasses himself with his over the top "I've taken great offence" response.
The "A much older man had some very harsh words" line was just weird. As if " you're not flying anywhere Jack" constitutes "harsh words". As if Jack Ginnivan is some kind of innocent young little petal who needs special protection.🤣
Then it was Sicily's behaviour more than anything that ruined Bruests moment.

Finally, As if Sam Mitchell, Sicily, Ginnivan and Hawthorn in general have a right to sook it up about being sledged! Glass jawed hypocrites.
Agree, especially with your take on Mitchell's comments. Made it sound like Ken was trying groom Ginnivan or something! It was just an airplane gesture. Settle down mitch.
Hawks flag to lose. They were the absolute form team for the last 3 months. 7th to 2nd was 2 game difference , dont over play it like Port finished a clear second by 5 games. Youre starting to sound like Sam Mitchell

"A much older man with some agressive words towards a young man" LOL
Mitchell's a flog, no argument there. Ken just looked like a bit of a dick, he has that 'bad winner' vibe about him. Absolutely none of it 'offends' me, it's great theater for the viewers, especially neutrals.
In all honesty if I had a child playing sport (which i do) and they were acting in a cocky, arrogant and brash manner then i would tell them that they need to back it up and be prepared to cop it when it doesn't go your way. To be fair to Ginnivan he seems to do this...its everyone else at hawthorn who seem to have lost the plot!
But Dad, he did it to me first!? What about Kenny. How would you react if your kid taunted the opposition after winning?
The whole thing is a big juvenile nothing burger. I like drama like this generally but everybody involved in this one should be embarrassed.

Kenny channelling an 11 year old boy and taunting an opponent after the game. The fact that a Ginnivan social media post could have him so riled up tells you the man is a bit of a clown.

Then Mitchell completely embarrasses himself with his over the top "I've taken great offence" response.
The "A much older man had some very harsh words" line was just weird. As if " you're not flying anywhere Jack" constitutes "harsh words". As if Jack Ginnivan is some kind of innocent young little petal who needs special protection.🤣
Then it was Sicily's behaviour more than anything that ruined Bruests moment.

Finally, As if Sam Mitchell, Sicily, Ginnivan and Hawthorn in general have a right to sook it up about being sledged! Glass jawed hypocrites.
his response was one of the most embarrassing things i've seen watching AFL as a neutral. he looked and sounded like a student at a school who'd gotten in trouble for breaking a window or something else that's equally stupid.

very pathetic
You guys are still salty about Hawthorn, even when they lose, good to see.
-Jack bes a bit silly
-Ken doesn't get it, also bes silly
-Jack visibly unperturbed, doesn't seem to GAF

At this point things were nil all.

-Sicily melts down on the pitch, turning Breusts send off into a me-me-me-fest, claims "Ken ruined it"
-Mitchell nearly weeps in the presser, framing Ken as a predator
-Hodge etc melt on screen.

"teeheehee we make you salty". LOL Hawks the biggest whingers in the game.
When is the last time a coach gave an opposition player a spray post game?

I can remember John Worsfold as a player giving it to Mick McGuane in the 90s for dropping a chest mark that might have won the game. Wasn't a coach then though. Clarkson had to be held back from taking on Matty Lloyd after he KO'd Brad Sewell on field.

Maybe Sheedy too, but that was during the game. Those are the only time I can recall seeing anything of note.

Even the most unsociable Hawks let the game be over after the siren. They let the footy do their talking. If you don't, how are you any different to the bloke you're going after for making the comments?

Coaches are supposed to be a level above this stuff. What next, Hinkley takes to the gram to get in his Ginnivan's face?

The guy is probably not going to have a job before his plane lands next weekend. Not exactly a legacy he'd want to be leaving I would have thought.

All the plonkers who haven't noticed the game is over when it's over in professional sport are kind of outing themselves here.
Was it over when Mitchell was sooking and bending the truth in his presser about the aggressive older man and a young innocent Jack? Or was that still part of the game? Ken’s actions were classless, but Mitchell’s were worse and he had a whole 20-30 minutes to think about it.
But Dad, he did it to me first!? What about Kenny. How would you react if your kid taunted the opposition after winning?
In a perfect world i wouldn't want my kid to taunt the opposition before, during or after the game. However if they did then they would be open game and be prepared to cop it if and when it backfires. Which again from what we've seen, Ginnivan seems happy to do, its just everyone else that seems to meltdown.

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Jack Ginnivan - Redemption arc
