Play Nice James Hird rushed to hospital - suspected overdose

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If I was to speculate (which is what these boards are about), I would guess it isn't football related, or related to the drug saga. I say this because Hird appeared to get through difficult times, and those were now behind him. I would guess there is a more open ended personal issue that he has no control over. Just speculating like everyone else.
If I was to speculate (which is what these boards are about), I would guess it isn't football related, or related to the drug saga. I say this because Hird appeared to get through difficult times, and those were now behind him. I would guess there is a more open ended personal issue that he has no control over. Just speculating like everyone else.
It could've been triggered by anything. It could have been a personal issue. Maybe he's crashed because he's had to put the footy world, a world he's been a part of for over 25 years, behind him. Who knows.

I will say one thing though - this is the first moment within the saga that I've felt sorry for Hird. The first moment I've seen him as *human*.

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It never ever is the logical option.

(Not related to Hird here, just answering a question)

The example I was given was a man who r*ped and murdered a child. He obviously got life in prison but his crimes were so bad that every inmate wanted to kill him, and not just kill him, kill him very painfully, even the other pedophiles thought he was scum. As a result he got attacked a few times and was living in constant fear and he was going to be living in constant fear for the rest of his life (and with no friends at all, everyone hated him). Now given his crimes I am perfectly happy that he was living in constant fear as he deserved it but he ended up killing himself in his cell. My lecturer used this as an example where suicide is logical because it is a situation where death is seen as preferable to living.
From this distance I would agree.

Just a general question, has anyone been able to work their way back into a sport after such a scandal?

I mean could lance Armstrong do special comments on tv for the Tour de France?

Not likely, but it's interesting how it's turned out. Armstrong did some really dirty shit, worse than Hird, but the perception was eventually when he knew the game was up he came clean. That seems to be the difference, Hird was still giving bullshit answers to Tracey Holmes after people had been found guilty. If Hird stepped aside from the first press conference this could have turned out differently. He now can't shake the deluded fraudster tag because he kept dragging it on.

A lot of people don't care about what Lance Armstrong did now. The guy's got a podcast, he's still getting work, he's having a good time with his family, wherever he goes people still turn up to see him. He'll never be welcomed back to some places and he probably hasn't changed, but I think he's happy with the fact a lot of people now excuse him on the "everyone did it" line - and now Sky are looking dirtier by the day.
.at a guess....i think Hird has other demons at play...other than the ess supplements saga.
Just remember....hes prone to injections to improve his appearance ....i wouldnt rule anything out re his personal life.

That aside , its terribly sad he has hurt himself . His kids need him. Get well James.
Most people who do it aren't entirety thinking rationally.
I know, I've attempted suicide twice.

(Not related to Hird here, just answering a question)

The example I was given was a man who r*ped and murdered a child. He obviously got life in prison but his crimes were so bad that every inmate wanted to kill him, and not just kill him, kill him very painfully, even the other pedophiles thought he was scum. As a result he got attacked a few times and was living in constant fear and he was going to be living in constant fear for the rest of his life (and with no friends at all, everyone hated him). Now given his crimes I am perfectly happy that he was living in constant fear as he deserved it but he ended up killing himself in his cell. My lecturer used this as an example where suicide is logical because it is a situation where death is seen as preferable to living.
Ouch, what a hypothetical. In that scenario, I wouldn't know what to say. Perhaps I would still be inclined to keep on living, holding on to faint hope that I would be able to meet someone who I could be friends with. Then again, I would never rape or murder a child.

But when we are talking about an ordinary civilian, one who hasn't committed unspeakable crimes, suicide is never the answer.
The social media age really has made a fair chunk of society either a moron or a campaigner.

Hope he gets through whatever he is going through at the moment and comes out ok the other side.
Never liked his position during the whole saga business...

That said, that's over with now. This is a husband, father and son in deep trouble. Lets hope he gets the respect, privacy and care that any other person needing help would get. Given social media I doubt it, but here hoping he finds his way out of this ok.
GO Catters
Agree. Hopefully he recovers well and he gets total privacy and the media, AFL and Essendon never report on him again.

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You're a great poster but you're way off the mark here mate.

Mental illness impairs a person's ability to think rationally; "logical" situations don't apply here.

Could be a situation where he feels he has no money, wife leaving him, no career options, won't see the kids and therefore he's a burden. Who knows.
My lecturer used this as an example where suicide is logical because it is a situation where death is seen as preferable to living.
If I was to speculate (which is what these boards are about), I would guess it isn't football related, or related to the drug saga. I say this because Hird appeared to get through difficult times, and those were now behind him. I would guess there is a more open ended personal issue that he has no control over. Just speculating like everyone else.

I would have thought the face he portrayed to the public over the last few years was more positive than how he was really feeling. I don't know the guy but can't imagine how anyone could experience such drama over such a long time without being impacted
The social media age really has made a fair chunk of society either a moron or a campaigner.
Doubt it. I'd say society's concentration of ****wits has been relatively consistent over the years.

There's just way more exposure now and people have endless freedom to antagonise each other.
Why are people prefacing their best wishes after mentioning their opinions in his involvement in the supplements saga?
Posters claiming they're experts in mental health whilst guessing and hypothesising what the reasons are behind this, clearly are not experts. This illness os still mysterious to medical professionals as it's so complex, and because we don't understand it it's easy to dismiss, question it's legitimacy and, as we see in these posts when the words mental illness pops up, give an easy fix solution. Have a good look at the couple of posters that have been braves enough to admit they tried to end it and read what they have to say. All the best to him and anyone feeling they can't go on or don't belong. You all matter and hav people who care.
Ouch, what a hypothetical. In that scenario, I wouldn't know what to say. Perhaps I would still be inclined to keep on living, holding on to faint hope that I would be able to meet someone who I could be friends with. Then again, I would never rape or murder a child.

Unfortunately it wasn't a hypothetical, it actually happened as my lecturer used to work as a criminal psychologist and relayed the event.
It never ever is the logical option.


Chronic depression, that makes your life crap, even after years of trying different potential solutions...

How is ending your life due to that illness any different from euthanasia for any other reason?

nb. Not saying that's the case here.
If you put it all out on the table though and be 100% open and honest everyone is very forgiving and you are a hero. The media including social media attack when there's a hint of smoke and mirrors and a failure to take full responsibility.

This is it in a nutshell

If Hird just came out at the start, was contrite and actually showed some remorse and taken responsibility it would have all gone away. I also think that he would have also regained some credibility back by manning up and taking responsibility for what happened.

Hird made the decision to drag the players through the mud and also put the EFC in a precarious financial position because of his ego. Rather than facing up to what happened, he made the selfish decision to put himself before the EFC and the 34 players by spending the better part of two years trying to argue semantics in court in the hope that he could get the case dismissed against him on a technicality.

The fact that some Essendon supporters still blindly treat James Hird as some sort of martyr is some sort of strange Stockholm Syndrome that I have never been quite able to understand.
The family in France or the family he left for the family in France?

This is undoubtedly a tragedy. But Hird is the least of the victims of his actions. His family suffers. His team suffers. His friends suffer. He suffers but he made that bed, didn't he?

So yes, it is a human tragedy. But I don't feel it's a personal one.
He left them for a family in France eh?

The fact this happened at home doesn't even give you pause to think you're slurping it?
I absolutely vehemently disagree. However I guess this is not the time to debate the issue.
Fair enough - although having seen family members in the later stages of cancer talk about wanting to commit suicide because of the pain, I can understand why in very limited circumstances it may seem logical.

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Play Nice James Hird rushed to hospital - suspected overdose

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