News Jason 'McGrath' levels drug-taking accusation at the Lions - Which is categorically debunked

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Can anyone explain to me why a club should dedicate and divert resources into investigating unsubstantiated allegations about historical matters relating to players who are no longer on its list?

And if the club found some of the allegations to be true (and they may well be, we don't know), what action would it be expected to take apart from assuring supporters that there are presently no such issues and measures are now in place in an effort to avoid any repetition?

And this is all happening at a time when the biggest club in the league has admitted that they have several current players who have been using drugs, not to mention all of the other players who have been self-reporting etc. FFS........

I am curious about whether Craddock agrees with the above but decided to (or was directed to) go down the "beat-up" path. And then there's Patrick Smith....

Where's John? I think I'm with you mate!
I thought Joh died ...... never realised he became editor of the CM.

It's a shame that although Queensland and Queenslanders in general are a long way removed from this, the backwater rag that is your daily happily paints the picture it is serving a redneck wonderland.

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Haha, what an uncommitted rant. GW was trying to shrink away from the cameras, didn't want his fingerprints anywhere near it.
Robbo "What is the evidence".

How about the CM stumps up with names of the people who have made the allegations so that that they may be interviewed.

The CM has already said that they won't break journalistic privilege by releasing those details. Both the AFL and the Lions have said that it is prepared to investigate but the alleged sources don't seem to be prepared to contact these parties, only the newspaper (or more specifically a journalist with an obvious axe to grind) on the basis of anonymity so their claims can't be verified or challenged.

Andrew Hamilton as the Lone Ranger, I would have though Colonel Custer would be a more apt description based on the indication that he can’t get the surname of his ‘star witness’ correct.
I just dont understand what the club has done to deserve this treatment ,I really dont.
I find it quite upsetting.

When you get home from work John ,we need one of your Murdoch rants,its been a while:thumbsu:

Lions Insider, what is being done to address this issue, because it needs to be dealt with.
freq if you're compiling a scrap book of Sunday Mail/Courier Mail attacks on the club (not so much Hammo alone), you'll need to include 6 February 2011's back page.


Do you know that scene in "the usual suspects" when, near the end of the film, the cop drops his cup of coffee in slow motion when he actually reads what's on the notice board? I had a similar experience with a bag of groceries at the supermarket when I looked up and saw this on the newspaper stand...

Middle of cricket season and one of the most important membership drives in the club's history - & the entirety of the back page is dedicated to little ol us.
Unfortunately if the Lions decided on a course of action, such as banning the CM, it would hurt the Lions much more than the CM.

The Lions need the CM for all print publicity to the masses, even if it is hidden after several pages of league and union. The CM doesn't need the Lions, so there isn't much the club can do (...except hope that Hamilton catches some sort of flesh eating parasite. Actually Hamilton is a flesh eating parasite.)

We will have to content ourselves with quality reporting such as Mike Whiting on and ignore the CM's attempts to engage the bottom feeders.

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Get stuffed!...we don't need your second rate piece of toilet paper!:mad: .....and if your stupid NRL is so good, what are you scared of?:rolleyes:

You actually ask a good question. Why the hell are they scared of AFL? There is no way on someone god's planet that AFL will ever be bigger than Rugby League in Qld and NSW. As much as us footy heads want it to be so it would take a cultural shift of Tsunami proportions and I for one do not see that in my lifetime nor the next. No matter how much money the AFL pump in, how many teams they add etc etc it will not happen.

But News is a paranoid organisation, always has been. It will kick out at all and sundry who it perceives to be against it's interest's. It is the highest form of Social Darwinism in the corporate world.

One of the worst books I ever read read was Man Bites Murdoch by Bruce Guthrie (and praise be I only paid a couple of shekels in a bargain for that rot) It was a whinging moany bitchy rant by a journo who got treated like shit by the biggest journo in history but the one thing that came out was the almost hysterical paranoia by News about Guthrie, a person hardly worth worrying about. They had little chance of smacking Guthrie down in court but spent the money anyway just in case! Who other than the ABC and Fairfax would have reported it? With 70% of the terrestrial news papers under control no would have known or cared but they went for the kill anyway.

And that leads to their paranoid thought that the AFL could even get a few extras watchers from their NRL market. They have declared war and they will stop at nothing. Even stuff from Scoop Hammo that had no legs. The fact that they have been smacked down themselves on this occasion they will remember. I would suggest that they will be out there looking delving deep to do the AFL over in QLd. The Lions need to be on their best behaviour for a long long time.

This rant brought to you by a request from ceebee:D:D
Well, we, the paying public, can always hurt the CM back.

Whenever possible try to avoid businesses that advertise with CM (because adverts are what pay for the paper, one thing I learnt from working at the local rag here). Tell your friends that the CM is deliberately printing misleading information, try and get them to stop buying the paper or going to the website.

I tried commenting on the Punch today too...funnily enough they didn't post my comment simply asking CM to back up their statements LOL.

There are plenty of ways to hurt News Ltd, especially if we all do it and try to recruit as many people as we can to do it. What CM has done, is (and there is no other way to put it) UNAUSTRALIAN.
You actually ask a good question. Why the hell are they scared of AFL? There is no way on someone god's planet that AFL will ever be bigger than Rugby League in Qld and NSW. As much as us footy heads want it to be so it would take a cultural shift of Tsunami proportions and I for one do not see that in my lifetime nor the next. No matter how much money the AFL pump in, how many teams they add etc etc it will not happen.

But News is a paranoid organisation, always has been. It will kick out at all and sundry who it perceives to be against it's interest's. It is the highest form of Social Darwinism in the corporate world.

One of the worst books I ever read read was Man Bites Murdoch by Bruce Guthrie (and praise be I only paid a couple of shekels in a bargain for that rot) It was a whinging moany bitchy rant by a journo who got treated like shit by the biggest journo in history but the one thing that came out was the almost hysterical paranoia by News about Guthrie, a person hardly worth worrying about. They had little chance of smacking Guthrie down in court but spent the money anyway just in case! Who other than the ABC and Fairfax would have reported it? With 70% of the terrestrial news papers under control no would have known or cared but they went for the kill anyway.

And that leads to their paranoid thought that the AFL could even get a few extras watchers from their NRL market. They have declared war and they will stop at nothing. Even stuff from Scoop Hammo that had no legs. The fact that they have been smacked down themselves on this occasion they will remember. I would suggest that they will be out there looking delving deep to do the AFL over in QLd. The Lions need to be on their best behaviour for a long long time.

This rant brought to you by a request from ceebee:D:D

That was a good rant John .
You have done better ones though:)
the thing with match fixing, is that you need to actually have proof that there was intention to lose, not that someone got news that a few star players were going to withdraw on the day (which you wouldn't make public as you don't want the opposition knowing until the last minute) and putting a large bet on the lions to lose.

so, to prove match fixing, they need something other than "he said, she said". They need phone recordings/video recordings of players actually admitting that they are going to the throw the match, and some form of incentive/motive to do it (betting on the game).

personally, i wouldn't want to be naming specific games or players unless I had a little bit more than a drug addict/dealer saying he had a big bet on the lions based on "instructions" from players in 2003. You can't prove anything, and all you are going to achieve is getting yourself sued for defamation by the club and or the players involved.

i am personally getting sick of our clubs name getting dragged through the mud, over accusations from a dropkick drug addict/dealer, and some disgruntled staffers who don't have names over things that happend 10 YEARS AGO.

even if it all was true, what can be done about it now? whats the point of bringing this up and creating a stink about it. the players aren't playing anymore, so no use trying to punish them. the administrators aren't administrating anymore, coaches aren't coaching here, etc etc. Melbourne with the tanking was a different story as the prime suspects in Baily and Connonlly are still involved in the game officially, and
Melbourne still is benefitting by way of having the second draft pick still playing for them.
They are determined to make something of it......and as Jeff:hearts: says, its 10yrs ago, how far back are we going to go?

I think its time Leigh came out and gave some sort of explanation, why should current encumbants have to deal with stuff that went on back then!....this was all on his watch.

.. missed the start, where is Caro?

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News Jason 'McGrath' levels drug-taking accusation at the Lions - Which is categorically debunked

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