South Am Javier Milei. Here we go again.

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well argentina cant exactly export Oil to the US and Canada can they?
They could certainly seek to diversify their economy a bit. Build manufacturing, agriculture, mining; oil could be a direction to go if they've the resources.

Australia's not even all that diverse and we've been relatively good at stemming inflation or inflation pressures for most of Australia's existence.
You said this:

This is not true, BP, if Macri was 'Milei lite'.

You're welcome to argue your case, but let's keep things to the factual, please.

Not really he was president for like 3 years during which the congress was 100 % against him and as a billionaire nepo baby he was really just there so he could tell his 1 % friends in New York. "Hey interesting fact about me, I used to be President of Argentina lol."

Something tells me that if Rupert Murdoch's grandson became prime minister of Australia lefties wouldn't be jumping up and screaming "See democracy works!!!"

Milei is like nothing Argentina has seen before since before Evita, who still has many fanatics here with tatoos including my 70 year old dooorman.

Not really he was president for like 3 years during which the congress was 100 % against him and as a billionaire nepo baby he was really just there so he could tell his 1 % friends in New York. "Hey interesting fact about me, I used to be President of Argentina lol."

Something tells me that if Rupert Murdoch's grandson became prime minister of Australia lefties wouldn't be jumping up and screaming "See democracy works!!!"

Milei is like nothing Argentina has seen before since before Evita, who still has many fanatics here with tatoos including my 70 year old dooorman.

Again: you said this:
He's only been president 4 months. If you are expecting him to over turn 24 years of communist rule in 4 months I don't know what to tell you chief
Macri renders this statement untrue, BP.

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An incredible news story from Germany where radical Islam currently controls 30 % of the population rising to 60 % within 1 generation

A radical Islamist began stabbing native Germans at random. The police arrived and .... with all their training and tolerance attacked one of the stabbing victims, beating him and choking him and hand cuffing him. Meanwhile the radical Islamist came up from behind and stabbed one of the police in the neck.

No doubt as he was loaded into the ambulance the policeman's last thoughts were "No one will EVER accuse me of being an Islamophobe!!"
radical Islam currently controls 30 % of the population
Do you have a theory about the greater population of the country being replaced by people of non-European backgrounds?
An incredible news story from Germany where radical Islam currently controls 30 % of the population rising to 60 % within 1 generation

A radical Islamist began stabbing native Germans at random. The police arrived and .... with all their training and tolerance attacked one of the stabbing victims, beating him and choking him and hand cuffing him. Meanwhile the radical Islamist came up from behind and stabbed one of the police in the neck.

No doubt as he was loaded into the ambulance the policeman's last thoughts were "No one will EVER accuse me of being an Islamophobe!!"
Hmm 3.6 to 5.7 per cent of the german population are Muslim. Most of would be Turks who were invited to work in Germany after the second world war.
Why do feel the need to not at least do a cursory check on facts before you post this sort of cr*p ? Just because it fits your narrative doesn't mean it's true.
All the economic analysts im reading think he is doing an amazing job in regards to fixing the economy.

I think they are to confident on his ability to implement fiscal austerity (which they desperately need to bring down inflation) and the money presses are still going gangbusters and I cant figure out why nor can I figure out why the analysts arent acknowledging it. Think may still be something fishy going on with the central bank and fiscal accounts that everyone is missing.
An incredible news story from Germany where radical Islam currently controls 30 % of the population rising to 60 % within 1 generation

A radical Islamist began stabbing native Germans at random. The police arrived and .... with all their training and tolerance attacked one of the stabbing victims, beating him and choking him and hand cuffing him. Meanwhile the radical Islamist came up from behind and stabbed one of the police in the neck.

No doubt as he was loaded into the ambulance the policeman's last thoughts were "No one will EVER accuse me of being an Islamophobe!!"
Mate, this is a thread about your boyfriend Javier. If you want to be an Islamophobe by conflating all Muslims with violent extremists, perhaps leave that to another thread, and confine this one to telling us about your wet dreams of Javier.
Why do feel the need to not at least do a cursory check on facts before you post this sort of cr*p ? Just because it fits your narrative doesn't mean it's true.
If it's in a random cooker telegram post its gospel. This latest fever dream sounds like it might have been copied verbatim from one.
Now this could be misinformation, as I've not been able to confirm it in anyway. Just floating rumours.

Is there any truth to Javier Milei having a Michael Jackson-esque relationship/friendship/interactions with young children and animals?
Sleepovers etc.
In terms of animals, specifically a dog.

I'm assuming it's not true and it's just hateful lies hoping to be spread by idiots like me.
But I thought I'd ask people in this thread who might know more about him than I do.

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Now this could be misinformation, as I've not been able to confirm it in anyway. Just floating rumours.

Is there any truth to Javier Milei having a Michael Jackson-esque relationship/friendship/interactions with young children and animals?
Sleepovers etc.
In terms of animals, specifically a dog.

I'm assuming it's not true and it's just hateful lies hoping to be spread by idiots like me.
But I thought I'd ask people in this thread who might know more about him than I do.
You're just asking questions.
Now this could be misinformation, as I've not been able to confirm it in anyway. Just floating rumours.

Is there any truth to Javier Milei having a Michael Jackson-esque relationship/friendship/interactions with young children and animals?
Sleepovers etc.
In terms of animals, specifically a dog.

I'm assuming it's not true and it's just hateful lies hoping to be spread by idiots like me.
But I thought I'd ask people in this thread who might know more about him than I do.
Childless, unmarried, and weird. These accusations probably flow in a catholic country, haven't heard anything of substance

The dog stuff is legit, not beastiality, but his old dead hound is apparently his conduit to god.

Cloned it and called one of the puppies Milton Friedman lol. I'd say that's more of a reason he's not married than some pedo rumour
Childless, unmarried, and weird. These accusations probably flow in a catholic country, haven't heard anything of substance

The dog stuff is legit, not beastiality, but his old dead hound is apparently his conduit to god.

Cloned it and called one of the puppies Milton Friedman lol. I'd say that's more of a reason he's not married than some pedo rumour

So a cloned dog called Milton Friedman and it's deceased DNA source are messengers from a mythical being, and effectively governing Argentina, through a nut case weilding an impotent chainsaw?

Where would this planet be without highly evolved humans...?
All the economic analysts im reading think he is doing an amazing job in regards to fixing the economy.
Of course they do. Mainstream economics is subject to a massive amount of groupthink. Very few people who don't worship the free market and austerity get a soapbox. Even people with mild criticisms of the excesses of neoliberalism like Krugman get sneered at as being cranks.

Occasionally someone like Piketty will come in with actual data proving how badly unrestrained capitalism and austerity screw the common people over, and all that happens is their conclusions are declared impossible to implement because they don't show enough reverence for the market and the sanctity of corporate profits.

I think they are to confident on his ability to implement fiscal austerity (which they desperately need to bring down inflation) and the money presses are still going gangbusters and I cant figure out why nor can I figure out why the analysts arent acknowledging it. Think may still be something fishy going on with the central bank and fiscal accounts that everyone is missing.
Mainstream economists love austerity because they don't really give a damn about the wellbeing of the average person, they just want inflation to be at a nice low number by any means necessary so that corporations can act with more freedom. Perhaps some of them have put the cart before the horse, and have started thinking austerity is all that's needed to bring about low inflation, so they're ignoring other fiscal practices.

That lack of concern for people's wellbeing is the reason why we don't just get economists to run nations instead of politicians. Those who are held accountable by the people actually have to pay attention to those people's suffering instead of just focusing on making the numbers be as pretty as possible.
Of course they do. Mainstream economics is subject to a massive amount of groupthink. Very few people who don't worship the free market and austerity get a soapbox. Even people with mild criticisms of the excesses of neoliberalism like Krugman get sneered at as being cranks.

Occasionally someone like Piketty will come in with actual data proving how badly unrestrained capitalism and austerity screw the common people over, and all that happens is their conclusions are declared impossible to implement because they don't show enough reverence for the market and the sanctity of corporate profits.

Mainstream economists love austerity because they don't really give a damn about the wellbeing of the average person, they just want inflation to be at a nice low number by any means necessary so that corporations can act with more freedom. Perhaps some of them have put the cart before the horse, and have started thinking austerity is all that's needed to bring about low inflation, so they're ignoring other fiscal practices.

That lack of concern for people's wellbeing is the reason why we don't just get economists to run nations instead of politicians. Those who are held accountable by the people actually have to pay attention to those people's suffering instead of just focusing on making the numbers be as pretty as possible.
Yeah, who cares if 50% of people are forced into poverty if inflation is slightly lower for a month, eh?

It's 1970's Neoliberal policies all over again. How did they go that time?

You can complain about 24 years of socialism, but the 24 years of neoliberalism and corruption before that wasn't any better.
Yeah, who cares if 50% of people are forced into poverty if inflation is slightly lower for a month, eh?

It's 1970's Neoliberal policies all over again. How did they go that time?

You can complain about 24 years of socialism, but the 24 years of neoliberalism and corruption before that wasn't any better.
I swear some of these people (and the Bolsonaro fans) see the ideal government as being the Pinochet regime. Chile may be in a better position than Argentina is now economically, but I would like these people to consider:
  • How many people have to die in order for society and the economy to look the way you want?
  • Chile still ended up having massive protests around economic inequality.
  • That protest movement led to the majority of people supporting a leftist like Boric. Granted, Boric hasn't been impressive in power, but people turned to him because of the discontent they felt with neoliberalism.
No matter what the ideology, both effective and ineffective governments exist. But even an effective government practising austerity (outside of the high point of the business cycle, at least) will send people into poverty and starvation. And creating lots of desperate people either leads to leftism or fascism.
I swear some of these people (and the Bolsonaro fans) see the ideal government as being the Pinochet regime. Chile may be in a better position than Argentina is now economically, but I would like these people to consider:
  • How many people have to die in order for society and the economy to look the way you want?
  • Chile still ended up having massive protests around economic inequality.
  • That protest movement led to the majority of people supporting a leftist like Boric. Granted, Boric hasn't been impressive in power, but people turned to him because of the discontent they felt with neoliberalism.
No matter what the ideology, both effective and ineffective governments exist. But even an effective government practising austerity (outside of the high point of the business cycle, at least) will send people into poverty and starvation. And creating lots of desperate people either leads to leftism or fascism.
They don't care about the rampant inequality, if the average income is higher.

I guess strictly economically speaking it's more efficient to just hand over most of the cash from resources to 5% of people with Govt protection and sanction and let the others fend for themselves at subsistence level without Govt intervention
Of course they do. Mainstream economics is subject to a massive amount of groupthink. Very few people who don't worship the free market and austerity get a soapbox. Even people with mild criticisms of the excesses of neoliberalism like Krugman get sneered at as being cranks.

Occasionally someone like Piketty will come in with actual data proving how badly unrestrained capitalism and austerity screw the common people over, and all that happens is their conclusions are declared impossible to implement because they don't show enough reverence for the market and the sanctity of corporate profits.

Mainstream economists love austerity because they don't really give a damn about the wellbeing of the average person, they just want inflation to be at a nice low number by any means necessary so that corporations can act with more freedom. Perhaps some of them have put the cart before the horse, and have started thinking austerity is all that's needed to bring about low inflation, so they're ignoring other fiscal practices.

That lack of concern for people's wellbeing is the reason why we don't just get economists to run nations instead of politicians. Those who are held accountable by the people actually have to pay attention to those people's suffering instead of just focusing on making the numbers be as pretty as possible.
As someone who regularly goes to mainstream economics forums i dont think this is accurate. Its at least too simplistic. Most leading economists have been widely against the austerity of the last 15 years in developed economies, particularly in Europe. Dont confuse leading economists views with those of bureacrats, bankers and heads of industry. Stronger fiscal spending and looser monetary policy were widely advocated during the era between the post Gfc and pandemic amonst the leading economists. This widely held view has waned a little once inflation took off post pandemic. But this waning is mostly amongst the older economists who lived through the inflationary 70s. I still think the dominant view is that austerity has been too tight.

In saying all this Argentina is a completely different proposition to developed economies. Austerity is needed to attract investment and strengthen the currency and stop inflation (which is above an insane 250 percent). This is advocated because it would greatly improve peoples lives. Peoples lives have been uttterly destroyed because of the lack of austerity and the inflation it has caused. The simple notion of austerity is alway bad for common people all the time is just wrong. Context matters.
As someone who regularly goes to mainstream economics forums i dont think this is accurate. Its at least too simplistic. Most leading economists have been widely against the austerity of the last 15 years in developed economies, particularly in Europe. Dont confuse leading economists views with those of bureacrats, bankers and heads of industry. Stronger fiscal spending and looser monetary policy were widely advocated during the era between the post Gfc and pandemic amonst the leading economists. This widely held view has waned a little once inflation took off post pandemic. But this waning is mostly amongst the older economists who lived through the inflationary 70s. I still think the dominant view is that austerity has been too tight.
I'm referring to economists that people pay attention to, not ones who are ignored by everybody outside academia.

In saying all this Argentina is a completely different proposition to developed economies. Austerity is needed to attract investment and strengthen the currency and stop inflation (which is above an insane 250 percent). This is advocated because it would greatly improve peoples lives. Peoples lives have been uttterly destroyed because of the lack of austerity and the inflation it has caused. The simple notion of austerity is alway bad for common people all the time is just wrong. Context matters.
I'm all for austerity in the form of much higher taxes on the rich and on corporations. I'm not for austerity in the form of reduced public welfare spending per capita, unless it's some dream society where poverty and homelessness and healthcare are all so well taken care of that they won't be a problem even with reduced spending.

If austerity is applied to public hospitals and many people can't get a life-saving operation because they can't pay for it themselves and the public system is banked up, then yes, austerity is always bad for those people. If austerity is applied to pharmaceutical subsidies and people have to choose between buying their medication or buying food because of poverty, then yes, austerity is always bad for those people. If austerity is applied to an economy that is already on its knees, and many people are thrown out of work, can't find another job and loss their homes, yes, austerity is always bad for those people. And I care more about that than numbers on a balance sheet.
many people are thrown out of work, can't find another job and loss their homes,
Here's where it gets cray cray: cashed up people buy those houses at rock bottom, then rent them back to the victims of austerity.
An incredible news story from Germany where radical Islam currently controls 30 % of the population rising to 60 % within 1 generation

A radical Islamist began stabbing native Germans at random. The police arrived and .... with all their training and tolerance attacked one of the stabbing victims, beating him and choking him and hand cuffing him. Meanwhile the radical Islamist came up from behind and stabbed one of the police in the neck.

No doubt as he was loaded into the ambulance the policeman's last thoughts were "No one will EVER accuse me of being an Islamophobe!!"
Weird, in conspiracy and reality, many Germans post WWII, moved to Argentina.
Maybe, I’m no fan of Islam, but what does Germany have to do with Javiers running of Argentina, bigot?

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South Am Javier Milei. Here we go again.

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