Rumour Jeremy Finlayson under investigation - 3 game suspension

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Bullying is bullying by what I expect is your broadly accepted definition, we all would agree, but there is a growing perception that the “blue dot theory” is taking us (near / to / past) a point in many areas of western society where the overall social benefits of removing perceived threats are becoming less clear, and definitions and thresholds are being changed.

The human mind is conditioned to look for threats and concerns. This occurs regardless of how safe or comfortable our immediate world is. The better things get, the more we respond on even the smallest of issues. The size of the problem does not matter, we amplify our emotional reactions to “problems” to fit the degree of stress we expect to experience.

This is good, in so far as it’s helped us get rid of a lot of the sh*t in our world. But there are limits to the benefit.

For “first world problems”, think Uber vs Taxi, think Mobiles vs Home Phone, think Texting vs Email. Ease has not reduced the stress of waiting or accessibility, we simply set a new norm and complain that when it’s not met. “I can’t believe I have to wait 3 mins for an Uber”.

For “real” problems, over centuries its gone from fear of being killed randomly, to fear of being beat up randomly, to fear of being assaulted within the home (sadly DMV is still completely f’d up and a scourge), to fear of being bullied, to fear of being verbally assaulted, to fear of being ostracised/ignored, to dissatisfaction of others expressing differing opinions, and so it goes on, deeper and deeper.
Now we see it where people’s relationships are being harmed because they didn’t press like on a SM update or snap back a photo. Circling back to your post, believe it or not, this is actually being called bullying now.

We look for the next level of dissatisfaction, and even though it’s far less than the worst, we express the same emotional response until it’s eliminated. And then we dive again.

Do we need to eliminate sexism, racism, and other types of discriminatory behaviour? Yes, but the definition of what “eliminate” means is the point where we all start to diverge. If the definition “when one person takes offence”, then we’re going to keep digging down and diving, because of the “blue dot” theory.

I agree. I call it the ‘snowflake’ theory…because ultimately that’s how people will want to be treated.

However, not indulging in one person's failure to take responsibility for their feelings is a mile away from allowing one person to call another a ‘fxxxxt’.
I agree. I call it the ‘snowflake’ theory…because ultimately that’s how people will want to be treated.

However, not indulging in one person's failure to take responsibility for their feelings is a mile away from allowing one person to call another a ‘fxxxxt’.
On that we agree.

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You don't know what person you would have become if you weren't bullied. You might have been a better person than you are now.

Maybe, but i know i was self entitled, immature and soft as butter before I was bullied. And unless there was another circuit breaker involved, I would continue to be that way.
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Ok nowI have finally seen official reports on what was actually said

Clarko calls Webster and Howard. - C--k S----ers. = Fine and suspended sentence
JF calls an Essendon player the F word ending in T = 3 weeks

for better or worse thats how the AFL views these incidents


One is describing a Oral Sex act which is not exclusive to homosexual male parters , That being said the context probably would have been the same as using the F ending with T word ie using an accusation of homosexuality as an insult. It would intersting if the AFL thinks whether using that sledge be acceptable or fair game in the AFLW? If Clarko had called them Cunning Linguists would that have been deemed an Insult or a expression of endearment. Who TF knows in this day an age.

The other being the. F ending with T word the is a colloquial expression to shame Heterosexual men or devalue men who are are homosexuals and is no longer a term that is socially acceptable regardless of context. fair enough at least the message has been sent out to not use that word flippantly or in jest.

I think the AFL and AFL PA as part of their education and transparency really need to come up with a clear list of terms and expressions that are not acceptable.

There's a huge can of worms to be opened here and this is the only the beginning of the rabbit hole.
Ok nowI have finally seen official reports on what was actually said

Clarko calls Webster and Howard. - C--k S----ers. = Fine and suspended sentence
JF calls an Essendon player the F word ending in T = 3 weeks

for better or worse thats how the AFL views these incidents


One is describing a Oral Sex act which is not exclusive to homosexual male parters , That being said the context probably would have been the same as using the F ending with T word ie using an accusation of homosexuality as an insult. It would intersting if the AFL thinks whether using that sledge be acceptable or fair game in the AFLW? If Clarko had called them Cunning Linguists would that have been deemed an Insult or a expression of endearment. Who TF knows in this day an age.

The other being the. F ending with T word the is a colloquial expression to shame Heterosexual men or devalue men who are are homosexuals and is no longer a term that is socially acceptable regardless of context. fair enough at least the message has been sent out to not use that word flippantly or in jest.

I think the AFL and AFL PA as part of their education and transparency really need to come up with a clear list of terms and expressions that are not acceptable.

There's a huge can of worms to be opened here and this is the only the beginning of the rabbit hole.

Ummm ……mods!, mods!, he used the word ‘hole’!

The point I’m making in a rather obtuse way is how far do you go?
I know my personality. Hard to explain but, being bullied keeps me keeping myself in line.
And keeps me pushing through hard times.

If it wasn't for that, I'd be soft in life and immature. I'd also be a prick to other people.

You already are a prick if you think bullying is good.
It depends on the degree of situation and environment. Bullying to brutalization.

Yes bullying adversely affects a lot of people, but in my experiences it had a positive affect. I'd be a worse person in a lot of ways if I didn't get bullied at school.

Seems like you're already a pretty awful one.
Maybe if you got bullied harder you'd have developed some empathy towards others and realised bullying isn't a good thing?
Bullying is bullying - it’s psychologically detrimental to any individual - Govts have spent millions trying to reduce its impact in ALL environments.

All on the advice of people infinitely more qualified than you.

Yours is a knucklehead theory.

Worried your kid is too soft? Just bully them mercilessly every day, guaranteed to turn them into tough campaigners (or they kill themselves but who cares). Tune in for more parenting tips by Foxx.

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Worried your kid is too soft? Just bully them mercilessly every day, guaranteed to turn them into tough campaigners (or they kill themselves but who cares). Tune in for more parenting tips by Foxx.

I don’t see his view as quite so black and white - people respond in many ways to bullying - some DO treat it as a learning experience - but I’d suggest there are other ways to learn life lessons. 🤷🏻
Haven't read the whole thread, but what about the term w*****? Wouldn't that be offensive to people who masturbate?

What about Idiot, wouldn't that be offensive to idiots?

What about peanut? Wouldn't that be offensive to peanuts? And by extension any nut? Yeah I know, they're not sentient beings but you can rest assured there'd be some human not worth the time of moment that would take offence to it.

You can see where this is going, are we going to get to a place where on field psych out insults are going to be banned altogether?

'You're a nasty bully player', nup not allowed to say that, that's a 6 week suspension.

I'm not suggesting that Finlayson should be allowed to slur the word bunch of sticks on the field, but what is the end game? Do we get to a place to a place where the want is to police thought?
Bad thing for most people, but was ultimately a good thing for me.
Sounds like yours was worse and you didn't respond as well. Sorry to hear that.

Your misguided view that being bullied was good for you is one thing, it was your initial statement that being bullied builds stronger humans that sounds like broscience-school of hard knocks-mumbo jumbo.

I never had particular issues with bullying myself, though thanks for implying that I did. But I know people that suffered through it and are still dealing with the trauma and have ongoing PTSD. They should probably just toughen up though.
Your misguided view that being bullied was good for you is one thing, it was your initial statement that being bullied builds stronger humans that sounds like broscience-school of hard knocks-mumbo jumbo.

I never had particular issues with bullying myself, though thanks for implying that I did. But I know people that suffered through it and are still dealing with the trauma and have ongoing PTSD. They should probably just toughen up though.

My view is based on my experience. I've said a couple of times - which you clearly read, based on your reactions to those comments - that I understand most people are affected badly.
the implication that bullying can be a good thing is both laughably naive and an indication of how ignorant some people are to other peoples experiences in life. i've been bullied before, it didn't really affect me, but i've seen (and witnessed) what's happened to people who're mercilessly bullied by cruel losers.

introspection is all well and good but being able to accept someone else's perspective on something like bullying is far more important because it does affect others differently
I don't like bullying but it's one of those things that build strength and fortitude.

If we mould a mollycoddled world, we build soft people.
My workplace if full of them. Always calling is sick, etc.

You literally said it builds strength and fortitude. That's complete rubbish.

What the **** has calling in sick to do with anything? Anyone who's sick should call in sick, that's what sick leave is for, so you don't spread your germs to someone else.

And if people are taking their sick leave days because they need a mental health day, that's a good thing too. Your work doesn't give a **** about you. If you die tomorrow you'll be replaced.
You literally said it builds strength and fortitude. That's complete rubbish.

What the * has calling in sick to do with anything? Anyone who's sick should call in sick, that's what sick leave is for, so you don't spread your germs to someone else.

And if people are taking their sick leave days because they need a mental health day, that's a good thing too. Your work doesn't give a * about you. If you die tomorrow you'll be replaced.

I know heaps of people who are soft and chuck a sicky every second week. They're not sick. They have no resilience.
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I know heaps of people who are soft and chuck a sicky every second week. Their not sick. They have no resilience.
Seconded. flipping hell it’s beyond ridiculous sometimes. In a professional environment a lot of people have worked out that they benefit if they make themselves unreliable enough to ensure nobody gives them any responsibility.
the implication that bullying can be a good thing is both laughably naive and an indication of how ignorant some people are to other peoples experiences in life. i've been bullied before, it didn't really affect me, but i've seen (and witnessed) what's happened to people who're mercilessly bullied by cruel losers.

introspection is all well and good but being able to accept someone else's perspective on something like bullying is far more important because it does affect others differently
Agreed, bullying is never a good thing. To some extent I get his point though. Maybe it’s fairer to say something like there is a level of peer pressure that can actually build resilience in a person. To get through your entire adolescence life without ever once having a bad social interaction can’t be good for a person.

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Rumour Jeremy Finlayson under investigation - 3 game suspension

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