Player Watch Jeremy Finlayson

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What's the bet we hear that in Finlayson's statement?
They won't be able to trot out an openly gay player for a photo op with him so they're going to have to get creative
They won't be able to trot out an openly gay player for a photo op with him so they're going to have to get creative

It's not very creative though, is it? It's probably the most common thing a straight sportsmen says when representing some sort of matter to do with diversity.
They do it between rounds of soggy sao and tugging each other off, so it's ok. Last one to cum is an f-slur

I know where you're coming from, and tend to agree with your postion, but isn't what you've typed just as homophobic?

Gargling balls
Choke on a dick
Eat a satchel of units

These phrases or derivations of them are pretty much the same thing Clarkson said.
I've used them. You've used them. It's never not in a derogatory sense.

Technically that's homophobia.
I know where you're coming from, and tend to agree with your postion, but isn't what you've typed just as homophobic?

Gargling balls
Choke on a dick
Eat a satchel of units

These phrases or derivations of them are pretty much the same thing Clarkson said.
I've used them. You've used them. It's never not in a derogatory sense.

Technically that's homophobia.

Yeah fair enough. The idea of someone bragging on the internet about how they and their mates call each other ******s, in 2024, kinda threw me for a spin.
Whoever did make that slogan was 100% aware of the connotations.
That's the precise reason it's lasted as long as it has.
I know the double entendre is definitely intentional, I'm just completely capable of having a gaytime on my own, thanks. Could've even had a couple watching Rozee's game on friday night.
I don’t notice it is much now but it was a regularly used term at school and footy clubs 10-20 years ago. Often mates referring to each other as that in a joking way when they were being a tool, similar to w***er and dickhead.

Calling mates campaigners is still common place today, I’m sure that will be too offensive for the people it’s not directed at and be phased out in due course too.

It’s not bragging about it, just the reality unless you’ve lived a pretty sheltered life.

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Some pretty shit takes in this thread. Disappointing.

Sounds like a brain snap from Jez, but is still absolutely unacceptable. Deserves a short holiday.

For those that are struggling with why this is unacceptable and can't work out why it's still ok to call people gingers or bald or whatever other false equivalence...

When you can show evidence where people with red hair have been murdered, assaulted, ostracised, denied basic rights, denied services, lost careers and overall been treated as lesser human beings, then sure, let's cancel those terms too.

Until then, stretch the grey matter a bit, expand your vocabulary and choose a different word. Not hard.
This board uses homophobic slurs against Gary Lyon? I thought it was more about him cheating with his mates wife.

I dunno, I've thrown about plenty of insults on here but I don't think I usually go the "suck a dick" route

So you're saying if you search "suck" by user name sobrave, there aren't any suspect results?

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Eating a bag of dicks is not really the same kind of insult as calling someone a ******, is it?

Or is every reference to the male utensil homophobic?

Fwiw I don't think Clarkson's word is the same tier as ****** either, and Koch is again making himself look like a "satchel of units" by saying it's the same.
Eating a bag of dicks is not really the same kind of insult as calling someone a ******, is it?

Or is every reference to the male utensil homophobic?

Fwiw I don't think Clarkson's word is the same tier as ****** either, and Koch is again making himself look like a "satchel of units" by saying it's the same.
The F slur is worse than calling someone a co**sucker, it shouldn't really need to be debated. Any attempt to play it down by linking it to what Clarkson said is insulting and pathetic. If you'd asked literally anyone 3 days ago which was worse you'd have gotten 100% consensus, and now all of a sudden the water is muddy because a footballer might be suspended because of it.

The club should have gotten on the front foot with this and announced a 1-2 match suspension from our end regardless of what the AFL will do. We almost certainly have gay players on our list and a clear message needed to be sent.

Of course, for us to do that we'd have to hold someone accountable which the club is apparently not capable of doing.
Almost certainly? Dunno how anyone can be so confident about that.

Anyway IF Finlayson really did immediately own up to it, then I don't believe a suspension is needed. He knows he did wrong and owned up to something that for all he knew he could've gotten away with.

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My issue with all this is while he shouldn't have said whatever he said he faces potential penalties greater than he would for a football incident.
If the AFL really are the social paragons they pretend to be then there should be clearly defined punishments.

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Player Watch Jeremy Finlayson

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