JFK Assassination: What is the Truth?

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I've always been interested in who gave the actual order (the 'go' order) to kill Kennedy

My Top 3 are:
1. James Angleton (head of CIA assassinations Unit)
2. Alan Dulles (Former head of CIA sacked by Kennedy, member of Warren Commission)
3. Richard Helmes (Assassin Planner CIA....later Director General CIA)
All three could have but having read "The Devils Chessboard", Dulles with his long experience and expertise of assassinations for the C I A and it's predecessor organisations in Europe, is my pick of those three. However according to that research, he would not have acted unless he got the go ahead from higher up.

The guy that JFK was forced to offer VP to, on the day he was gong to announce another person, after FBI threatened photos of his marital cheating would be made public.

The guy that according to FOIA documents on his travel, retired to his ranch in Texas for 6 weeks before, except for a quick trip to Europe on Air force 2 and hosted a variety of visitors.

Famously reported by his mistress at the time after a meeting the night before at the home of Texas oil tycoon Clint Murchison to have told her, “Darling, after tomorrow those SOB Kennedy’s are never gonna embarrass me again. That’s not a threat, that’s a promise!” She claims he repeated a nearly identical statement to her in a phone call the next morning. A month after the assassination she confronted him about the murder. He told her the real people behind it were her fat cat Texas oil friends and “those spooks” in Washington.

There were more supporting players from the military that hated Kennedy for not supporting the Bay of Pigs invasion by running bombing missions into Cuba, negotiating with Khrushchev on mutual removal of missiles from Cuba (Russia) and Turkey (US) and having signed an Article to remove US "observer troops" in Vietnam, reversed within 48 hours by LBJ.

Mj. Gen. Edwin Walker was was relieved of his command in 1961 for vote influencing of his troops absentee ballots, previously claiming the Government was infiltrated by communists and who RFK committed to a mental asylum for 90 days for promoting riots against a university for enrolling a back student. Was released in 5 days after an outcry supporting him. Had many loyal expert marksman for his previous commands loyal to him and strangely was in Dallas at the time and claimed (backed up by Warren report), Oswald shot at him through his window.

Gen Curtis "Bombs away" LeMay, Chief of staff USAF. Clashed again with JFK when in 1961, he refused to support the Bay of Pigs invasion by bombing Cuba and again in 1962 arguing that he should be allowed to bomb nuclear missile sites in Cuba, even after missiles were removed.

LeMay advocated a sustained strategic bombing campaign against North Vietnamese cities, harbors, ports, shipping, and other strategic targets and quoted in his autobiography "they've got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression, or we're going to bomb them back into the Stone Age. And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power—not with ground forces"
The Soviet Union also discovered the plot and realised they were being set up as co-conspirators with Oslwald.
They tried to warn JFK two weeks out from the assassination.
Once the assassination occured LBJ shut down the Soviet Union angle as he did not want another world war, he much preferred the 'lone nut assassin' story and with Alan Dulles ensured that story would be the prevailing narrative as it was much more acceptable to the American Public
Yes and just like the French they knew the real conspirators.

About to order the Skorzeny Papers and JFK assassination book, where the motive for JFK assassination is supposedly revealed.

Interestingly, both Dulles and John McCoy, both on the Warren Commission were instrumental in establishing Skorzeny as a US intelligence asset and fully aware of his secret network.
Yes and just like the French they knew the real conspirators.

About to order the Skorzeny Papers and JFK assassination book, where the motive for JFK assassination is supposedly revealed.

Interestingly, both Dulles and John McCoy, both on the Warren Commission were instrumental in establishing Skorzeny as a US intelligence asset and fully aware of his secret network.
If you haven't already read the James Douglas book - JFK and the Unspeakable
Covers a lot of historical content and puts JFK foreign policy into perspective with his assassination

Apparently Anthony Summers has updated his book - Not In Your Lifetime
He has included evidence from the most recent release of JFK Documents

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If you haven't already read the James Douglas book - JFK and the Unspeakable
Covers a lot of historical content and puts JFK foreign policy into perspective with his assassination

Apparently Anthony Summers has updated his book - Not In Your Lifetime
He has included evidence from the most recent release of JFK Documents
Thanks. I prefer to order a few together. Skorzeny's was originally for his connections to other Nazi's and Intelligence services.

The reason I think the JFK assassination is important to investigate, is because it opens the door for people to see what they call the "deep state" in The Devils Chessboard.

Not so much to solve who pulled the trigger(s), or which sort or rifle.
Due to the existence of the Zapruder film we know that if Oswald was the shooter then all of the 3 shots he is said to have fired were done so in a time frame of 5.6 seconds
Both the FBI and the US Army tested the Rifle using their best marksmen at about half the distance at which Oswald is said to have shot Kennedy.

The FBI tried 9 times
The US Army 3 times

The fastest it could be done by any of the marksmen was 6.2 seconds and all marksmen failed to hit the target during testing.
The closet a marksmen got was within 3 feet of a stationary target and it took him 9 seconds to do

All marksmen said the Rifle was (in my words) a piece of shit
Due to the existence of the Zapruder film we know that if Oswald was the shooter then all of the 3 shots he is said to have fired were done so in a time frame of 5.6 seconds
Both the FBI and the US Army tested the Rifle using their best marksmen at about half the distance at which Oswald is said to have shot Kennedy.

The FBI tried 9 times
The US Army 3 times

The fastest it could be done by any of the marksmen was 6.2 seconds and all marksmen failed to hit the target during testing.
The closet a marksmen got was within 3 feet of a stationary target and it took him 9 seconds to do

All marksmen said the Rifle was (in my words) a piece of s**t

Another reason why acquittal would have been achievable for a defence team anywhere above "competent".

The CIA/Intelligence/Mafia/Cuba stuff is very interesting in of itself but doesn't prove much in respect to Dallas.
Again the Zapruder film shows that the time frame between shot 2 and shot 3 was 1.9 seconds

Of all the testing that was done only one marksmen could hit the target (again at a stationary target at half the distance) in anywhere near 1.9 seconds, and it took him 2.3 seconds.

The 1.9 second time frame could only have been achieved if......wait for it.....there was a second shooter.....and that makes it a conspiracy
Another reason why acquittal would have been achievable for a defence team anywhere above "competent".

The CIA/Intelligence/Mafia/Cuba stuff is very interesting in of itself but doesn't prove much in respect to Dallas.
Just outside Dallas was a Private Airstrip often used by the CIA
The Airstrip was owned by a man named Wayne January (google his testimony)

In November 1963 the CIA flew a DC3 to January's Airstrip
January was employed to do some maintenance work and have the plane fueled for departure on the afternoon of the 22nd November 1963.

A couple of days before departure a CIA Pilot turned up at the Airstrip. January says he got talking to the Pilot over those 2 days.
On the Thursday before take-off, while talking over lunch, the Pilot said to January "tomorrow they are going to kill your President"
January of course laughed it off and during the conversation January said "Even if true, Bobby Kennedy will track ever last one of them down"
The Pilot said "they are going to kill him too and any other Kennedy that gets anywhere near the Presidency"
Again January laughed it off
The Pilot turned to him and stony faced said "see if my words don't come true"

The Plane was used to fly the Shooters out of Dallas on the afternoon immediately after the Assassination

Edit: Not the Oswald double (that is whole other story) he was flown out on a different CIA plane
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The House Select Committee on Assassinations listened to a tape recorded telephone conversation (p447-450 HSCA report) between a white supremacist named Joseph Mliteer and Miami Police informant named William Somersett.
The conversation took place on November 9th 1963, two weeks before Kennedy was assassinated.

During the conversation this exchange took place

Milteer: The more body guards he has, the easier it is to get him
Somersett: Well how in the hell do you figure would be the best way to get him
Milteer: From an office building with a high powered rifle
Somersett: They are really going to try and kill him
Milteer: Oh yeah, its in the works, they will pick somebody up within hours afterwards, just to throw the public off
Another reason why acquittal would have been achievable for a defence team anywhere above "competent".

The CIA/Intelligence/Mafia/Cuba stuff is very interesting in of itself but doesn't prove much in respect to Dallas.
It has motive, means and opportunity. Possibly more, with direct recordings of planning in the agencies caught by French and Soviet Intelligence.

However direct evidence starts with the autopsy report.

From what is now revealed with JFK body being taken out of Dallas jurisdiction and autopsy performed in Bethesda DC under military orders and C I A control, this or the reporting of this was corrupted or covered up.

Gerald Ford (yes the VP who later became Pres himself), who was on the Warren Commission admitted to changing the bullet position on JFKs back R shoulder to back of neck, "for the good of the country". This was a shallow entry wound, flat trajectory from behind, thought to be 2nd floor building, beside Tex school depositary. It then became an "entry wound" that exited the throat and the "magic bullet".

The bullet wound to throat was an entry wound from directly in front, that went through front windscreen (which was later removed and replaced when car was cleaned) and remained in his body.

Then the third wound was to the right side of head blowing part of his skull off which Jackie retried off back boot, from behind fence above grassy knoll.

That's three different positons for three different shots.

Connolly had high trajectory bullets from the back, possible 6th floor school depositary. Fourth positon.

How is it possible to change, suppress or ignore direct evidence you ask?

Pretty easy apparently, because the same players did it again with RFK autopsy, after he was assassinated.

RFK jnr who later got copies of his fathers autopsy, which he praised for being thorough and conducted by some of the best experts in the US and has gone into detail of their results. These details provide compelling evidence his father was not killed by Sirhan Sirhan but a security guard Eugene Cesar, employed the day before, who was following directly behind him. "Police have never seriously investigated Cesar's role in my father's killing," he said, claiming Sirhan provided a distraction.

All four of the shots that hit RFK were from behind and all had direct contact on his clothing or skin. This has led to the suggestion that a second gunman fired the fatal shot, a possibility supported by Thomas Noguchi, the Chief Medical Examiner and Coroner for the County of Los Angeles, who stated that the fatal shot was behind Kennedy's right ear and had been fired at a distance of approximately 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) to 3 inches (7.6 centimeters

All 8 shots that Sirhan sprayed from in front missed RFK and they've accounted for each bullet, either hitting walls or other people.

The direct evidence is the autopsy and other medical evidence from others shot, suppressed or ignored.
The Warren Commission Report is a work of fiction

The Commission purposely and knowingly suppressed evidence, it changed witness statements (numerous witnesses when shown their final statements denied saying large parts of them).
Other witnesses were intimidated by FBI Agents who often put to "uncooperative" witness that if any part of their evidence could be proved to be less than accurate (note, they didn't say false) the witness could be charged with 'obstruction'. On that basis many witnesses withdrew their evidence.

Why was Allen Dulles on the Commission....for the obvious reason; to keep evidence hidden
After Kennedy was assassinated the CIA and Military Chiefs wanted war with the Soviet Union.

Johnson would not allow it but said to the Joint Chiefs of Staff "Just get me elected and I'll give you your damn war. It will be Vietnam"
The Warren Commission Report is a work of fiction

The Commission purposely and knowingly suppressed evidence, it changed witness statements (numerous witnesses when shown their final statements denied saying large parts of them).
Other witnesses were intimidated by FBI Agents who often put to "uncooperative" witness that if any part of their evidence could be proved to be less than accurate (note, they didn't say false) the witness could be charged with 'obstruction'. On that basis many witnesses withdrew their evidence.

Why was Allen Dulles on the Commission....for the obvious reason; to keep evidence hidden
L to R: ?, Gerald Ford, Warren, LBJ, Dulles

Caption this!

What information do you have on Oswald's double?

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L to R: ?, Gerald Ford, Warren, LBJ, Dulles

Caption this!

What information do you have on Oswald's double?
Got quite a bit on Oswald's doubles (there were two of them Mexico and Dallas and of course Oswald himself)

I'll do a post on it in the next couple of days

I might add the Mexico double was such a screw-up it became obvious to all that it was an Oswald 'double'
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Deputy Sheriff Roger Graig was on duty on the day of the assassination standing outside the Court House on Elm Street.

Shortly after the last shot Craig heard a shrill whistle from a man sitting in a light green Nash Rambler Station Wagon, he then observed a man running down the slope and getting into the Station Wagon.
Craig said he had a clear view of the driver whom he described as a Hispanic male and had a clear view of the person getting into the vehicle whom he described as about 5 feet 9 inches tall, in his early 20's and wearing a white T Shirt.
Later in the afternoon Craig learned a man had been arrested and when Craig saw the man at Police Headquarters he told Captain Will Fritz that the man being held was the man he saw running down the grassy knoll slope and getting into the Station Wagon.
When Craig ran the plates of the Station Wagon they came back to being owned by Mrs Ruth Paine, who was a friend of the Oswald's and who was their first Landlady when they first got to Dallas

But we have a problem......

At exactly the same time as Craig witnessed Oswald getting into the Station Wagon, Motor Cycle Police Office Marrione Baxter who was on duty outside the Texas School Book Depository heard a shot which he believed came from inside the TSBD.
He ran inside and moved up the stairs, on the second floor he encountered a man in the lunch room standing near a drink machine drinking a bottle of coke. The Trooper called him over and asked the man to identify himself. The Depository Supervisor who was with the Trooper, told him he that the man was Lee Oswald who was an Employee of TSBB. The Trooper then moved up to the sixth floor.

This is just one of several sittings of an Oswald double

BTW the Oswald who ran down the grassy slope was picked up by a CIA Plane that was diverted from a flight from Washington to Colorado. A Flight Sargent who was on the plane hitching a flight home said their flight was diverted and landed on what could best be described as an emergency strip in Dallas. The Flight Sargent said a man came out of the bushes got on the plane and they took off. The whole landing/take off took just 2 minutes
The Flight Sargent who saw the news later that night identified the man they picked up as the same man being held by Police in Dallas.... Lee Harvey Oswald
In September of 1963 a man calling himself Lee Oswald entered the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City

But there was a problem

The man was over 6 feet tall and could only speak in very poor, broken Russian
Oswald was actually 5 feet 9 and could speak in immaculate Russian

Clearly this was a CIA attempt to link Oswald with the USSR and it was to be used after the assassination to make the link and to start a war with the USSR
The Soviets who quickly worked out the imposter was not Oswald broke off all contact with him.
They then started to do some digging of their own and discovered the plot to kill Kennedy.
The HSCA dismissed the sighting of Oswald in Mexico as a likely CIA covert operation

Dallas had a state of the art Shooting range
In 1963 a Lee Oswald starting attending the range
On one occasion he asked to range owner to 'zero in' a telescopic sight on his rifle.
When shown a photo of the 6.5mm Mannlicher-Cacarno rifle said to be used to kill Kennedy, the range owner said it was nothing like the rifle Oswald was using at the range, he said Oswald was using a 7.62mm Mauser and it was on that rifle that he 'zerod-in' the scope
A couple of other semi-interesting snippets:

1. Oswald was said to have used the name Alec J Hidell when ordering the Rifle. However the name "Hidell" was given to him as a cover name by the very mysterious CIA Operative named Maurice Bishop when Oswald was working for the CIA in Japan (Bishop later turned out to be one of the CIA's most secret of all secret agents in David Atlee Phillips)

2. 178 people were interviewed after being 'witnesses' to the assassination on Elm street.
78 said they heard shots from the TSBD and 63 said they heard shots from the fence on the grassy knoll

3. 8 witnesses said they saw two men at the window on the 6th floor of the TSBD. Two witness (one of whom was in the Army) said they heard multiple shots from the window but never saw the shooter 'work' a bolt action, indicating it was a semi-automatic weapon.

4. When Oswald shot Police Officer J.D. Tippet (did he though??) he was heading to a CIA Safe house just 15 minutes from his boarding room and guess who lived just a few houses further on from the safe house.....Jack Ruby

5. After Oswald got away from the TSBD, Police Officer J.D. Tippet was sent to execute him

6. When Oswald got home to his boarding house after leaving the TSBD he collected a Jacket and .38 Revolver. While in the boarding house a neighbour heard a car tooting its horn, she looked out the window and saw a Police Car in the drive of Oswald's house, it had two police officers in it. She noted the Police Unit Number on the car. She gave that evidence to a Journalist who tracked down t police car in a Dallas Used Car lot. It had been sold to the dealer 6 months before Kennedy was killed
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When the Warren Commission handed down it's final report, it included still shots taken from the Zapruder Film

However it transposed Frames 314 and 315 to give the appearance that the shot which caused Kennedy's head to explode had come from the rear and not the front.

When the scam was uncovered, Allen Dulles said it was either a drafting error or a printing error.
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Chester M. Southam, MD, a noted immunologist at Sloan-Kettering Institute sought to study the human immunity response to cancer.

He obtained funding from the CIA and injected live cancer cells into 14 healthy convicts at Ohio State Prison.

Two of the patients died before their projected prognosis; four patients developed tumors that were surgically removed; in some patients the tumors grew back, and one patient metastasized. Half of the test subjects in this NIH-sponsored study were black.
In 1962, Dr. Southam and his team conducted a similar experiment in demented elderly patients at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital.

6 Months after Jack Ruby was arrested, while in prison awaiting his trial, a healthy Jack Ruby died of Cancer

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JFK Assassination: What is the Truth?

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