Joe Rogan

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Wait, you are in favour of Critical Race Theory???

Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. Critical race theorists are generally dedicated to applying their understanding of the institutional or structural nature of racism to the concrete (if distant) goal of eliminating all race-based and other unjust hierarchies.​

The engineered conservative panic over critical race theory, explained (in 2021)

Republicans have distorted CRT – an academic frame that scholars such as Kimberlé Crenshaw have been using in graduate-level courses for decades to interrogate how the legal system entrenches racism – into a catchall to describe things they don’t like.​
In this bastardized telling, CRT is whatever Republicans want it to be; it comes in many guises. “Black Lives Matter” is one name for CRT. “Social justice” is another. “Identity,” yet another. “Reparations.” “Ally-ship.” “Diversity.”​
But to linger on what CRT is, or isn’t, is to miss the more pressing concern: Why have Republicans latched onto a decades-old academic term?​
” ‘Strung together, the phrase “critical race theory” connotes hostile, academic, divisive, race-obsessed, poisonous, elitist, anti-American,’ ” explained Christopher F. Rufo, one of the conservative activists who – with the help of Fox News, a network that’s become its own language – engineered the panic over CRT.​
Because so many Americans don’t know what CRT is, it’s the perfect tool for scaring White conservative voters with made-up problems – for mobilizing them against the racial awakening of the past year​

"The other frames are wrong, too: ‘cancel culture’ is a vacuous term and doesn’t translate into a political program; ‘woke’ is a good epithet, but it’s too broad, too terminal, too easily brushed aside. ‘Critical race theory’ is the perfect villain,” Rufo wrote.​
I read last week that Harris was keen to get on the pod too. Very risky for her but maybe at this point it's worth a shot.
I'd love to see that. I think she would slowly roast him over a few hours. Let him get in over his head then remind him he never learned to swim. Mixed metaphors are my speciality.
If he has one on surely he has to have both (separately although together would be a hilarious shitshow)

He's said a few times he didn't want to have Trump on, I'm not sure why you wouldn't take that opportunity tbh.

I'd love to see that. I think she would slowly roast him over a few hours. Let him get in over his head then remind him he never learned to swim. Mixed metaphors are my speciality.

Could be dangerous, if Rogan made her look stupid well you wouldn't think she's up to the job
I'd love to see that. I think she would slowly roast him over a few hours. Let him get in over his head then remind him he never learned to swim. Mixed metaphors are my speciality.
I mean, there's no teleprompter to help her through in that studio...

She'd drag Joe down to her level and beat him with experience
I mean, there's no teleprompter to help her through in that studio...

She'd drag Joe down to her level and beat him with experience
Come on. You know you're just trying to play the role you set out for yourself here.

I have no doubt Joe could try and lay traps and make claims that he knows his audience will believe. Kamala isn't some Twitter grifter like Bret Weinstein who knows they will both play along with each other.

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Come on. You know you're just trying to play the role you set out for yourself here.

I have no doubt Joe could try and lay traps and make claims that he knows his audience will believe. Kamala isn't some Twitter grifter like Bret Weinstein who knows they will both play along with each other.
She's not as dumb as I'm saying but she isn't anywhere near as smart as you're saying. She's very average intelligence, she won't take very many to deep waters intellectually. I have NFI what she's said to have people thinking she's smart, any links to this proof?
Come on. You know you're just trying to play the role you set out for yourself here.

I have no doubt Joe could try and lay traps and make claims that he knows his audience will believe. Kamala isn't some Twitter grifter like Bret Weinstein who knows they will both play along with each other.
I actually don't think Rogan would ever pull gotcha questions. Don't think I've ever seen the guy do a hard hitting interview. Could really harm his brand though, as his typical mode of being amicable and backing down on every issue depending on who he's talking to would drive a lot of what has become his core fanbase rabid.

I recall he made positive comments about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently then had to essentially issue a public apology after he got dragged by his fanbase for not being pro Trump. Realistically Rogan has a lot more to lose from having Kamala on than Kamala does, and I'd be very surprised if he agrees to have her on.

Kind of spit balling, but I think his fanbase is possibly why Rogan also doesn't want to have Trump on. I vaguely suspect at some level he's egging himself on to "like" Trump and wouldn't want to have that illusion shattered for himself by having to talk to the guy for an extended period of time.

The only times I can remember him actively disagreeing with people is when he got hammered and fought with Steven Crowder on the legality of maurijuana, arguing with some guy I can't recall about gay marriage (Joe in favor, the guy parroting religious arguments against it), being flabbergasted by Candace Owens on climate change, and calling out Dave Rubin when he said he wanted to get rid of all construction regulations.

When push comes to shove I feel Rogan is not really in lockstep with the conservative bubble, especially with how cult-like MAGA has become, but he has increasingly gone out of his way to insulate himself from ever rocking the boat.
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I'd love to see that. I think she would slowly roast him over a few hours. Let him get in over his head then remind him he never learned to swim. Mixed metaphors are my speciality.
And if that time comes...
We all can't wait for you to not watch it.. but still hear your analysis, of someone from Youtube's analysis, of edited sections of the conversation.

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Joe Rogan

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