Society/Culture Jordan B Peterson

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When someone can't demonstrate that they've got something new and interesting to say, why is it my job to prove my impressions wrong? Every day we dismiss things we haven't read or watched based on the advertising. Maybe his advertising is just bad, or appeals to a certain type of person only. If he ever pops up with anything new, he might go in the queue for a watch or a read. Until then, he's just another Dr Phil type.
I'm only teasing chief. You are wrong in your assessment, but if it's all you've seen/heard, then of course that will be your conclusion. There's a reason he has the academic body of work behind him - it's good. His popularity in the wider world was kickstarted by the political bend to the moment, but it's sustained through his body of work over a very long period of time. The double edged sword of him getting his opinion out there on just about everything is exactly this sort of dismissal, and one of the things I don't like about his machine-gun media approach at the moment. You'll come around. Even if you have to read all those other books first :)
Yasmin. McIntyre.
Some lefties have rightfully copped awhack when they have deliberately gone too far. If someone sabotaged their Internet connections or rioted at their speaking events, you may have a point. All they received was criticism, not censorship. Ask Shapiro how easy it is for him perform a speech.
I'm only teasing chief. You are wrong in your assessment, but if it's all you've seen/heard, then of course that will be your conclusion. There's a reason he has the academic body of work behind him - it's good. His popularity in the wider world was kickstarted by the political bend to the moment, but it's sustained through his body of work over a very long period of time. The double edged sword of him getting his opinion out there on just about everything is exactly this sort of dismissal, and one of the things I don't like about his machine-gun media approach at the moment. You'll come around. Even if you have to read all those other books first :)
It's not really possible to avoid him as he's on podcasts I listen to.

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Some lefties have rightfully copped awhack when they have deliberately gone too far. If someone sabotaged their Internet connections or rioted at their speaking events, you may have a point. All they received was criticism, not censorship. Ask Shapiro how easy it is for him perform a speech.
Stand in front of a camera and post it to YouTube?
When someone can't demonstrate that they've got something new and interesting to say, why is it my job to prove my impressions wrong? Every day we dismiss things we haven't read or watched based on the advertising. Maybe his advertising is just bad, or appeals to a certain type of person only. If he ever pops up with anything new, he might go in the queue for a watch or a read. Until then, he's just another Dr Phil type.
We all have scarce time time to put into these things so I understand your position from that side. However it does look like you are hesitant to dive into something that may challenge your world view.
Anyone that preaches personal responsibility can't be all bad.

English Conservatives have articulated it for much longer and in a much more erudite manner [e.g Teddy Dalrymple and Roger Scruton] and - our own Bob Hughes articulated it 20 years ago in the Culture of Complaint The Alt Right kids with their laughable grasp of intellectual history do not know these people

Peterson is not worthy of lacing the shoe laces on Scruton's polished brogues - here is his critique of the Ziz:
Yasmin. McIntyre.

And there is a world outside the college speaking circuit. Free speech laws in the workplace are hazy.

Not to mention the corporate agendas of mainstream media being neoliberal.

  1. Try to get a letter to the editor in the Australian that does not confirm the received wisdom
  2. or using the law to remove an inflatable rat outside a workplace? or
  3. holding up a sign that says the word "scab" - Freedom of Speech is only something that is extended to right wing commentators at University apparently
English Conservatives have articulated it for much longer and in a much more erudite manner [e.g Teddy Dalrymple and Roger Scruton] and - our own Bob Hughes articulated it 20 years ago in the Culture of Complaint The Alt Right kids with their laughable grasp of intellectual history do not know these people

Peterson is not worthy of lacing the shoe laces on Scruton's polished brogues - here is his critique of the Ziz:
"Unexplained technicalities, excerpted from set theory, particle physics, linguistics, topology, and whatever else might seem to confer power on the wizard who conjures with them"
So far we have threads on Peterson and Shapiro
What other wrong thinkers that the left are scared of will be next for denigration
Dinesh D'Souza?
Christina Hoff Summers?
Stephen Crowder?

You don't see that proper noun and that word close to one another very often.

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Here's a totally unsubstantiated claim but I reckon I'd be right.

If you were sitting at the pub and someone dropped the phrase post-modernism into conversation and was then asked what it means... 50% chance they would be lost without the help of google.
Here's a totally unsubstantiated claim but I reckon I'd be right.

If you were sitting at the pub and someone dropped the phrase post-modernism into conversation and was then asked what it means... 50% chance they would be lost without the help of google.
He doesn't understand the difference between state control of speech and social criticism or protest.

It goes a bit beyond social criticism and protest when fire alarms are pulled, and air horns are blown in his lectures to try and shut him down. All it's done however, is give him a larger audience.
He's a very smart guy and has a knack for making psychological theorists like Jung accessible to almost everyone. A lot of his political views are sensible and well-articulated albeit with a few blind spots. Definitely a conservative in the current climate and deep down he seems to identify with the tribe (despite being so opposed to tribalism), mostly because of his strong opposition to the identity politics that almost defines the American left these days. Overall I enjoy listening to what he has to say even though he comes across as a bit shrill and even arrogant at times.

Which is rather ironic, considering Jungian psychoanalytical theory is traditionally inferred as a left-wing philosophy.....For me, it is Peterson's universal comprehension of religion & the spiritual side of man's nature that raises his opinions & perspectives above the clatter of rabble-rousing attention-seekers & conceited narcissists, like Milos & Shapiro.....These 2 have little to no depth to offer whatsoever.
We’re in an age of post modernism?

Can you state what that even means? And be precise.

Sure: Certainty & objective truth are no longer valid.....Not only that, they never even existed to begin with, as they are mere burgeoise patriarchal constructs designed to thwart & exploit the masses holus bolus.

All there is, is opinions, points of views & perspectives.....And any perspective is just as worthy of consideration & valid as any other.....Equal time.

So Milos, Shapiro & every other 2-bit crack-pot are just as worthy of air-time & in-depth analysis than say Dante or John Milton.....Why not?.....The entire Western Tradition construct is all a WASP-inspired conspiracy anyways......Down with certitude & other such delusions.
Terrible premise, some things are demonstrably good, some bad.
Exactly. Which is where postmodern philosophy falls down. It's all good and well to understand that there are limitless interpretations of everything and therefore no objective truth, but there aren't limitless useful or good interpretations. Postmodernism lacks any utility beyond thought exercises.

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Society/Culture Jordan B Peterson

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