Society/Culture Jordan B Peterson

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But it's just the conservative "self agency" fantasy.

If you're poor and homeless, a drug addict, in an abusive relationship, it's because you are lazy or decided to be that way so society shouldn't lift a finger to help you.

The black and white moral judgement keeps away the anxiety and uncertainty of a world of myriad, uncontrollable options.

It's garbage.
Again, JP heaping shit on the homeless and saying it’s their fault must be another chapter in this story I missed.

The advice on responsibility is more like “it is pursuing responsibilities that will give you meaning in your life, not pursuing rights”. It’s more directed at people who spend their whole life on 4chan and fortnite feeling bitter at the world - putting themselves in situations where they are depended on and are expected to perform will give their life meaning.

I think most of these criticisms are JP are based on things he has never argued. He’s never said people shouldn’t get help, he’s never said little Timmy who fell down the well doesn’t deserve to be rescued because he shouldn’t have been playing there.

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Have you suffered extreme anxiety? I have. The treatment is cognitive behaviourial therapy. I.e. using the mind to get rid of it.

for those who are weak in mind there are drugs.

facts hurt sometimes.
This is trash cod psych.

Drugs are useful for many people to get them into a place where they can actually use non-drug therapies. You must be getting a nose bleed up on that high horse.
This is trash cod psych.

Drugs are useful for many people to get them into a place where they can actually use non-drug therapies. You must be getting a nose bleed up on that high horse.

lol. Its been the primary therapy used by pyschologists for 30-50 years all across the developed world Cos the science shows it overwehlmingly works and unlike drugs is safe for permanent use. sounding a bit like an anti vaxer calling it trash cod pysch. the science is undisputed.
"for those who are weak in mind there are drugs."

No I'm not objecting to the idea of cognitive behavioural therapy - which you could tell if you read my post closely - I'm objecting to the dumb phrase above.
Perhaps you should define that which you determine is strong in mind then?
Don't even try. I asked you.

Speaking of nice tries...

Drop into the discussion and demand a hard definition of the opposite of a qualitative term being misused.

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Yes. I'm asking for your actual opinion on what constitutes a strong mind.
Do you have one?
Not off the top of my head. I don't even think it applies. It's a complex topic, isn't it? Not really amenable to reductive labels like "weak" and "strong".
It wouldn't be, if I didn't think you were interested in promoting the former over the latter.
Unfortunately, however, I don't think that is the case.

And here we are.
"for those who are weak in mind there are drugs."

No I'm not objecting to the idea of cognitive behavioural therapy - which you could tell if you read my post closely - I'm objecting to the dumb phrase above.
If someone is in a wheel chair cos they cant walk do you not say their legs are weak? if a person needs to take heart medicine do you not say they have a weak heart?

if the mind cant function without the need of drugs, epsecially when the cure is contained within the minds own ability to rationalise, it seems perfectly apt to say they have a weak mind. Even more so then the wheelchair or heart examples. A mind that is suffering from both a chemical imbalance that creates excess anxiety and one that cant sufficiently rationalise to cure itself of the anxiety seems to be weak due to two reasons.

what is it with the left and their aversion to words in certain random contexts? Its just utterly bizarre. Words do not have magical properties. They just are labels for phenomena we observe or think up. That is all.
If someone is in a wheel chair cos they cant walk do you not say their legs are weak?
Yes but we don't say things like "wheelchairs are for the weak legged".

"Weak of mind" has its own connotations that any person would avoid. It's reductive of a complex subject. I think it's a shitty troll and won't lead to any sort of productive exchange.
Words do not have magical properties.
No, but they can definitely have power for good and bad.
"Weak of mind" has its own connotations that any person would avoid. It's reductive of a complex subject.
Agreed. Word have different effects in different contexts, reading the room is important.
If someone is in a wheel chair cos they cant walk do you not say their legs are weak? if a person needs to take heart medicine do you not say they have a weak heart?

if the mind cant function without the need of drugs, epsecially when the cure is contained within the minds own ability to rationalise, it seems perfectly apt to say they have a weak mind. Even more so then the wheelchair or heart examples. A mind that is suffering from both a chemical imbalance that creates excess anxiety and one that cant sufficiently rationalise to cure itself of the anxiety seems to be weak due to two reasons.

what is it with the left and their aversion to words in certain random contexts? Its just utterly bizarre. Words do not have magical properties. They just are labels for phenomena we observe or think up. That is all.
Mate it’s not any PC madness. The poster was talking about how he suffered “extreme anxiety” but it’s only mentally weak people who take medicine. It was an attack on my boy Jordy P from someone who is probably a PC wokester themselves.
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Not off the top of my head. I don't even think it applies. It's a complex topic, isn't it? Not really amenable to reductive labels like "weak" and "strong".

calling someone a left winger or right winger is reductive. Saying someone is smart or dumb is reductive. labelling a person or any thing or concept by any single feature is reductive because it doesnt capture the whole nature of the phenomena we are discussing. All labels on their own are in fact reductive. Its not an excuse to avoid the question. human language deals in the reductive to get to the point.

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Society/Culture Jordan B Peterson

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