A brutally excoriating piece by Joe Aston in the AFR.
Almost every paragraph was quote-worthy.
Almost every paragraph was quote-worthy.
Josh Frydenberg, ScoMo’s enabler in chief
The enduring protection racket for Morrison’s worst instincts and behaviours was furnished by his
The brutal derailment of Josh Frydenberg’s preordained glide into the office of prime minister has caused an extraordinary – and extraordinarily misplaced – bout of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Even by The Australian’s standards of Liberal idolatry, its first post-election editorial was truly embarrassing. “Mr Frydenberg is a talent that Australia’s democracy can ill-afford to lose.” The newspaper then mischaracterised him as “a formidable policy wonk” who “is respected for his substance and intellect” and “as the hardest-working MP in parliament, with a computer-like knowledge of the complex portfolios he has held”.
In his greatest moment of humiliation and repudiation, Frydenberg still gets the easiest run. He trashed the federal Liberals’ core brand equity of economic management and he’s still being canonised. This reflects Frydenberg’s real aptitude: grooming his elders and the media.
This supports an enterprising narrative whereby the nation’s destiny – Frydenberg as PM, leading us to the promised land – was tragically shattered by Morrison, in whose government Frydenberg was merely a loyal passenger.
It credits him with the meritorious attribute of loyalty, but none of the responsibility it entails.
It ignores the fact that when Morrison crashed the Liberal Party into a mountain, Frydenberg was his co-pilot.
Thus the enduring protection racket for Morrison’s worst instincts and behaviours was furnished by his deputy. When did he ever call the PM out on anything? Are we to believe that Josh, stooped over the billiard table at Kirribilli, was saying “Mate, vaccination is actually a race”, or “You shouldn’t need your wife to tell you workplace rape is really bad”?
Yeah, right. He was scarcely any less hollow than ScoMo. All Frydenberg could think to say, as his own seat slipped away from him, was “keep me”, without advancing a reason why.