They can look at Rachele and criticize him for not buying in, but they better be sure as hell looking at themselves and asking what could they do better to help that process.Kingy, with respect, isnt dropping someone (or condoning it) for lack of team value 'buy in' being a strong leader - not taking the easier option of a soft reprimand or saying nothing - and ultimately trying to get the players totally accountable to their core values. From what the club has said this has been building for mths. Many posters on here were writing Josh off a few mths ago and now bagging the club for dropping him (assuming it has been for not buying into the 'team first' mentality which is crucial IMO). I do agree the 'PR' side of things is quite poor and ideally it was done BEFORE the last game of the year. Perhaps it sits in Joshs psyche all post season and he comes back better than ever. And perhaps not. Time will tell and it will be a fascinating watch - even including his motivation in todays SANFL game
It seems they've gone the route of a public shaming to get him to listen, which isn't the way to go about it.