Josh Simpson

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Well bonk me sideways with a brown mutt.Talk about deja vu and history repeating itself:eek:
This is the identical statement I claimed jedi mind tricks on months ago and it's still there.
If you really do believe that it's thoughtless and inappropriate rather than asking mods to get people to stop quoting you just delete the stupid post yourself.Although you told me I could interpret it however I liked.
You want to take some responsibility for your comments;you snipe away at diced all over the place and then scream victim when he gives you a nip:rolleyes:
Surely you realise you've been in the glass house chucking boulders?

Indeed. It's not rocket surgery is it.

We've all made posts that we regret, (mine number in the thousands), but we either man up or delete the friggen thing.

But no, it's better to piss and moan and say that big bad bushie is bullying me...waaaaah.

Anyone who claims that I am the arseh*le in this would do well to check on Jedi's recent posts. They run at about 50% of snipes at me on various threads. With the usual suspects of lurking likers of course.

He and his sychophantic circle jerk of buddies are not mods, nor are they the morality police of BF.

The handling of players like Josh Simpson, in circumstances like this, is a personal issue for me and very close to my heart and I'm buggered if I'll leave posts based upon ignorance, or blatant bigotry, unanswered.

It's an issue that transcends footy and is a mainstream societal problem and needs to be addressed.
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Now that you two boyfriends have finished.

Read my comment a few posts ago I did man up and said I regretted posting it as it was insensitive. You read that. Didn't know slice would go back 8 months to pick 1 post of mine and you talk about stalking.

Anyway good to see he has a puppy dog following him. Be a good boy for him now.

Anyway I'm off for a surf.

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The post was provided to me by one of the many who also don't appreciate your constant whining on here. No need to look back when you piss off that many people.

Say hi to Mike for me.

Puppy! LOL
RTB presser was all class. Simpson is a work in progress and I hope he makes it because he is exciting to watch.

Thinking about it on the bigger picture though, should the AFL introduce a screening system to the draft where potential draftees have to accrue a number of points to be eligible to nominate for the draft. Points could be gained from studying, apprenticeships, working, community work etc. Clubs ultimately take the risk in picking a player but it would give a wider focus on potential draftees/the community on having to be more than just a skilled player to play AFL. There just seems to be a number of young players struggling to adapt to AFL football and I can't help but feel if they had a bit more behind them they would be able to cope better.
RTB presser was all class. Simpson is a work in progress and I hope he makes it because he is exciting to watch.

Thinking about it on the bigger picture though, should the AFL introduce a screening system to the draft where potential draftees have to accrue a number of points to be eligible to nominate for the draft. Points could be gained from studying, apprenticeships, working, community work etc. Clubs ultimately take the risk in picking a player but it would give a wider focus on potential draftees/the community on having to be more than just a skilled player to play AFL. There just seems to be a number of young players struggling to adapt to AFL football and I can't help but feel if they had a bit more behind them they would be able to cope better.

Very interesting concept, which reminds me of applying to American Universities. It simply won't work here because we are talking about 18 year olds not 21 year olds and if you remember back to then most of us are not mature enough to think about anything beyond ourselves!

This is an issue for the AFL to address, perhaps they can divert some of the millions flowing through to the expansion teams to education and help to potential draftees and even support to clubs after they are drafted. Draftees from remote areas appear to be in great need of funding and support, how many more examples does the AFL need? It will be a worry if our competition becomes one for athletes only from the metropolitan area!
Unlikely, the AFL want GCS and GWSG to win a premiership ASAP. They wont cut back their support.

The issue here is the AFL Football Dept budget limits and reductions is only going to limit or ultimately eliminate services targeted at these areas of player social and life development welfare.

The clubs will ultimately grow more and more commercial, less and less focused on Social programmes for players. Players not conforming will unfortunately not be supported as they need too.
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The post was provided to me by one of the many who also don't appreciate your constant whining on here. No need to look back when you piss off that many people.

Say hi to Mike for me.

Puppy! LOL

All good bro. Posters won't have yo worry about me pulling you up on your little posts any more. I have you on ignore so I don't have to deal with you.

Feel free to carry on with your trash talk.
The AFL/teams need to change imo.
They have gone completely over the top with the "professionalism".
Sports "scientists" ideas are given far too much credibility.
Too many meetings not enough actual football training.
They have meetings about meetings, then they have video sessions followed by more meetings.
They have more meetings during a week than actual training sessions.
So they are spending more time locked indoors than outside of the field.
Then you have the sports science guys saying you can only kick the ball x amount of times.
Its a load of crap and its got out of hand.

If a team cut out all the crap.
Used that time training the basic skills, and fine tuning their gameplan/structures they would kick ass.

On Simpson.
Im sorry but he has chosen to enter the AFL world.
He must buy in to this new culture just like every other player has to even though they hate it just as much as him.
He is extremely talented and I want him to stay so am glad the club are trying as hard as possible to help him make the transition.
However he needs to buy in 100% just like everyone else.
Noone in the AFL likes how clubs are currently run but they put up with it and follow the rules.
There is no i in team he needs to deal with the dissapointments and keep on following the rules just like everyone else on the list.
Unlikely, the AFL want GCS and GWSG to win a premiership ASAP. They wont cut back their support.

The issue here is the AFL Football Dept budget limits and reductions is only going to limit or ultimately eliminate services targeted at these areas of player social and life development welfare.

The clubs will ultimately grow more and more commercial, less and less focused on Social programmes for players. Players not conforming will unfortunately not be supported as they need too.
Whoever is appointed as Eyebrows replacement has massive responsibility in terms of the direction of the game and how the "cash cow" is going to be divied up and what gets prioritised.Too many Melbourne teams,bodgy money allocation as you say and plenty of big picture stuff.
Want someone spectacularly competent and with a real unbiased vision.I have been critical and at times very unimpressed with Vlad the Dictator but I guess there are things that have been done correctly.
The facts are that the job is a pretty big one and to be effectively the custodian of the health and growth of the country's national sport is big ask and task.I wonder who negotiates the salary package and KPI's and all that critically important detail??Vlad to my mind was driven by avarice and has had his hand in the till as well as being a bit of a megalomaniac.
To me it seems that the appointment is critical for the game's future with escalating demands on the time and commitment of all involved.The remuneration is there with the TV rights loot so every thing should be fine with good management.
Or maybe it's just me being paranoid??:confused:
If a team cut out all the crap.
Used that time training the basic skills, and fine tuning their gameplan/structures they would kick ass.

All those video sessions are an important part of fine-tuning gameplan and structures.

If it was as easy as you say to kick ass I'm sure the coaches would have worked it out by now.
Very interesting concept, which reminds me of applying to American Universities. It simply won't work here because we are talking about 18 year olds not 21 year olds and if you remember back to then most of us are not mature enough to think about anything beyond ourselves!

This is an issue for the AFL to address, perhaps they can divert some of the millions flowing through to the expansion teams to education and help to potential draftees and even support to clubs after they are drafted. Draftees from remote areas appear to be in great need of funding and support, how many more examples does the AFL need? It will be a worry if our competition becomes one for athletes only from the metropolitan area!
Was about to make this same point about the American draftees (basketball) being more of a known quantity to clubs since almost all of them have finished university and are 3-4 years older than our draftees, although many of them can play at an older age than our boys can. I think those few years can make a big difference, at 18 I was only thinking about chasing girls and drinking beer by 22 I was a qualified tradesman with a mortgage. These young guys need a second chance sometimes before you see the best of them. Although in my experience you get absolutely drilled right before someone says "I'm giving you a second chance"

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Ofcourse kick ass was an overstatement.

However how often do you see basic skills causing problems.
Set shot goal kicking is worse now than it was 20 years ago.
Reason is not enough basic training.

Yes video sessions are needed.
Meetings before training, meetings after training, meetings before weights sessions and meetings after weight sessions are completely over the top.
Nick Cummins from Western Force says they spend more time in meetings per week than they do out on the field.
Nick Cummins from Western Force says they spend more time in meetings per week than they do out on the field.

No he didn't.

He said "the coach called us in for another meeting, for a bit of how's your father. After a while, I was sweating like a gypsy with a mortgage, and i told him if I didn't get out soon, I'd rip his canastas off".

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Ofcourse kick ass was an overstatement.

However how often do you see basic skills causing problems.
Set shot goal kicking is worse now than it was 20 years ago.
Reason is not enough basic training.

I thought I read somewhere that goal-kicking accuracy is no worse than in the past, but even if it is I'd suggest the reasons would go a bit deeper than that.

Teams are much better at protecting the corridor inside 50 now so I'd like to see how many shots are taken from the pockets/flanks compared to the old days. Fatigued legs from all the extra running demanded from forwards is another consideration.

When you watch older games there's no doubt today's players are more skilful than ever, and they perform those skills under a much higher intensity. They are just expected to pull off far more intricate gameplans these days, and people just have much higher expectations now so every mistake is amplified.
Very interesting concept, which reminds me of applying to American Universities. It simply won't work here because we are talking about 18 year olds not 21 year olds and if you remember back to then most of us are not mature enough to think about anything beyond ourselves!

This is an issue for the AFL to address, perhaps they can divert some of the millions flowing through to the expansion teams to education and help to potential draftees and even support to clubs after they are drafted. Draftees from remote areas appear to be in great need of funding and support, how many more examples does the AFL need? It will be a worry if our competition becomes one for athletes only from the metropolitan area!

The structure is already there ,its called the Clontaf Foundation .
Its sponsored by the AFL ,Federal and State Government Departments of the arts and Sport & Education .
Gerard Neasham and his team do a great job of helping indigenous sports men and women reach their potential both in education and their chosen sport .
A number of past indigenous AFL football greats are doing terrific things with these kids but not all aspiring indigenous footballers are in their system .
The structure is already there ,its called the Clontaf Foundation .
Its sponsored by the AFL ,Federal and State Government Departments of the arts and Sport & Education .
Gerard Neasham and his team do a great job of helping indigenous sports men and women reach their potential both in education and their chosen sport .
A number of past indigenous AFL football greats are doing terrific things with these kids but not all aspiring indigenous footballers are in their system .

Clontarf certainly doing great things for you indigenous boys and men with sport, education and role models. Continues to expand.
Ofcourse kick ass was an overstatement.

However how often do you see basic skills causing problems.
Set shot goal kicking is worse now than it was 20 years ago.
Reason is not enough basic training.

Yes video sessions are needed.
Meetings before training, meetings after training, meetings before weights sessions and meetings after weight sessions are completely over the top.
Nick Cummins from Western Force says they spend more time in meetings per week than they do out on the field.

I would encourage you to look at some games from 30 years ago and compare the skill levels. I assure you that they have improved out of sight. The things which we would marvel at from Maurice Rioli and the Krak Bros are now commonplace and the general overall skill level is dramatically better overall.

Yes, fitness has a big bearing on this, however sports science, with video/digital examination of technique, body mechanics and even diet has made a massive difference.

The number of meetings reflects the overall direction of business in general. I too loathe them, however for things like positive reinforcement and constructive criticism in a team setting, and when you consider the complexities of current gameplans, they are vital.
I would encourage you to look at some games from 30 years ago and compare the skill levels. I assure you that they have improved out of sight. The things which we would marvel at from Maurice Rioli and theKrak Bros are now commonplace and the generaloverall skill level is dramatically better overall

Yes, fitness has a big bearing on this, however sports
science, with video/digital examination of technique,
body mechanics and even diet has made a massive

The number of meetings reflects the overall direction of business in general. I too loathe them, however for
things like positive reinforcement and constructive
criticism in a team setting, and when you consider the
complexities of current gameplans, they are
Are these meetings the meetings where they go over the complex 'king long to Pav' game plan?
Wow, Had some of the children up over Easter and have not been online. It all happens when you are not here.

Josh will be right in the end, As someone who has lived interacted and actually employed blackfella's I can say that every now and again they will just do your head in for no apparent reason (to me at least). One particular person I had employed as a TA for a few years was very good. Honest , hardworking and trustworthy , but every now and again He would disappear for a week or two. You would come to work on the following Monday and He would be sweeping up the mess (I am a messy person and He had a key to the place) and it was if he was there all the time.

"Where were you ?" I would ask him and would have turned out there was funeral somewhere of some family trouble some where. He actually got out of it in the end and eventually had the courage to call me and let me know what was going on as he realised that He didn't lose face with me.

He and I are good friends still and anytime He wants a reference I am happy to provide one.

What to take out of this story? Bushie is right , if you have not experienced thing you cannot judge thing by your own standards.
Wow, Had some of the children up over Easter and have not been online. It all happens when you are not here.

Josh will be right in the end, As someone who has lived interacted and actually employed blackfella's I can say that every now and again they will just do your head in for no apparent reason (to me at least). One particular person I had employed as a TA for a few years was very good. Honest , hardworking and trustworthy , but every now and again He would disappear for a week or two. You would come to work on the following Monday and He would be sweeping up the mess (I am a messy person and He had a key to the place) and it was if he was there all the time.

"Where were you ?" I would ask him and would have turned out there was funeral somewhere of some family trouble some where. He actually got out of it in the end and eventually had the courage to call me and let me know what was going on as he realised that He didn't lose face with me.

He and I are good friends still and anytime He wants a reference I am happy to provide one.

What to take out of this story? Bushie is right , if you have not experienced thing you cannot judge thing by your own standards.

Bravo. Well put Ripper.
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