Josh Simpson

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Hi all,

I'm a long time lurker on Big Footy. This thread motivated me to create an account as I believe there is a level of depth and complexity to this issue that isn't being reached here (with the exception of some well thought-out posts by the likes of Silent Alarm and Gil).

Those posters saying that Simpson needs to "harden up or GTFO" (to paraphrase) at best reveal a fair degree of cultural insensitivity and ignorance of the history of Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relations in this country. At worst, such posts indicate a dangerous degree of ethnocentrism (judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture) and prejudice, both of which are damaging to harmonious relations between different groups in society when held by large portions of the population.

Those posters making personal attacks and bollocking others for being racist are, in a way, showing the same lack of understanding towards others as those that they are attacking. This forum pulls in people with a wide variety of backgrounds, knowledge and life experiences. Some have an extensive personal history of involvement with indigenous people, while others in all probability have had next to no meaningful interactions with Aboriginals. I don't want to go all NicNat on everyone, but the former group should be using opportunities such as this to take the latter group on a journey to greater understanding and enlightenment. If relations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in this country are ever going to improve, we will all need to draw on our deepest reserves of empathy and understanding to meaningfully engage and make progress.

We should all be pleased that the club has indicated it will provide Josh with the necessary patience, understanding and support he requires. In doing so, the club is setting him up to succeed, not to fail. Coach Lyon is spot on: the club's role is to provide each player with the environment and tools (determination, resilience, perseverance) they need to succeed. There's only so much the club can do though. Ultimately, one needs to take personal responsibility for the decisions one makes.

I'm confident that there is respect between club and player, and both parties will work through this situation in a positive manner. Likewise, I hope that all on this board can treat each other with respect and courtesy.

I would have been upset to get dropped after that game if I were Josh.

Do you remember when Lyon said he couldn't drop Hannath after the Collingwood game or there would be a player revolt? Not that I expect it but is there a chance the team felt Josh was hard done by to get dropped and it reflected in the game? Mayne wasn't in the form warranting immediate selection when fit before he was injured. Perhaps Chris could try his hand at tagging in the midfield.

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Those posters making personal attacks and bollocking others for being racist are, in a way, showing the same lack of understanding towards others as those that they are attacking. This forum pulls in people with a wide variety of backgrounds, knowledge and life experiences. Some have an extensive personal history of involvement with indigenous people, while others in all probability have had next to no meaningful interactions with Aboriginals. I don't want to go all NicNat on everyone, but the former group should be using opportunities such as this to take the latter group on a journey to greater understanding and enlightenment. If relations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in this country are ever going to improve, we will all need to draw on our deepest reserves of empathy and understanding to meaningfully engage and make progress.

Appreciate what you are trying to say, but the above is just meaningless platitudes.

People with no meaningful interactions with aboriginal people, especially those from remote areas, should really STFU or make posts acknowledging this before making sweeping generalisations from a position of ignorance.

Those who have walked a mile in Simpson's shoes are heartily sick and tired of the ongoing racism and ignorance in this country and are fed up with trying to spoon feed idiots with nice and carefully crafted words of education which go in one ear and out the other.

No this is...


Appreciate what you are trying to say, but the above is just meaningless platitudes.

People with no meaningful interactions with aboriginal people, especially those from remote areas, should really STFU or make posts acknowledging this before making sweeping generalisations from a position of ignorance.

Those who have walked a mile in Simpson's shoes are heartily sick and tired of the ongoing racism and ignorance in this country and are fed up with trying to spoon feed idiots with nice and carefully crafted words of education which go in one ear and out the other.


So when an individual comes onto this thread with the knowledge that Josh didn't hop onto the flight because he was upset that he was dropped and label him as being 'soft' or to 'harden-up' they are being racist? Even though there just judging him by the standard set for an AFL footballer. Whilst its important to see his cultural background for what it is, you can't just excuse the effort he has put into becoming an AFL footballer- it has nothing to do with fitting in with the 'white-man culture', but the AFL culture.
So when an individual comes onto this thread with the knowledge that Josh didn't hop onto the flight because he was upset that he was dropped and label him as being 'soft' or to 'harden-up' they are being racist? Even though there just judging him by the standard set for an AFL footballer. Whilst its important to see his cultural background for what it is, you can't just excuse the effort he has put into becoming an AFL footballer- it has nothing to do with fitting in with the 'white-man culture', but the AFL culture.

The prosecution would like to tender Exhibit A Your Worship.

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Not as sorry as I feel when I read your bigotry.

You pulled 1 post of mine up that I said 9 months ago and yes it was inappropriate. I agree 100%. I have many indigenous relatives on my father's side and should have been more thoughtful when posting.

You on the other hand rubbish and ridicule posters all the time. You often derail threads and think this is fine. I'm not going to quote every post of unnecessary aggression by you as it would read for a very long time.
Nice sig, huh?

Are you for or against this young fella bushie? I have lived in Fitzroy Crossing and Kununurra and I don't for one minute think I understand their culture but every time I see one of these people rise above the pack, I get a little chubby.

Man, I had a rough start to life and I look back at some of the kids I grew up with, some are in jail, others are dead and me? I rose above the pack with a little help from a wonderful woman.
Good night all.

Yeah, sorry Clem. :(

You pulled 1 post of mine up that I said 9 months ago and yes it was inappropriate. I agree 100%. I have many indigenous relatives on my father's side and should have been more thoughtful when posting.

You on the other hand rubbish and ridicule posters all the time. You often derail threads and think this is fine. I'm not going to quote every post of unnecessary aggression by you as it would read for a very long time.

Have you made your point yet or is this going to continue?

You've already mashed the report button without success, you've cried and complained about me, threatened to bash me LOL, and stalked me from thread to thread.

I'm pretty sure that everyone is aware that you don't like me by now.

Take your beef up with an admin, or your mum.

And tell her I said hi.
Are you for or against this young fella bushie? I have lived in Fitzroy Crossing and Kununurra and I don't for one minute think I understand their culture but every time I see one of these people rise above the pack, I get a little chubby.

Man, I had a rough start to life and I look back at some of the kids I grew up with, some are in jail, others are dead and me? I rose above the pack with a little help from a wonderful woman.

I'm 100% for Simpson and always have been.

The words in the sig aren't mine.
Yeah, sorry Clem. ;(

Have you made your point yet or is this going to continue?

You've already mashed the report button without success, you've cried and complained about me, threatened to bash me LOL, and stalked me from thread to thread.

I'm pretty sure that everyone is aware that you don't like me by now.

Take you beef up with an admin, or your mum.

And tell her I said hi.

Sorry she isn't into 50 year old men with issues and a ******* arm. Don't worry I'll stay well away from yours. :)
Yeah, sorry Clem. :(

Have you made your point yet or is this going to continue?

You've already mashed the report button without success, you've cried and complained about me, threatened to bash me LOL, and stalked me from thread to thread.

I'm pretty sure that everyone is aware that you don't like me by now.

Take your beef up with an admin, or your mum.

And tell her I said hi.

Yeah I asked for you to remove my comment from 9 months ago from your sig. You are doing this to bully me. I can see that you won't remove it. Enjoy your life I can see it Is based mostly around the internet forums. Hope it makes you fulfilled.
Well bonk me sideways with a brown mutt.Talk about deja vu and history repeating itself:eek:
This is the identical statement I claimed jedi mind tricks on months ago and it's still there.
If you really do believe that it's thoughtless and inappropriate rather than asking mods to get people to stop quoting you just delete the stupid post yourself.Although you told me I could interpret it however I liked.
You want to take some responsibility for your comments;you snipe away at diced all over the place and then scream victim when he gives you a nip:rolleyes:
Surely you realise you've been in the glass house chucking boulders?
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