Current Julian Assange arrested. * IS FREE

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If people are now only just waking up to whats been going down in the federal parliament these past 3 years or so, & it's ensuing ramifications, then they must have been in a freaking coma.

These here are the ramifications…..A direct assault on our free speech & the criminalising of those who seek to expose & uncover government corruption & criminality.

Wake the **** up Australia.
'Is this the new normal?' Is the new normal media organisations publishing classified information indiscriminately, just to get a headline? In the future (or even the current and past) will they be paying people for this info or to break/hack into computers for potential stories? 'We don't know what's on that government computer but we'll hack in anyway, and if we find something juicy we'll just say it's in the public interest to publish it'...

I'm more concerned about the almost daily massive data breaches where all our personal information is being harvested, not about what might leak that a democratic government is trying to hide.

Who gets to decide what's top secret or classified anyway? Annika from News Corps was raided at home by the AFP for leaking a 'top secret' document that shouldn't have been. How that was even classified as 'top secret' is beyond me. It's looking a lot like the situation here where we've been kept blind by a wall of arbitrary suppression orders in Victoria that are being used as cover.
I'm more concerned about the almost daily massive data breaches where all our personal information is being harvested, not about what might leak that a democratic government is trying to hide.

Who gets to decide what's top secret or classified anyway? Annika from News Corps was raided at home by the AFP for leaking a 'top secret' document that shouldn't have been. How that was even classified as 'top secret' is beyond me. It's looking a lot like the situation here where we've been kept blind by a wall of arbitrary suppression orders in Victoria that are being used as cover.
I'd say the worst person to make that decision is some guy who starts his day smoking a joint (-> paranoia) and who's anti-government because dope isn't legalised or for some other ridiculous reason like idealism (yes it'd be great if the world and everyone in it was perfect). Ask yourself this question - are you really any better off for having seen the details of particular incidents, eg, the footage of supposedly innocent people being blown to bits? You didn't already know this happens in war zones?

Hang on, you don't like data breaches but you're all for the data breaches this topic's about?

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I'd say the worst person to make that decision is some guy who starts his day smoking a joint (-> paranoia) and who's anti-government because dope isn't legalised or for some other ridiculous reason like idealism (yes it'd be great if the world and everyone in it was perfect). Ask yourself this question - are you really any better off for having seen the details of particular incidents, eg, the footage of supposedly innocent people being blown to bits? You didn't already know this happens in war zones?

Hang on, you don't like data breaches but you're all for the data breaches this topic's about?

Still defending government criminality....It's nice to see that reason & logic are completely lost on you.
Ask yourself this question - are you really any better off for having seen the details of particular incidents, eg, the footage of supposedly innocent people being blown to bits? You didn't already know this happens in war zones?

Always better off in a truth you can see for yourself sprockets. IMO.
David McBride, committed to stand trial last week.

The case of a former Australian military lawyer charged over the leak of documents to journalists was committed on Thursday to stand trial in the ACT Supreme Court.

David William McBride, 55, is accused of theft and three counts of breaching the Defence Act, for being a person who is a member of the defence force and communicating a plan, document or information, an offence that carries and unlimited fine or prison time as penalty when heard on indictment. He is also charged under old secrecy provisions in the federal Crimes Act, which make it an offence for a Commonwealth official to disclose information without authorisation.

The leaks were to journalists Dan Oakes, Andrew Clark and Chris Masters. The charges relate in part to an ABC investigation published in 2017 called "The Afghan Files: Defence leak exposes deadly secrets of Australia's special forces."

Mr McBride has pleaded not guilty to all charges. He does not deny passing information on but will defend the charge on legal grounds. He said on an earlier occasion: "I saw something illegally being done by the government and I did something about it."
Always better off in a truth you can see for yourself sprockets. IMO.
But you already know it happens, so what difference does seeing the footage make, to you? What difference does knowing the names of the people who did it make, to you? Btw, the 'other side' does it as well, so why condemn just the US? Have you actually learned anything (significant, that will affect the way you live or what you believe) from the Wikileaks leaks?
But you already know it happens, so what difference does seeing the footage make, to you? What difference does knowing the names of the people who did it make, to you? Btw, the 'other side' does it as well, so why condemn just the US? Have you actually learned anything (significant, that will affect the way you live or what you believe) from the Wikileaks leaks?

It makes all the difference in the world....Because these criminal government agencies & individuals hide behind their anonymity....It also provides first-hand evidence to the public gaze rather than mere hearsay…..In other words, transparency & disclosure, as the hallmarks of a free & open Democracy.

Secrecy & classification are the hallmarks of a totalitarian Fascist regime, with something (usually criminal activity) to hide.
But you already know it happens, so what difference does seeing the footage make, to you? What difference does knowing the names of the people who did it make, to you? Btw, the 'other side' does it as well, so why condemn just the US? Have you actually learned anything (significant, that will affect the way you live or what you believe) from the Wikileaks leaks?

Of course I know what happens, to be honest I wasn't overly interested in the Wikileaks leaks but if I know what happens and everybody else does, why is he looking at extradition to the US and life in prison or even execution for simply proving it and disseminating the truth in authentic documents?
Washington Post editorial.

It's not a good sign when our National Broadcaster is raided by the Feds to start, that the warrant is so broad giving them the power to delete and alter documents adds to the bad. I think we might be being snowed a bit though, while it may have something to do with the Afghan Files, there was also something else they're after. IMO.

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Of course I know what happens, to be honest I wasn't overly interested in the Wikileaks leaks but if I know what happens and everybody else does, why is he looking at extradition to the US and life in prison or even execution for simply proving it and disseminating the truth in authentic documents?
Because that's not why he's facing charges.
Because that's not why he's facing charges.

Actually, that's precisely Why he's facing charges.... For exposing the criminal Western government establishment & their War crimes.

O.K, you're supposedly the bastions of free-speech, human-rights & Democracy, now lets see you hold up to those principles......Assange has proven them all to be anything but.
Assange is the press, he committed no crime in releasing the details which showed how corrupt the US military and its allies are.

If They are so worried about this journalists crimes , why are they not hunting war criminals like Bush, Blair and Howard who invaded a country for no reason but vengeance , murdered thousands then destabilised the region leaving it to the mercy of extremist lime ISIS and the like.

Those 3 should spend the rest of their lives in prison.
So why are they vilifying asssange, was it beacause he showed how corrupt they are??
Assange is the press, he committed no crime in releasing the details which showed how corrupt the US military and its allies are.

If They are so worried about this journalists crimes , why are they not hunting war criminals like Bush, Blair and Howard who invaded a country for no reason but vengeance , murdered thousands then destabilised the region leaving it to the mercy of extremist lime ISIS and the like.

Those 3 should spend the rest of their lives in prison.
So why are they vilifying asssange, was it beacause he showed how corrupt they are??

I'd only add 2 other very good reasons....To destabilise an Arab power next door to & between Saudi Arabia & Israel.....and of course, the oil, upon which a Rothschilds owned affiliate sits upon the biggest oil reserve in Northern Kurdish Iraq, to this very day..

Bush, Howard & Blair are war criminals on behalf of the Anglo-U.S establishment criminal network.....That's why they get away with their self-evident criminality scot-free.....The same goes for Obama, Hilary & Trump.

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Current Julian Assange arrested. * IS FREE

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