Workshop Jumper Ideas for 2016

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I'd go
Adelaide connected hoops :drunk: or their 1999 red away
Brisbane you raise a good point, they'd have a lot of choice
Carlton older seriffed logo monogram
Collingwood barcode (can Collingwood do a Collingwood and change the criteria to wear the swooping magpie?)
Essendon curved sash
Bulldogs 75-96 home jumper
Fremantle inaugural home
Geelong status quo, or something based on the 99-04 away
Hawthorn jockey silks
Melbourne status quo
North that away jumper
Port SBS, or maybe their inaugural away given they just wore the SBS
Richmond plain black back
St Kilda hot cross bun
Sydney 97-98 pre-season
West Coast navy wings
This would make us ALL mark out, but I can't see clubs doing this unfortunately. This would be ideal though ;)

not sure about Gold Coast pre-branding.

I think this logo was a suggested logo?


I can see a 90s heritage round happening. IIRC, the last two heritage rounds were 70s and 80s themed, so it's the next step really. And there are plenty of ugly interesting designs that clubs could draw from.

Is #33 Josh Bruce?

#3 looks like Jed Anderson.

I was thinking of doing one that involves heritage guernsey's that haven't been worn before.

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The second one is a training shirt. Not a guernsey design. Also, I'm pretty sure the next one was part of the Academy rather than something the AFL side would acknowledge.
i know it was a training shirt, showing that they had a whole kit going before even having branding.
I'm surprised they haven't brought out a 90s round yet, although I guess the ANZAC and Indigenous rounds have filled the void to make new guernseys.
For Gold Coast I guess they could go for a Southport inspired jumper like this
Gold Coast 90s.png
However I think it might be a better idea for them and GWS to hold a competition to design a 90s inspired uniform. Here's a couple I thought of for GWS the first one's based off 90s rugby designs and the second is based off 90s Adidas away jumpers.
GWS 90s.png
GWS 90s 2.png
Also, these are the designs I'd choose (click team names for links). Trying to keep in mind which ones would sell the most so they should be different to what they're wearing now or have worn recently for other promotions.

Adelaide 1999-05 red away. They wore this for a while so it feels due for a comeback. The other option is their pre-season jumper but they already wore a better version of it in 08-09.
Brisbane Fitzroy's 95-96 pre-season. Purely because it's something different. They've represented all their other possible designs on previous occasions and their last hall of fame jumper was the yellow Bears jumper.
Carlton 1998 pre-season. Again, it's something different. They already brought back the main jumper they wore in the 90s and their late 90s home jumper was too close to the one they had last year. Their MnM's jumper also had a bit of a return fairly recently too and wasn't overly popular.
Collingwood 98-00 away. Pretty good jumper, worth a return. The barcode is another option but I can't see it being too popular.
Essendon 1996 heritage. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, a heritage jumper of a heritage jumper. Kind of interesting seeing as it doesn't even represent the club.
Fremantle 95-97 away. Feels like it needs a return more than the original home which wasn't dropped that long ago. I wouldn't mind seeing the 98 away but I doubt it would be as popular.
Geelong 98 away. Only because it's a bit more interesting and different to the home jumper than the 99 away, which probably better represents the 00s anyway.
Hawthorn 97-99 pre-season/away. It's a cool jumper which was pretty popular from memory. It would definitely sell better than the jockey silks or this.
Melbourne 96-97 pre-season. Not much to choose from but at least it brings back a pretty popular(at least I think it was) logo.
North Melbourne 96-02 away. Obvious choice. They should bring it back as a pre-season jumper too.
Port Adelaide 97-03 pre-season. The SBS jumper already made it's comeback along with the prison bar and this is a better design than the away.
Richmond 98-03 pre-season. Not much else to choose from and it must have been pretty popular if it lasted so long.
St. Kilda 97-01 home. Obvious choice. Definitely needs a comeback.
Sydney 97-98 pre-season. Not much to choose from. Their 90-91 jumper with the white back could also be used but neither are much different from their current home jumper.
West Coast 95-99 home. The royal with the old logo has been brought back before and no one wants this back.
Western Bulldogs 95-96 pre-season/away. Again, something different and interesting but the 90-96 jumper could be good to see again too.

Sadly, I've thought about this too much.
Thats the thing isn't it.

Bit like the Crows still trying to claim heritage they don't have.

I think Team GWS is a part of the GWS Giants (or is that GIANTS lol) and the guernsey they designed would be interesting to see in AFL game. I see it as part of their "heritage". Same with the alternative home jumper they had (plain orange with central charcoal G).

They had a tripanel design as well didn't they?
not sure about Gold Coast pre-branding.
Well, Gold Coast were a bid, they the logo on the left, then when they were a team, they had the logo on the right

In the TAC Cup (2009) they had plain jumpers, with their original team logo

And they kept them in the VFL (2010)
As an AFL team, we know what they wore but this was a proposed home jumper modelled by former mascot "Gazza" (named before Ablett joined the Suns)
This blue jumper was a training but for some reason has the old logo, not the current
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My Ideas for 2016
Posting my ideas for what i think would be best for the AFL in 2016. I have also added heritage jumper for heritage round(which should be brought back).


I've kept it mostly the same for 2015, except i have slightly changed the away jumper.

Jumper 1- home jumper worn away against Sydney
Jumper 2- home jumper w/ white shorts, worn away against Gold Coast
jumper 3- away jumper worn away against the rest
Jumper 4- heritage
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Current kits except for the third, which seems like a popular design atm. I have decided to go with the bears kit for the heritage, thought it should get a go since the Fitzroy jumper gets used more often.

Jumper 1- home jumper
Jumper 2- away/Victoria jumper worn against Carlton, Collingwood, Essendon, Geelong, Hawthorn, GWS, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Richmond, St Kilda, West Coast, Western Bulldogs
Jumper 3- third jumper worn against Adelaide, Fremantle, Gold Coast, Port Adelaide, Sydney
Jumper 4- heritage/bears jumper

Current home kit on this years template, decided to have both white and sky blue for the away jumpers. I have used the 1909 monogram for the heritage jumper.

Jumper 1-home jumper
Jumper 2- away jumper worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Essendon, Fremantle, Gold Coast, GWS, Hawthorn, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Richmond, Port Adelaide, West Coast and Western Bulldogs
Jumper 3- third jumper worn against Collingwood, Geelong, St Kilda, Sydney
Jumper 4- Heritage

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Exaclty the same apart from the magpie logo on the third uniform.

Jumper 1- home worn away against Sydney
Jumper 2- home with white short worn against Brisbane, Gold Coast, GWS
Jumper 3- away worn against Adelaide, Carlton, Essendon, Fremantle Geelong, Hawthorn, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Port Adelaide, Richmond, St Kilda, West Coast, Western Bulldogs.
Jumper 4- Heritage

Kept the same, apart from the grey jumper which i have given grey shorts. The heritage kit is based on the uniform worn from 1975-1909 which had navy blue shorts.

Jumper 1- home jumper
jumper 2- home jumper with white short worn against North Melbourne, Western Bulldogs
Jumper 3- away jumper worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Collingwood, Fremantle, Geelong, Gold Coast, GWS, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Port, Richmond, St Kilda, Sydney and West Coast
Jumper 4- Heritage

I have brought back the anchor, because i believe it represents Fremantle better, but i have kept the 3 V'S on the away jumper. The heritage jumper is the dockers first jumper in the AFL.

Jumper 1- home jumper worn away against Sydney, Gold Coast
Jumper 2- home jumper with white shorts worn against Hawthorn, GWS
Jumper 3- away jumper worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Collingwood, Essendon, Geelong, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Port, Richmond, St Kilda, West Coast, Western Bulldogs
Gone with reversed colours for the home jumper, making it darker, and the away jumper features the cats logo in the stripes. Heritage is based on the 1897 jumper.

Jumper 1- home, worn away against Sydney, Gold Coast
Jumper 2- home with white shorts GWS, Hawthorn
Jumper 3- away jumper worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Collingwood, Essendon, Fremantle, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Port, Richmond, St Kilda, West Coast, Western Bulldogs
Jumper 4- Heritage cats.png
Gold Coast
Kept it the same, but added sun rays on the away jumper. Heritage is the Southport jumper.

Jumper 1- Home worn away Against Adelaide, Carlton, Collingwood, Fremantle, Geelong, Hawthorn, North Melbourne, Port, Richmond, West Coast, Western Bulldogs
Jumper 2- away worn against Brisbane, Essendon, GWS, Melbourne, St Kilda, Sydney
Jumper 3- Heritage

Home jumper is the same, for the away jumper i have swapped the charcoal and white around, and i have added the shoulder panel. The heritage jumper is their TAC Cup jumper from 2010.

Jumper 1- Home
Jumper 2- home with white shorts worn away against Collingwood, Geelong, North Melbourne
Jumper 3- away worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Essendon, Fremantle, Gold Coast, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Port, Richmond, St Kilda, Sydney, West coast and Western bulldogs
Jumper 4- heritage

Home jumper is the same, i thought i would make up my own away jumper for fun. Their heritage is their 1925 jumper.

Jumper 1- Home worn away against Sydney
Jumper 2- Home with white shorts worn away against Collingwood, Geelong, North Melbourne
Jumper 3-away worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Essendon, Fremantle, Gold Coast, GWS, Melbourne, Port, Richmond, St Kilda, West Coast and Western bulldogs
Jumper 4- Heritage
Home is the same, i've brought back the white away jumper and made my own red jumper too. I have added the MFC logo on the jumpers too. The heritage is from 1897.

Jumper 1- Home worn away against sydney
Jumper 2- away worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Essendon, Gold Coast, GWS, St Kilda
Jumper 3- third worn against Carlton, Collingwood, Fremantle, Geelong, Hawthorn, North Melbourne, Port, Richmond, West Coast, Western Bulldogs
Jumper 4- Heritage

North Melbourne
Reserved colours for both home and away jumpers, so basically their current home is now their away and their away is no the home jumper. The heritage jumper is from 1925.

Jumper 1- home worn away against Sydney
Jumper 2- home with white shorts worn away against Gold Coast
Jumper 3- away worn against Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Collingwood, Essendon ,Fremantle, Geelong, GWS, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Port, Richmond, St Kilda, West Coast, Western Bulldogs.
Jumper 4- Heritage

Port Adelaide
I have added the prison bars as a either a lighter or a darker shade(depends what jumper it is) and also made the teal third, which is basically the preseason jumper. The heritage is the usual port magpies jumper.

Jumper 1- home
Jumper 2- away worn against, Adelaide, Brisbane, Carlton, Fremantle, North Melbourne, West Coast, Western Bulldogs
Jumper 3- Collingwood, Essendon, Geelong, Gold Coast, GWS, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Richmond, St Kilda, Sydney
Jumper 4- Heritage

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