Justin Charles in serious car accident

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Originally posted by Danni
With a pinch of common courtesy thrown in as well.

These are concepts that seem foreign to C_J. I do believe at times he has intimated that such concepts don't exist and are nothing short of political correctness gone mad, or someone attempting to curb his perceived god given right of freedom of speech.

Such a shame..........

Common courtesy? over what? Perhaps he should have had the common courtesy to his teammates and supporters whenever he was making regular visits to his girlfriend Anna.... Anna Bolic that is

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Originally posted by skipper kelly
Heres an idea, why dont the mods just delete CJ's post and then no response is necessary. It appears the only posts deleted are ones that are against the mods themselves. You tell him to show common sense. Show it yourself and delete it.

What a load of claptrap. You complain when posts are deleted and complain when they aren't. Does it depend on whether they are your posts or someone elses?
Some commonsense from you wouldn't go astray either.
did everyone around here take angry pills today?
jeezz calm down...
his comment was slightly outta line...
nearly funny...
didnt deserve this...
Originally posted by skipper kelly
I beg your pardon, Fred. I have had 2 out of about 800 posts deleted.

1. I asked a mod was he/she "a slice short of a loaf". This was construed as personal abuse and deleted.

2. And the other was personal abuse which was correctly deleted.

I have reported 1 post to moderators which was after eg 1, and enquired tongue in cheek was it personal abuse.

Did I complain when my post was deleted. I asked the question, why? That is not complaining Fred.

Feel free to delete any of my posts you wish to, but stop the hypocrisy. As a moderator you should set the standards.

If you look at the post prior to mine, that person inferred that it should be deleted. Did you respond to him/her? No, because the word mod wasnt mentioned. Grow up Fred, you are not above criticism.

Incorrect. Your "slice short of a loaf "comment was a direct question to another poster and quoted their post. It had nothing to do with mods. You forgot to quote the "are you a" in front of it.

You have had 6 posts removed this month.

You seem to have the notion that all anti-mod posts are removed, which is totally wrong. I can only assume that you are referring to the Akermanis thread which had nineteen posts removed to clean it up and get it back on track. Three of those posts mentioned mods.

Perhaps you could be specific in what you are talking about?

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Originally posted by Docker_Brat
Says he who made light of someone being bashed. Hypocrite.

FWIW, I agree with Fred on this.

Posts should only be deleted as a last resort, so that freedom of speech on the internet reigns.

CJ made a tasteless post, those of us with taste hang crap on him, that's where it ends. Molehill has been built, mountain deemed unnecessary.
Originally posted by Petrie Dish
I think just about everyone reading this thread would have a witty comment about drugs in their head, but most would have the class to refrain from posting it.

Well said ...

Chris Judd ....you idiot
Originally posted by Voice of Reason
FWIW, I agree with Fred on this.

Posts should only be deleted as a last resort, so that freedom of speech on the internet reigns.

CJ made a tasteless post, those of us with taste hang crap on him, that's where it ends. Molehill has been built, mountain deemed unnecessary.

Whats with molehills and mountains????
Originally posted by Chris_Judd
Oh dear... how shameful of me to nmake reference to the fact that this man was a convicted drug cheat :rolleyes: I really should be more politically correct and just spurt on crap about what a great bloke he is instead :rolleyes:

The guy took a banned steriod and was punished. He didn't sell cocaine or herion. Big f^%$^*g deal. If he is indeed involved in this accident, he doesn't deserve to cop crap like this from
d ickheads like you. I'd like to see you in his place if he is and then have people hanging it on you you moron.
c_j you are obviously a very heartless person. I hope that you never lose someone in an accident like this as some of us have. If you had you would understand that these are not joking matters.

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Justin Charles in serious car accident

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