USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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When CBS fact check you and make substantial corrections then it truly is looking bleak for Dems:

So just looking at a more detailed version of this (as I don't have twitter so can't really see the detail of the tweet you have put) my link is

The fact check I have quoted does appear to take Trumps claim of not being aligned with project 2025 at face value, even though Trump allies have repeated parts ("Some Trump allies have discussed other executive actions outside of Congress that could limit abortion, such as enforcing the Comstock Act.")

So probably along the lines of the ALP mediscare - an exaggeration which is believable and plausible

The tax claim - Harris has used the estimate of the costs from tarriffs to the average family as caluclated by a source which is "liberal group the Center for American Progress Action, came up with a $3,900 figure but that was based on the high end of a 10% to 20% tariff range that Trump on one occasion speculated about." while it appears the Trump proposal is more now just 10%, so the cost seems more around $2000/ year/ family. Still a bit of a kick in the nads.

THe immunity from prosecution - its another plausible exaggeration which parlays into the fear of what partisan and likely corrupt judges in the SUpreme COurt may do (yes I went there again, I have no faith or trust in the USA institutions)

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Fact checking Trump seems to go straight to the keeper.
fact checking trump seems to be an exhausting and thankles task as Trump supporters in general are strongly in the feelings over facts camp and are often "low information" voters (ie hard to reach and hard to change their mind, will disbelieve information that they aren't predisoposed to accept)
How many muslims are there in America? About 3 million. How many people who normally vote Democrats want an arms embargo until Israel pulls out of Israel? Probably about 30 million people at least.
And again, why would they choose to vote for trump as he is worse on this issue?
I think given the degree of trump being worse they are just as likely to hold their nose and vote for Harris
But it would be difficult to publish research on something like this (as it would be a constantly changing target in terms of the decision to not vote vs vote for harris)
And again, why would they choose to vote for trump as he is worse on this issue?
I think given the degree of trump being worse they are just as likely to hold their nose and vote for Harris
But it would be difficult to publish research on something like this (as it would be a constantly changing target in terms of the decision to not vote vs vote for harris)
They won't vote for trump. It's not compulsory voting, so a usual vote for Democrats that is not made, means one less vote for the Dems since the last election.
... which will not swing votes to the Republicans. About all the influence it will have is disincentivising some for whom this is a prominent issue away from voting at all, as their views will not be represented by either party.

It's also near impossible to estimate the degree to which this will affect the Democrats, but it's - as stated by Ohitsthatguy - not an election issue.
I will admit to some confusion, in that if we can't estimate the degree of the impact, how can we conclusively say it is not an election issue. I think we can say that it wont cause votes to flip, but non attendance/ non voting could cause swing states to flip. But the flip side is whether more votes will be lost (by non appearance or by flipping) if one takes the more hardline anti Bibi stance.
They won't vote for trump. It's not compulsory voting, so a usual vote for Democrats that is not made, means one less vote for the Dems since the last election.
Sorry, I understand that, but I also can see that going hard on this issue (anti Bibi) could get conflated into an "antisemitism/ betrayal of ally" narrative and could lose more votes too.
I don’t get it, where has your outrage been against Trump’s position, and him wining and dining the war criminal at MAR and telling BIBi to REFUSE the cease fire that Biden is constantly trying to negotiate?
I am outraged at trump like any normal person.If you want to try and spin some positive on what Genocide Joe has done, you're being insincere. Biden is not reflecting the views of Democratic voters.
He rolled out the red carpet for Netanyahu , who faces war crimes charges ,and sends billions of dollars worth of munitions, just like trump would do.
I thought it was intertwined in that there is some belief in the evangelical types around the need for a rebuilt Jerusalem to trigger second coming (I probably have butchered it because the whole lot makes as much sense as the afl mrp)
I have no idea, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there is a group out there who are actively obsessed and plotting something like that.
Most likely some might use that as a grift to get a new private jet. :winkv1:
I am outraged at trump like any normal person.If you want to try and spin some positive on what Genocide Joe has done, you're being insincere. Biden is not reflecting the views of Democratic voters.
He rolled out the red carpet for Netanyahu , who faces war crimes charges ,and sends billions of dollars worth of munitions, just like trump would do.
I will admit to some confusion, in that if we can't estimate the degree of the impact, how can we conclusively say it is not an election issue.
Because the votes do not drain to the other party. The only third position available is not voting, and the voter turnout is something that can only be known in hindsight.

Ergo, insisting that it's an election issue when it both parties are aligned and the voters will be motivated to vote by other issues is silly until after the election.

Go nuts afterward. Right now, the Pubs and Dems are ostensibly aligned on this, and not voting is a seat Americans take for a myriad of reasons already.

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Sorry, I understand that, but I also can see that going hard on this issue (anti Bibi) could get conflated into an "antisemitism/ betrayal of ally" narrative and could lose more votes too.
that's the zionist approach. they wilfully conflate criticism of israel with criticism of judaism as a faith. they are mutually exclusive.
Because the votes do not drain to the other party. The only third position available is not voting, and the voter turnout is something that can only be known in hindsight.

Ergo, insisting that it's an election issue when it both parties are aligned and the voters will be motivated to vote by other issues is silly until after the election.

Go nuts afterward. Right now, the Pubs and Dems are ostensibly aligned on this, and not voting is a seat Americans take for a myriad of reasons already.
Ah so it is a perspective/ semantic difference; whereas i think AP is taking it as a potential factor influencing the election result - hence an election issue.
You’ve been listening to Trump’s lies a little bit too much haven’t you.
You have NFI about any actual facts and statistics , just the lies out of Trump’s mouth.
Why doesn’t your hero Trump’s behaviour make you sick?
Is it because he is white perhaps?
Do you know who actually carry out massive amounts of rapes in the US?
White pastors, church leaders, GOP members of Congress and the supreme one, old Trump.
And of course they also want to force those rape victims, even children, to carry their rapist child.
And pregnancies thru incest too with all the genetic risks
FFS - he is saying that some people who would normally turn up and vote ‘straight ticket’ Democrat, are unlikely to - due to the Government’s reaction.

Clearly for you it is significant. Many just wish Israel and Palestine would develop solutions - probably makes them shallow, but so be it.
Yes which is one lost vote for Harris, better than voting trump, but still a lost vote so it clearly is an election issue was my point.
i know the swing states are the key. nonetheless, harris leading the scam artist by 48.8–44.8 is encouraging.

Battleground States

Harris 47.3%
Trump 45.8%
Other 6.9%

Given standard deviation, and other/undecided, that is line ball. Certainly not ruling out likelihood of Trump getting the required 270 electoral votes.

General consensus is that Democrats need to be leading by 2 percentage points in the ‘polls’ - which VP Harris may have in the midwestern Rust belt; Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin (48.2% to 45.4%).
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Battleground States

Harris 47.3%
Trump 45.8%
Other 6.9%

Given standard deviation, and other/undecided, that is line ball. Certainly not ruling out likelihood of Trump getting the required 270 electoral votes.

General consensus is that Democrats need to be leading by 2 percentage points in the ‘polls’ - which VP Harris may have in the midwestern Rust belt; Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin (48.2% to 45.4%).
We can only hope that the Tax dodging felon Rump doesn't get elected again.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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