USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Probably thinks John Howard is a communist Marxist wokester
Its amazing the MAGA supporters on this forum seem to completely disregard policy that we univerally think is good in Australia (on all sides of politics), and think anyone trying to change them is a communist marxist wokester. These people either a) hate Australia and think they live in a totalitarian communist state b) Just really stupid c) Disingenuous, don't care about policy just want to "own the left" (or the centre, centre-right, basically anyone who is not One Nation in australian terms)

That damn pinko commie Harris trying to subvert American freedom with lower prices from day one. the Republican Party would have to be the dumbest entity, with the stupidest candidates and the worst platform policies. Yep, definitely tanking this election

Does Trump have a plan to lower prices, aside from him just being president will make everything magically go well?

Or is it trickle down economics? Lower taxes for the rich will mean they will then charge less?

They have no platform or plan, Trump is no different to the previous neocons, just appears more angry, when he is really just Bush/Cheney on steroids.

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Its amazing the MAGA supporters on this forum seem to completely disregard policy that we univerally think is good in Australia (on all sides of politics), and think anyone trying to change them is a communist marxist wokester. These people either a) hate Australia and think they live in a totalitarian communist state b) Just really stupid c) Disingenuous, don't care about policy just want to "own the left" (or the centre, centre-right, basically anyone who is not One Nation in australian terms)

With their takes on US policy I'm often left wondering how they function in Australian society, hell maybe they don't - I'd be too scared to leave the house too if I had their apparent views, socialism everywhere :drunk:
This is just further proof they have nothing on Walz to attack him with. "His brother is MAGA" I don't care, what on earth does it have to do with anything.

Do Trump supporters worry themselves with his neice writing books about him?
If I find out Walz told his brother to let his disabled son die and move to Florida, I’ll absolutely hate him.

But that hasn’t happened. Well, not to Walz.
You are the perfect example. Every post of yours towards me is dripping with hostility for no reason other than we might disagree politically.
On the flip side most of your posts seem angry, or you acting like you are persecuted. (for defending the rich 0.0000001%)

I mean I am all for honest and rational debate, and to be fair you haven't really attacked me individually, but can you come up with a few things as to how a MAGA Trump world would improve the lives of the majority of people? Or even yours? (I mean none of us live in America so impact is more indirect, but you get what I am asking)

With their takes on US policy I'm often left wondering how they function in Australian society, hell maybe they don't - I'd be too scared to leave the house too if I had their apparent views, socialism everywhere :drunk:
I imagine they instruct their GP not to bulk bill them because they aren’t a commie.
Its amazing the MAGA supporters on this forum seem to completely disregard policy that we univerally think is good in Australia (on all sides of politics), and think anyone trying to change them is a communist marxist wokester. These people either a) hate Australia and think they live in a totalitarian communist state b) Just really stupid c) Disingenuous, don't care about policy just want to "own the left" (or the centre, centre-right, basically anyone who is not One Nation in australian terms)

I doubt they think about it that much, mostly it just seems to be throwing out buzzwords.


Sigh. Why does this cretin always attack childless women and not deliberately barren men.

Its because men can have kids whenever, and he is a sexist fundamentalist weirdo.

His idea that people who have kids care more about the future than those who don't is absurd. I think its a bit of projection on his part, in that he probably never gave a shit about anyone or anything, until he had kids.

Now he is using personal ambition (just hitching wagon to the most profitable thing going at the time) to make the most wealth possible as a trojan horse for "doing it for his kids". I think he also believes the world is so fundamentally broken he just has to get whatever is his however possible, with no moral compass.
Agree. As John Howard said: “politics is a contest of ideas, not a public relations competition.” Nothing untoward about furthering debate by expressing alternate views, however unpopular, on solutions to the challenges confronting the modern world.

However posting falsehoods suggests a lack of intellect, or a person that is a dead set ****. It is the latter that are placed on IGNORE.
Exactly and if your ideas don't get up and aren't popular enough with the electorate, you accept you lost.

Trump will never do that, and his supporters now try to somehow try and twist this as something normal, or some bizarre false equivalence to Hilary in 2016, or Gore in 2000.
Trump is not a conservative.

He is a populist, who shifts his position to the one which benefits him most.
Which largely ends up being conservative, in that its just all about tax breaks for the rich, and doing whatever his donors want (or the highest bidder wants).

Also, anyone who thinks he is anti-war, I would like someone to tell me a coherant argument to support that.

I am also fully aware the dems are part of the war machine as well, but Trump's stance on Israel is actually somehow even worse than the Dems.
Exactly. He doesn’t have policies - make America great, a return to common sense, end inflation, prevent WW111 are not policies.

His behavior - not paying suppliers and contractors, groping women, stealing from charities, belittling the disabled … is what makes him repugnant. He is the embodiment of the ugly male; anti-intellectual bigot, avaricious, braggard, grifter, hypocrite, ignorant, illmannered, lecherous, misogynistic, uncouth and unpoetic.
All true. Also inflation is fine now, Rate is at,long term average of 3.28%.

It is below the long term average, just Trump only deals with slogans and generalities, and too dumb to pivot.

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I doubt they think about it that much, mostly it just seems to be throwing out buzzwords.


Correct, I am sure they don't know what Marxism is (or who it is named after), what communism is, what socialism is or what fascism is.

Though I guess knowing stuff is just for pinko virtue signalling lefties.
He's also literally copy and pasting the same things he said about Biden to Harris, there's video of it. There's nothing about him that actually deals with reality.
Anyone still with him now is just supporting him for the show (those who think all politics is just a pointless game and makes no difference so find him funny), for hating the libs, or having got themselves in too deep to admit they have been duped so are doubling down.

No one can claim the anti-establishment schtick is real now, he is more corrupt and more in favour of the rich than any of the neocons he was supposedly replacing with a "populist" alternative.

He has just ratcheted up the racism/anger/zenophobia and intent on trashing democracy. Though all that is worthwhile to many cos it "triggers the libs".
Sigh. Why does this cretin always attack childless women and not deliberately barren men.

" It's the birthrates, it's the birthrates, it's the birthrates "
On the flip side most of your posts seem angry, or you acting like you are persecuted. (for defending the rich 0.0000001%)

I mean I am all for honest and rational debate, and to be fair you haven't really attacked me individually, but can you come up with a few things as to how a MAGA Trump world would improve the lives of the majority of people? Or even yours? (I mean none of us live in America so impact is more indirect, but you get what I am asking)
I find it very hard to argue with you because your assumptions about me are always so far off.
Great choice Kommola, teaming up with someone who has just as much integrity as you:

Please, by all means

try and run with a " Military service record " attack line

I'm ****in' beggin' ya !!!
Wow. She doesn’t mean “we will actually follow up on that.”

What she really means here is she wants the viewer to think Tulsi is lying. That’s what Bash is doing and it was deliberate. She was ready with that knowing Tulsi would bring it up.

More deception from the shamelessly biased leftist media:

Wow. She doesn’t mean “we will actually follow up on that.”

What she really means here is she wants the viewer to think Tulsi is lying. That’s what Bash is doing and it was deliberate. She was ready with that knowing Tulsi would bring it up.

More deception from the shamelessly biased leftist media:

How would Bash know about a “secret terror watch list?”

And how would Gabbard know about this list if it’s a secret? Has it been proven to be true?
How would Bash know about a “secret terror watch list?”

And how would Gabbard know about this list if it’s a secret? Has it been proven to be true?
It sounds like Master Chef level cookery.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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