USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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for those who say kamala hasn’t taken positions on anything >

for those who say kamala hasn’t taken positions on anything >

Mostly it's pro-Trumper's who don't seem to understand that 'making shit up on the fly' isn't actually a policy platform. The parties set the policy platform. Something the Republicans don't appear to have done since 2016.
I don't doubt Clintons failings as a candidate contributed, just as I'm pretty sure it's in the US establishment interest, of all colors, to deny Russian interference changed anything. When you look at all the different modalities that we know the Russians were successful with and the means by which Trump squeaked in, I don't think you can actually say that Russian interference didn't get him over the line. There may be things they did we don't know about.

That bolded bit is a fair point. But at the same time all Mueller could find was grubby financial crimes and one of the people done for that was a long time US spook. And he basically said wtte "just cos we didn't find evidence doesn't mean it didn't happen." You can't make any legal finding on the basis of that.

Trumps performance at the Helsinki conference showed a beaten dog submitting to it's owner and his words supported that - he expressed a believe in what Putin told him over the US security agencies. And that little private tete-tete they had, unrecorded where they swapped banana cake recipes. The whole event was so extraordinary, I took it as Putin owning the Don, in part by meddling successfully in the election and getting him elected. Trumps remained unnaturally Putin and Russia friendly since.
Fair enough but I disagree. Its just as likely to me that Trump would push Putin's view to discredit any revelation of all the rorts associated with his campaign and campaign team.

I don't Clinton was ever gonna win ... but maybe releasing the emails sealed the deal, in which case the interference helped ...

but I don't think in that specific case its a bad thing.

After all one of the most significant things (imo) from those emails was Clinton saying she trusted Wall St (specifically Goldman) to guide her on financial regulation within a few years of the GFC. Making that sort of information public, along with the stuff from the DNC about shafting Sanders, is a public service imo. If that cost the election its her fault for doing that stuff, not someone else's for publicising it.

Basically if you said Russia produced internet propaganda aimed at influencing an election I wouldn't disagree but if that's why Trump won the election that raises so many more questions about how close the election was (given its Donald Trump as the other candidate, that situation was a joke in the Simpsons ffs,) why it was close and how many failures let that situation evolve.

And none of them have been properly addressed imo.

Because of the moral panic around Russia interfering in the election.

IE I think its a distraction from more important issues and I am seeing the same distraction being used right now regarding a potential race war in the UK and earlier this winter over French fascism in the Pacific.

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I have watched one of her rallies which means Ive watched all of them.

She talks about 'On day one I will...'. She is currently in the White House. Why does she have to wait? She is the government.

And if the obviously staged presser impresses you then the bar set for Kamala is even lower than it was for Biden.

And we can debate the various policies when they are announced by Harris. I still cant see snything on her website.
I think we are getting off track here - let's refocus on the big issues.

Would you choose electrocution or the shark?
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...I don't Clinton was ever gonna win ... but maybe releasing the emails sealed the deal, in which case the interference helped ....
I'm not sure how you can say that, she got 2.9 million more votes than Trump. If the system was not distorted/corrupted she would have won. Certainly the emails lost her votes, beautifully matched to Trumps messaging "Crooked Hilary" and "Lock her up" and delivered with maximum impact. Heck, even I started chanting "Lock her up" and punching my fist in the air. Very powerful propaganda. This time, it's all missing. The old switcheroo wrong footed them, it's been done so well, I do wonder, if we are seeing the Dems Plan A. Maybe no one told Joe, or they did and he simply forgot.
If the Harris/Walz ticket is defeated in November, it won't be for lack of trying.

No policy missteps since Biden announced he was not seeking re-election, and the absolutely correct choice in VP. If you are claiming you weren't voting Democrat because of when Harris misspoke at the 2016 Democrat primaries or when Walz wasn't entirely accurate about his claim to have a gun in his hand, but are still voting for Trump/Vance, you were never voting for her anyway and you aren't a moderate or swinging voter.

The polls reflect this complete change in momentum. Still think Trump/Vance are favourite because they are still edging out the other side in Georgia, Pennsylvania and the rust belt but at least we hopefully have a contest now.
I'm not sure how you can say that, she got 2.9 million more votes than Trump. If the system was not distorted/corrupted she would have won. Certainly the emails lost her votes, beautifully matched to Trumps messaging "Crooked Hilary" and "Lock her up" and delivered with maximum impact. Heck, even I started chanting "Lock her up" and punching my fist in the air. Very powerful propaganda. This time, it's all missing. The old switcheroo wrong footed them, it's been done so well, I do wonder, if we are seeing the Dems Plan A. Maybe no one told Joe, or they did and he simply forgot.
I can't see Trump winning this time.

Clinton had alot of baggage he could exploit, and honestly that probably a fair situation.

Re the bolded. I think the US was set up that way wasn't it? Not so much a pure democracy as a managed one. And that's without all the racist policies denying some people votes. Trump got lucky because he was able to exploit the other candidate's sense of entitlement at a time when people were sick of that shit. (And I think all that Russia stuff might have prevented a fair examination of all that.)

You mentioned upthread about him being like mid-20C dictators but i said he was missing one vital personality trait they had.

That was competence.

If he had that this election wouldn't be happening and the US would already be a dictatorship. (Or he'd have never gone into politics cos he was successful in business, instead of being a fraud.) He doesn't have it tho - he's an incompetent clown.

The only way he wins is if the other side **** up big time imo.
I can't see Trump winning this time.

Clinton had alot of baggage he could exploit, and honestly that probably a fair situation.

Re the bolded. I think the US was set up that way wasn't it? Not so much a pure democracy as a managed one. And that's without all the racist policies denying some people votes. Trump got lucky because he was able to exploit the other candidate's sense of entitlement at a time when people were sick of that shit. (And I think all that Russia stuff might have prevented a fair examination of all that.)

You mentioned upthread about him being like mid-20C dictators but i said he was missing one vital personality trait they had.

That was competence.

If he had that this election wouldn't be happening and the US would already be a dictatorship. (Or he'd have never gone into politics cos he was successful in business, instead of being a fraud.) He doesn't have it tho - he's an incompetent clown.

The only way he wins is if the other side **** up big time imo.

There was still a few holdouts intent on allowing the democratic institutions to operate democratically. They've already told us they plan to fix that this time around.

What happens if Mike Pence doesn't grow a conscience at the last minute?

Most dictators didn't just happen upon authoritarian dictatorship the first time around. Sometimes it took a couple of goes. Sometimes it took years of undermining the democratic institutions.
There was still a few holdouts intent on allowing the democratic institutions to operate democratically. They've already told us they plan to fix that this time around.

What happens if Mike Pence doesn't grow a conscience at the last minute?

Most dictators didn't just happen upon authoritarian dictatorship the first time around. Sometimes it took a couple of goes. Sometimes it took years of undermining the democratic institutions.
Are you arguing that Trump is competent?
You mentioned upthread about him being like mid-20C dictators but i said he was missing one vital personality trait they had.

That was competence.
I was going to suggest "Invading Russia" but that's really on the list of silly things western countries must never do.
There is a stereotype of German competence & efficiency, from my reading I don't think the third Reich was ran with competence or efficiency.
I think it's more about the people around Trump than Trump himself. Stacking the SCOTUS didn't start with Trump's appointees, and I think Trump himself is easily bought.
Yeah to a point.

If Trump had engaged as fully with the conservative Christian element in US politics as he has recently we may have already seen it. Decades ago elements of that movement talked about their decades long plan for US politics. The may regret not buying him earlier.

Trump shows there's a market for that sort of fascism in the US but I don't think it gains real momentum while the alternatives do their best to represent people fairly. Harris' VP selection might be a very good thing in that context.

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I was going to suggest "Invading Russia" but that's really on the list of silly things western countries must never do.
There is a stereotype of German competence & efficiency, from my reading I don't think the third Reich was ran with competence or efficiency.
I think it was before the war.

But its only one example. There were at least three other western European dictatorships ... and thinking about it the one's that didn't get caught up in ww2 (Spain and Portugal) lasted for decades. Portugal appears to have got by without the sort of brutal repression most fascist nations in Europe and South America were known for as well (but I don't know enough about it to be completely sure of that - it seems that way.)
In situations like these I always ask maiself "What would that great man Hannibal Lecter do?"

He'd eat Donald Trump's liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Why was Harris so unliked previously? What was her “knock”
For me it was her invisibility in Bidens sphere

Not that I took any great notice - I saw more of Pete and Raskin than I did Harris

I also thought she had a stilted speaking style . It seems she is working on that and has gelled very well with Walz.

Unlike Vance and Donald
Mostly it's pro-Trumper's who don't seem to understand that 'making shit up on the fly' isn't actually a policy platform. The parties set the policy platform. Something the Republicans don't appear to have done since 2016.

trump takes no notice of their policy position. on any account, doubt he's ever read their platform
Whilst I may have missed out on certain privileges the last 7 days through my own fault, what an amazing flip of the coin this race has taken.
Trump is utterly cooked, he’s done, a whiny, old, weird, rapist, paedophile, insurrectionist, felon, loser, scum, fraud, charity thief, fat, dementia ridden, broke broke ass divorcee times 3, bald, shit golfer, wannabe human, shit father, disgusting person, micro-penised individual humanity has ever produced.
We should be ashamed we allowed him to be cultivated under our watch.

The JOY Kamala and Tim have thrust into this space is incredible, it’s real, the laughter is a natural elixir, it engages on a level even the rusted on diehards see and yearn for.
The BLUE WAVE is coming and there’s nothing couch ****er and Epsteins plane guy can do a thing about it!
Their fake 70 electors will be in prison or shot by military if they so much intimate trying subvert democracy this time.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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