USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Hmm I highly doubt the average American when voting comes around that Ukraine/Russia is before, Health, Wages/Jobs, Education, Woman's rights, voting rights, immigration etc etc. Doubt it would even register at 0.0000000001%.

So no reply to post #600?
325 billion dollars will fix alot of those problems. Spending more on Ukraine then you have in border patrol since 1980s must be a issue no?

How do you summarise that isnt a important thing to regiser?
325 billion dollars will fix alot of those problems. Spending more on Ukraine then you have in border patrol since 1980s must be a issue no?

How do you summarise that isnt a important thing to regiser?
I agree, Trump should definitely run with the Russia/Ukraine issue as his main campaign strategy. Give it top priority, his main pitch to get elected.
325 billion dollars will fix alot of those problems. Spending more on Ukraine then you have in border patrol since 1980s must be a issue no?
Why are you going on about Ukraine in the Kamala Harris thread, there is another thread for all that.

How do you summarise that isnt a important thing to regiser?
See above

Still no reply to post #600
325 billion dollars will fix alot of those problems. Spending more on Ukraine then you have in border patrol since 1980s must be a issue no?

How do you summarise that isnt a important thing to regiser?
It isn't an either or scenario.

The US can do both, preferably they reform taxation at the same time to help balance the books.

Obviously some are just ideologically opposed to Ukraine spending (which is significantly just giving them surplus or older materiel), and will just use separate issues to justify leaving them to the Russians.
Kamala is just making stuff now at her pandering rallies, her immigration record is abysmal. Yes, please put up your immigration record against Trump any day of the week. In fact put up any of your successful accomplishments any day of the week. Sadly, Americans are pretty stupid, they actually might fall for all of her embarrassing gaffes.
Turning up to work for lunch, watching TV, whining and grifting aren’t accomplishments.

Trump dumped the GOP Policy Platform in 2018. He has grievances not policies, let alone legislative initiatives that address the challenges confronting his nation.
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Zero policies, yet another never before seen phenomenon in US politics!

You guys are utterly hilarious :tearsofjoy:
The VPs job is not to announce her personal positions on the challenges facing the nation, that contradict the party’s platform and the stated views of the POTUS and cabinet secretaries.
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There are usually strong specific policy statements in POTUS elections I think. Clinton had "It's the economy, stupid." They have to appeal to wider audiences and don't want to held to their word in case they can't get it done, ie. Trump's Mexican paid border wall. As said above, policies are also a part of the party's position, not just the POTUS.
Character, integrity, and intelligence are all important aspects to a candidate. You have to trust his/her ability to make smart, measured, and effective decisions under stress. Selecting a good staff and appointing a good Cabinet is also crucial. The POTUS often has no expertise in a subject, so he/she decides based on them. It has forever been true that the appearance of a potential leader was important. Even more so in the television age. Nixon sweating on TV. Dukakis might have had amazing policy ideas and an ability to push them through, but he just did give off leader vibes.
What clear policies have candidates in the past 30 years had?
I believe Harris has no more radical ideas as Obama had. She will have to work with the rest of her party to get things done. That is politics.
And as was posted above, her opinions on issues have already been made clear.
I never said you think trump is a good president.

I've only stated that your attitude toward a trump presidency is rather nonchalant, I'm explaining why you shouldn't be.

Trump is an isolationist, only cares about murica and seemingly has a penchant to 'meh' any democratic alliance.

Has stated that he couldn't care less what Putin does.

Get out of jail cards? You think trump will abide by them? Do we really wanna find out? I don't.
Hirdy acts like he just stepped out of 2015 and is an old school corporate democrat, who thinks the system works perfectly and no democratic norms have been attempted to be undermined by the republicans, both subtley and rather blatantly in the 9 years since (especially 2020 onwards).
And thats more important then 500,000 deaths in Russia/Ukraine is it?

You all spent more time commenting on a singular comment to one journalist then you have on Kamalas abilityto end this war.....

I mean that is a form of derangement syndrome id say. Not sure what we should call it though
Yes, just letting Russia take Ukraine over will mean no more loss of life and everyone living happily ever after.

What are your thoughts on Israel's actions in Gaza?
So she isn't a DEI pick? Where are they going with this?
The birth certificate has been available on Kamala's Wikipedia entry since 2020.


Her father is Jamaican which a simple google search will show was an island nation central to the development of the slave trade. The Spanish brought large numbers of Africans to Jamaica as slaves after the arrival of Christopher Columbus - the explorer most Americans (weongly) think discovered the continental US.

To say Kamala Harris is not black is ignorant BS. But that doesn't matter to Trump and the MAGAs. Like he did with Obama birther BS, he makes the statement not because he thinks it's true but because he thinks it will ring the racist bells of his ignorant flock.
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Doesn't mean it'll be the same 'nothing to see here', and we shouldn't want to find out to be honest.
As we know, when there is an insurrection and failed coup attempt the wannabe dictator who failed goes "oh terribly sorry, won't do that again" then everyone lives happily ever after.

Its amazing how people have normalised what he set in motion in during 2020 up to Jan 6 2021. Also what he continues to say now.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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