USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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Further to my point I guess my issue is people who identify as centrists who do the following:

- only take a cursory view of politics so think both sides are as bad as each other, and claim to be above the fray

- Will try and take the middle ground position on the 2 major parties. Meaning if you get a MAGA type pivot to the far right in one of your major parties, your belief system automatically changes. (I.e. you don’t really believe in anything)

- The both sides are just has bad as each other, but then only ever criticise the left leaning parties. (I don’t really see it in reverse)

- The fake centrists who are anti any change to the status quo, which basically means they are conservatives
Further to my point I guess my issue is people who identify as centrists who do the following:

- only take a cursory view of politics so think both sides are as bad as each other, and claim to be above the fray

- Will try and take the middle ground position on the 2 major parties. Meaning if you get a MAGA type pivot to the far right in one of your major parties, your belief system automatically changes. (I.e. you don’t really believe in anything)

- The both sides are just has bad as each other, but then only ever criticise the left leaning parties. (I don’t really see it in reverse)

- The fake centrists who are anti any change to the status quo, which basically means they are conservatives
There is a pretty strong argument that both major parties are right of centre.
There is a pretty strong argument that both major parties are right of centre.

The ALP would be downright communist by US standards, even most Democrats would at best be about as far left as the LNP.

Most of the people claiming their ‘centrists’ seem to be Trump supporters; which couldn’t be any less center.

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Vote for parties that run on policies designed to protect them from discrimination or mistreatment, it's not rocket science.

If you do, you have nothing to worry about.

If you don't, you've made your bed and can lie in it and stop whinging.
Well we don't have parties with practical ideals to eliminate discrimination and or mistreatment of minorities.

We've got a govt. that pretend to have concern for minorities but don't, they're more focused on winning votes from the majority and pretend they care about issues that are forefront for Jan and Joe public, like col.

Then you've got the right wing 'liberals', then you've got left wing Greens which only attract votes from minorities.

So what do you propose us centrists do apart from vote for the govt.?

So by your logic every centrist is not doing enough, it's the classic 'vibe' from irrational progressives.Yes they should stop whinging.
I love creating a narrative as to why I'm being shat on for my political views and then expecting people to argue with said narrative.

If you've got some actual examples of this happening and it being unreasonable, provide them.

Otherwise it's actually hilarious that you're expecting to have your whinge taken seriously.
I'm not having a whinge, it's you that is whinging and doesn't have the gumption to reply directly.
Well we don't have parties with practical ideals to eliminate discrimination and or mistreatment of minorities.

We've got a govt. that pretend to have concern for minorities but don't, they're more focused on winning votes from the majority and pretend they care about issues that are forefront for Jan and Joe public, like col.

Then you've got the right wing 'liberals', then you've got left wing Greens which only attract votes from minorities.

So what do you propose us centrists do apart from vote for the govt.?

So by your logic every centrist is not doing enough, it's the classic 'vibe' from irrational progressives.Yes they should stop whinging.
Hahaha this is a load of hogwash, you could just swat away any policy idea you don't like as being impractical. You've just given a blanket example which doesn't explain anything. If you want your point to have any merit, you'd need to:

a) point to some actual left-wing policy that has been suggested previously and why you disagree with it, and

b) show somebody actually calling you a campaigner for having said views.
I'm not having a whinge, it's you that is whinging and doesn't have the gumption to reply directly.
I dunno, you and your centrist buddy started having a cry about the plight of centrists despite nobody asking. Seems like a whinge to me. 🤷‍♂️
Again I really don't care if you identify as a centrist, I just think suggesting that centrists have their views or credentials as a centrist challenged more than anyone claiming to be anything else is laughable.

I don't think my views are radical, I'm sure others do. I don't really care. Same for conservatives on this board. I dunno why you're posting your views on a politics board if you don't want them to be challenged.
a) point to some actual left-wing policy that has been suggested previously and why you disagree with it, and
No I don't.
I dunno, you and your centrist buddy started having a cry about the plight of centrists despite nobody asking. Seems like a whinge to me. 🤷‍♂️
Show us all the crying you claim on may part and my 'centrist' buddy. (whoever that is)
Again I really don't care if you identify as a centrist,

I don't really care.
See above.
Sorry, I'm new here. Are centrists bad now? Why??
No, there's nothing inherently wrong with centrists.

I was just amused by a few posts a few pages back about centrists on here getting a raw deal.

Anyway, not worth clogging up the thread further so I'll leave it there.

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My guy, the only reason any of us even know who the centrists on here are is because of how quick they are to tell us they're centrists.
See I would also classify many of the posters here as being in that broad stretch of “centrist” there’s a few who are looney left or raged right but many can have rational discussions
Does she?
She supports deporting white Americans because they are the invaders of North America.
I think you're backing the wrong horse pal.
She a lot more rationale than 99% of posters on this board. Some really unhinged people here that if they can’t articulate a counter-argument just resort to the laughing emoji on every conservative post. Sad reflection on their ability to hold honest conversation tbh.
She a lot more rationale than 99% of posters on this board. Some really unhinged people here that if they can’t articulate a counter-argument just resort to the laughing emoji on every conservative post. Sad reflection on their ability to hold honest conversation tbh.
Yeah, but when people post long, thoughtful responses, we get mostly crickets. Almost like you guys selectively respond to the low hanging fruit, but will then complain that it's all you get.
She a lot more rationale than 99% of posters on this board. Some really unhinged people here that if they can’t articulate a counter-argument just resort to the laughing emoji on every conservative post. Sad reflection on their ability to hold honest conversation tbh.
As opposed to not being able to articulate a response by ignoring, disappearing or creating a new account

Well then I will give a laughing emoji and say Yippe Yi Oh

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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